
State Wide Technology

Industrial Technology
  • IET 10400 Industrial Organization (3 cr.)

    Class 3. A detailed survey of organizational structure: operations, finances, marketing, accounting, management, planning, control, personnel, quality, safety, wages, policy, and the human factors necessary for effective management.

  • IT 21400 Introducation to Lean Manufacturing (3 cr.) Introduction to Lean Manufacturing, 3cr, Lean manufacturing is a systematic approachto eliminating non-value added activities throughout a production system. Five basic principles characterize a lean production system: value definition, value stream mapping, flow optimization,pull production, and continuous improvement.
  • IT 23000 Industrial Supply Chain Management (3 cr.) Industrial Supply Chain Management, 3cr, A study of industrial supply chains. Emphasis is on in-plant shipping and receiving functions; modes of distribution; functions of, and services provided by supply chains. Emphasis is placed on how manufacturers, distributors and end users can provide value in the supply chain.
  • IT 33200 Purchasing, Inventory, and Warehouse Management (3 cr.)

    A course designed to developunderstanding of types of warehouses, methods of organizing the warehouse environment, and determining efficient inventory control procedures. Purchasing of products, storage of inventory, placement of inventory and other internal logistics management topics will be explored. Real world
    projects conducted in lab environment will be utilized.

  • IT 34200 Introduction to Statistical Quality (3 cr.)

    Basic concepts of quality systems in business and manufacturing settings are presented. Basic statistical methods as applied to quality control, and an introduction to sampling plans are included. Field trips may be required.

  • IT 34500 Automatic Identification and Data Capture (3 cr.)

    The course studies systems used to automate data collection and identify physical objects. Keyless data entry, biometrics, electromagnetics, magnetics, optics, smart cards, and touch input will be utilized. The role of
    electronic data interchange (EDI) will be studied. Field trips may be required.

  • IT 35100 Advanced Industrial Safety And Health Management (3 cr.)

    An introduction to OSHA and standards development for occupational health in general industry. Special emphasis is on fire protection and egress, flammable and combustible liquids, electrical, personal protective equipment, machine guarding, industrial hygiene/blood borne pathogens, ergonomics, and ISO 9000/14000 integration.

  • IT 44200 Production Planning (3 cr.) A study of industrial organization and management, research and development, production, personnel, and sales. Examples of the procedures necessary to provide a product or service are included. Field trips may be required
Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • MET 11100 Applied Statics (3 cr.)

    Class 2, Lab 2. P: 10500. C: MATH 15400. A study of force systems, resultants and equilibrium, trusses, frames, centroids of areas, and center of gravity of bodies.

  • MET 14200 Manufacturing Processes (3 cr.)

    Class 2, Lab 3; or Class 3. P: 14100. Basic casting, forming, and joining processes are surveyed. The course emphasizes the selection and application of various processes.

  • MET 21100 Applied Strength of Materials (4 cr.)

    Class 3, Lab 2; or Class 4. P: 11100 and 16300 or 16000. C: MATH 22100. The principles of strength, stiffness, and stability are introduced and applied primarily to mechanical components.

  • MET 21300 Dynamics (4 cr.)

    Class 2, Lab 2; or Class 3. P: 11100. C: MATH 22100. Kinematics and kinetics principles of rigid-body dynamics are introduced. Emphasis is on the analysis of bodies in plane motion.

  • MET 21400 Machine Elements (3 cr.)

    Class 3. P: 21100 and PHYS 21800. The theories and methods of statics, dynamics, and strength of materials applied to the selection of basic machine components. The course will develop the fundamental principles required to select the individual elements making up a machine.

  • MET 23000 Fluid Power (3 cr.)

    Class 2, Lab 2; or Class 3. P: 11100,  PHYS 21800. This course consists of the study of compressible and incompressible fluid statics and dynamics as applied to hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, motors, transmissions, and controls.

  • MET 24200 Manufacturing Processes II (3 cr.)

    Class 2, Lab 2. P: MET 14100, MATH 15900 or 15400 or MET 16200, CIT 13500 or MET 16300. This course surveys the manufacturing processes and tools commonly used to convert cast, forged, molded, and wrought materials into finished products. It includes the basic mechanisms of material removal, measurement, quality control, assembly processes, safety, process planning, and automated manufacturing. Not open to students having credit for 135 or 281.

  • MET 34000 Piping and Plumbing Design (3 cr.)

    Class 3. P: 22000. Design of plumbing systems, including losses in pipes, fittings, nozzles, orifices, etc. Includes steam, water, and oil systems. Piping handbooks and catalogs are used in conjunction with the State of Indiana Plumbing Code.

  • MET 42600 Internal Combustion Engines (3 cr.)

    Class 2, Lab 3. P: 22000. A study of the spark ignition, compression ignition, and continuous-burning internal combustion engines.

Organizational Leadership
  • OLS 25200 Human Behavior in Organizations (3 cr.)

    Class 3. Study of individual and group behavior in organizations. Special emphasis on typical supervisory relationships.

  • OLS 27400 Applied Leadership (3 cr.)

    Class 3. Introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of supervision. Emphasis on the supervisor's major functions and essential areas of knowledge, relations with others, and personal development.

  • OLS 33100 Occupational Safety and Health (3 cr.)

    Class 3. Aspects of occupational safety and health that are essential to the first-line supervisor. Emphasis on economic, legal, and social factors related to providing a safe and healthful working environment.

  • OLS 37500 Training Methods (3 cr.)

    P: 25200 and 27400 or consent of department.  This course teaches the fundamentals of the design facilitation and evaluation of formal training and development programs. Understanding the way people learn jobs skills is emphasized.

  • OLS 37800 Labor Relations (3 cr.)

    This course teaches the regulations concerning management, labor, the collective bargaining agreement, and grievance and arbitration procedures.

  • OLS 47600 Compensation Planning and Management (3 cr.)

    Class 3. Focuses on the management of employee compensation. Examines the current state of compensation management and implications of recent theoretical and research developments related to compensation decisions. Gives each student the opportunity to develop a compensation package.

  • OLS 47700 Conflict Management (3 cr.)

    This course provides students with a firm understanding of the theory and context as they relate to front-line supervision and managing conflict in the workplace including communicating with others, collaborating, negotiating effective outcomes, mediating disputes, leading teams, and handling employee relations issues.

  • OLS 47900 Staffing Organizations (3 cr.)

    Class 3. A detailed look at the recruiting function of organizations to give the student a sense of the challenges of recruiting qualified employees.

  • OLS 48700 Leadership Philosophy (3 cr.)

    Class 3. P: 252 and 274/374. This course facilitates the understanding and practice of various leadership roles required in supervisory situations. Students, through applying group dynamics and leadership theory, will develop new skills, capabilities, and understandings. Students will have fundamental shifts in their thinking about traditional leadership and in their ability to function in new leadership styles.