Liberal Arts
- ANTH–A 103 Human Origins and Prehistory (3 cr.) A survey of human biological and cultural evolution from early pre-Pleistocene hominids through the development of urbanized state societies, with the goal of better understanding our human heritage. (Not open to students who have taken A303.)
- ANTH–A 104 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.) A survey of cultural and social processes that influence human behavior, using comparative examples from different ethnic groups around the world, with the goal of better understanding the broad range of human behavioral potentials and those influences that shape the different expressions of these potentials. (Not open to students who have taken A304.)
- ANTH–A 460 Topics in Anthropology: (variable title) (1-3 cr.) A conceptual examination of selected topics in the field of anthropology. May not be repeated for more than 6 credit hours.
- ANTH–E 320 Indians of North America (3 cr.) An ethnographic survey of native North American culture areas and ethnic groups.
- ANTH–E 354 African American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) African American culture in the United States viewed in terms of history and social change. Folklore, folk music, and oral history as means of illuminating black culture and history. May be repeated once when topics vary.
- ANTH–E 455 Anthropology of Religion (3 cr.) Critical evaluation of current approaches to the analysis of religious myth, ritual, and symbolism. Problems in understanding religious beliefs of other cultures. Modern development of anthropology of religion.
- ANTH–E 457 Ethnic Identity (3 cr.) A cross-cultural analysis of the nature of ethnic groups and identity, including the effects of colonialism and nationalism on ethnic groups, stereotyping groups, ethnic symbols and styles, and persistence and change in ethnicity.
- ANTH–E 470 Psychological Anthropology (3 cr.) A cross-cultural examination of human behavior in its ethnic context, including selected topics such as socialization, sex roles, altered states of consciousness, and personality and sociocultural change.
- ANTH–F 360 Indiana Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) Survey of folklore, folklife, or folk music of Indiana with particular attention to the persistence into the present of preindustrial culture. Students are encouraged to do fieldwork in the state. May be repeated once when topics vary.
- ASL–A 131 Intensive Beginning American Sign Language (5 cr.) First course in the introductory sequence of language courses. Emphasis on develop-ing basic conversational skills as well as awareness of Deaf culture.
- ASL–A 132 Intensive Beginning American Sign Language II (5 cr.) Second course in the introductory sequence of language courses. Emphasis on developing basic conversational skills as well as awareness of Deaf culture.
- COMM–C 104 Voice and Diction (3 cr.) Directed primarily toward the improvement of normal speech patterns, with emphasis on normal production, resonation, and articulation.
- COMM–C 180 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.) P: reading placement score of at least 80. The study of human dyadic interaction, including topics such as perception processes, verbal/nonverbal communication, theoretical models of communication, conflict, and interpersonal communication in various relationships. Course covers applications of interpersonal communication theory/research, including communication competence.
- COMM–C 223 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.) P: R110 or equivalent. Preparation and presentation of interviews, speeches, and oral reports appropriate to business and professional organizations; group discussion and parliamentary procedure. This is an intermediate skills course with survey characteristics.
- COMM–C 228 Discussion and Group Methods (3 cr.) Theory of and practice in effective participation in and leadership of group, committee, conference, and public discussion; application to information-sharing and problem-solving situations.
- COMM–C 322 Advanced Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.) P: C180 or permission of instructor. Covers core components of the study of interpersonal communication: perception, systems, exchange theoretical approaches; methods of research in interpersonal communication; content (topic) areas such as intimate relationships and friendships. Includes applications of interpersonal communication theory/research.
- COMM–G 100 Introduction to Communication Studies (3 cr.) P: reading placement of at least 80, and placement in W131. Survey course of history, theory, and practice in each of six major areas: rhetoric and public address, theatre arts, interpersonal/ organizational communication, small group dynamics, public communication, and mass media studies. For each of the areas examined, students will apply theory to practice, thereby learning to become more effective communicators.
- COMM–G 300 Independent Study (1-8 cr.) Research or practical experience in various departmental areas as selected by the student prior to registration, outlined in consultation with the instructor, and approved by the department. If a practicum experience, it must represent a minimum of 45 clock hours of practical application per credit hour. A student shall take no more than a total of 9 credit hours of G300 and G491.
- COMM–G 310 Introduction to Communication Research (3 cr.) Methodologies and types of data analyses for investigating communication phenomena. Students will acquire knowledge and competencies that will allow them to understand and address the process of communication research and relevant communication research issues.
- COMM–G 391 Seminar (1-3 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Topic announced in prior semester; oriented to current topics in communication and theatre; readings, projects, and papers as indicated by the topic and instructor. May be repeated for a total of 8 credit hours.
- COMM–M 150 Mass Media and Contemporary Society (3 cr.) P: reading placement score of at least 80. A critical overview of the role of electronic mass media in contemporary society. Provides an introduction to such issues as industry structure, organization, and economics; regulation, public interest, and media ethics; impact of programming on individuals; media construction of social institutions; media issues in the global village.
- COMM–R 110 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 cr.) P: reading placement score of at least 80. Theory and practice of public speaking; training in thought processes necessary to organize speech content for informative and persuasive situations; application of language and delivery skills to specific audiences. A minimum of six speaking situations.
- COMM–R 309 Great Speakers: American Public Address (3 cr.) Course introduces students to historical and contemporary public address. Students will study the speechmaking of notable American speakers. The study will include speeches from a wide range of established genres and will include campaign rhetoric, debates, historical celebrations, lectures, legislative speaking, presidential speaking, public meetings, movement, rhetoric, and sermons.
- COMM–R 320 Advanced Public Communication (3 cr.) P: R110 or equivalent. Development of a marked degree of skill in preparation and delivery of various types of speeches, with emphasis on depth of research, clarity of organization, application of proof, and felicitous style.
- COMM–R 321 Persuasion (3 cr.) P: R110 or equivalent. Motivational appeals in influencing behavior; psychological factors in speaker-audience relation-ship; principles and practice of persuasive speaking.
- COMM–T 337 History of the Theatre I (3 cr.) Significant factors in primary periods of theatre history through the Renaissance and the effect on contemporary theatre; emphasis on trends and developments; review of representative plays of each period to illustrate the theatrical use of dramatic literature.
- COMM–T 337 History of the Theatre I (3 cr.) Significant factors in primary periods of theatre history through the Renaissance and the effect on contemporary theatre; emphasis on trends and developments; review of representative plays of each period to illustrate the theatrical use of dramatic literature.
- ECON–E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.) P: sophomore standing. E201 is a general introduction to microeconomic analysis. Discussed are the method of economics, scarcity of resources, the interaction of consumers and businesses in the market place in order to determine price, and how the market system places a value on factors of production.
- ECON–E 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.) P: E201. An introduction to macroeconomics that studies the economy as a whole; the levels of output, prices, and employment; how they are measured and how they can be changed; money and banking; international trade; and economic growth.
- ECON–E 270 Introduction to Statistical Theory in Economics (3 cr.) P: MATH M118. Analysis and interpretation of statistical data in business and economics. Discussion of frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and variability, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, correlation, regression, and time series.
- ENG–E 450 Capstone Seminar (3 cr.) This senior capstone integrates students’ undergraduate study through writing and reading projects, faculty and student presentations, and creation of capstone portfolios. Students apply linguistic, literary, and rhetorical knowledge in culminating projects and learning portfolios. The course looks back at accomplishments and forward to postgraduation planning.
- EAP–G 013 Reading and Writing for Academic Purposes (3 cr.) This course is designed primarily for graduate ESL students. Its purpose is to develop reading comprehension skills through the use of academic subject area materials and to teach the writing skills necessary to complete academic work. Assignments are completed using materials from the students’ academic disciplines.
- ENG–L 115 Literature for Today (3 cr.) P: W131. Poems, dramas, and narratives pertinent to concerns of our times: e.g., works concerning values of the individual and society, problems of humanism in the modern world, and conflicts of freedom and order.
- ENG–L 202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.) Close analysis of representative texts (poetry, drama, fiction) designed to develop the art of lively, responsible reading through class discussion and writing of papers. Attention to literary design and critical method.
- ENG–L 203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.) Representative significant plays to acquaint students with characteristics of drama as a type of literature. Readings may include plays from several ages and countries.
- ENG–L 204 Introduction to Fiction (3 cr.) Representative works of fiction; structural technique in the novel, theories and kinds of fiction, and thematic scope of the novel. Readings may include novels and short stories from several ages and countries.
- ENG–L 205 Introduction to Poetry (3 cr.) Kinds, conventions, and elements of poetry in a selection of poems from several historical periods.
- ENG–L 207 Women and Literature (3 cr.) Issues and approaches to critical study of women writers in British and American literature.
- ENG–L 208 Topics in English and American Literature and Culture (3 cr.) Selected works of English and/or American literature in relation to a single cultural problem or theme. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated once for credit.
- ENG–L 351 Critical and Historical Study of American Literature I (3 cr.) American writers to 1865: Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, and two or three additional major writers.
- ENG–L 352 Critical and Historical Study of American Literature II (3 cr.) American writers, 1865-1914: Twain, Dickinson, James, and two or three additional major writers.
- ENG–L 376 Literature for Adolescents (3 cr.) An examination of the nature and scope of adolescent literature. Wide reading of contemporary literature, with emphasis on the value of selections for secondary school students and appropriate modes of study.
- ENG–L 378 Studies in Women and Literature (3 cr.) British and American authors such as George Eliot or Gertrude Stein; groups of authors such as the Brontë sisters or recent women poets; or genres and modes such as autobiography, film, or criticism. Topics will vary by semester.
- ENG–L 431 Topics in Literary Study (3 cr.) Study of characteristics and development of literary forms or modes (e.g., studies in narrative, studies in romanticism). Topics vary from year to year. May be repeated once for credit.
- ENG–L 433 Conversations with Shakespeare (3 cr.) An interdisciplinary and intertextual study of Shakespeare’s work and its influence to the present day. Students will compare Shakespeare texts with latter-day novels, plays, poems, and films that allude to or incorporate some aspect of Shakespeare’s art.
- ENG–W 130 Principles of Composition (3 cr.) Practice in writing papers for a variety of purposes and audiences, with attention to reading/writing connections.
- ENG–W 131 Elementary Composition I (3 cr.) Fulfills the communications core requirement for all undergraduate students and provides instruction in exposition (the communication of ideas and information with clarity and brevity). The course emphasizes audience and purpose, revision, organization, development, advanced sentence structure, diction, and development within a collaborative classroom. Evaluation is based on portfolios of the student’s work.
- ENG–W 132 Elementary Composition II (3 cr.) P: W131 (with a grade of C or higher). Stresses argumentation and research concurrently, with a secondary emphasis on critical evaluation in both reading and writing. Evaluation is based on portfolios of the student’s work.
- ENG–W 206 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 cr.) An introduction to the techniques and principles of creative writing. Written assignments, independent work, and workshop discussions of the fundamentals of fiction, poetry, and drama. This course may be used as a prerequisite for all 300-level courses in creative writing.
- ENG–W 208 Introduction to Poetry Writing (3 cr.) W208 offers students an introduction to the craft and practice of poetry writing: how to find subjects for writing; how to create images, similes, and metaphors; how to make rhyme sound natural; how to produce both metered and free-verse poetry. Part of the class will be a workshop in which students will learn to revise their poems and those of fellow students. This course can serve as a prerequisite for W303 or W305.
- ENG–W 210 Literacy and Public Life (3 cr.) An introduction to the uses of literacy in public and civic discourse, with connections made to theories of writing and professional prospects for writers; serves as the required gateway course for the Concentration in Writing and Literacy and as an exploration of this concentration for other English majors and students considering the possibility of an English major.
- ENG–W 231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.) P: W131 (with a grade of C or higher). Focuses on expository writing for the student whose career requires preparation of reports, proposals, and analytical papers. Emphasis on clear and direct objective writing and on investigation of an original topic written in report form, including a primary research project. Evaluation is based on student projects.
- ENG–W 250 Writing in Context (1-3 cr.) Offers instruction in intermediate-level expository writing. Students study a contemporary issue and write papers on that issue. Topics will vary from year to year. May be repeated once for credit.
- ENG–W 301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.) P: W206 or W207 or submission of acceptable manuscript to instructor in advance of registration. An intermediate course in the theory and practice of fiction writing with seminar study of relevant materials and criticism of student work in class and conference. May be repeated once for credit.
- ENG–W 302 Screenwriting (3 cr.) P: W206 or W207, or permission of instructor. A practical course in basic techniques of writing for film and television. Covers the essentials of dramatic structure, story development, characterization and theme, scene construction, dialogue, and, briefly, the practicalities of working as a screenwriter today.
- ENG–W 303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.) P: W206 or W208 or submission of acceptable manuscripts to instructor in advance of registration. An intermediate course in the theory and practice of poetry writing with seminar study of relevant materials and criticism of student work in class and conference.
- ENG–W 400 Issues in Teaching Writing (3 cr.) Focuses on the content of rhetoric and composition and considers fundamental theoretical and practical issues in the teaching of writing. Reviews rhetorical and compositional principles that influence writing instruction, textbook selection, and curriculum development.
- FOLK–F 101 Introduction to Folklore (3 cr.) A view of the main forms and varieties of folklore and folk expression in tales, ballads, gestures, beliefs, games, proverbs, riddles, and traditional arts and crafts. The role of folklore in the life of human beings.
- FOLK–F 364 Children's Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.)
The traditional rhymes, riddles, stories, games, folklife, or music associated with "the culture of childhood." The role these forms play in peer-group activity and in the social and cognitive development of the child. May be repeated once when topics vary.
- GEOG–G 107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.) Physical environment as the home of humans, emphasizing the distribution and interaction of environmental variables (landforms, vegetation, soils, weather, and climate).
- GEOG–G 110 Introduction to Human Geography (3 cr.) An introduction to the principles, concepts, and methods of analysis used in the study of human geographic systems. Examines geographic perspectives on contemporary world problems such as population growth, globalization of the economy, and human-environmental relations.
- GEOG–G 315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.) Conservation of natural resources including soil, water, wildlife, and forests as interrelated components of environmental quality.
- GEOG–G 326 Geography of North America (3 cr.) Continental and regional variations in terrain, climate, and economic and social life of the United States and Canada, with emphasis on geographical principles, sources of data, and techniques of investigation.
- GER–G 131 Intensive Beginning German I (5 cr.) Intensive introduction to present-day German and selected aspects of German life. Intensive drills for mastery of phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary. Credit is given only for the sequence G131-G132 or the sequence G117-G118-G119.
- GER–G 132 Intensive Beginning German II (5 cr.) Intensive introduction to present-day German and selected aspects of German life. Intensive drills for mastery of phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary. Credit is given only for the sequence G131-G132 or the sequence G117-G118-G119.
- HIST–A 301 Colonial and Revolutionary America I (3 cr.) European background of American history; discovery and exploration of New World by Spain, France, and England. Colonization: motives, causes, types. Social and intellectual developments in English colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Birth of Republic, 1763–89.
- HIST–A 317 American Social History, 1865 to Present (3 cr.) Development of modern American intellectual and social patterns since the Civil War. Social thought, literature, science, the arts, religion, morals, education.
- HIST–A 348 Civil War and Reconstruction (3 cr.) The era of the Civil War and its aftermath. Military, political, economic, and social aspects of the coming of the war, the war years, and the ‘‘reconstruction’’ era following the conflict.
- HIST–A 363 Survey of Indiana History (3 cr.) Examination of Indiana history that focuses on significant persons, topics, and events from the earliest exploration and settlement of the state to the present day.
- HIST–A 364 History of Black Americans (3 cr.) A survey of black life in America: the Atlantic slave trade, slavery, Afro-American culture, racism, Civil War and Reconstruction, peonage, segregation, northern migration, urban ghettos, discrimination, Harlem Renaissance, black nationalism, civil rights, black revolt, contemporary setting.
- HIST–B 310 Britain II (3 cr.) I: Britain before 1688. Development of Britain and its institutions from Roman times to the Glorious Revolution, with special emphasis on political and constitutional change. II: Britain since 1688. Examines important modern political, economic, social, and cultural developments, including industrialization and imperialism and the emergence of ideologies like liberalism and socialism.
- HIST–B 360 Europe—Napoleon to First World War II (3 cr.) I: Post-Napoleonic reaction; revitalized revolutionary forces, 1848; reform in England and Russia; bourgeois monarchy and Second Empire in France; unification movements in Italy and Germany; middle-class nationalism, romanticism, and realism. II: Bismarckian and Wilhelmian Germany; Gladstone, Disraeli, and modern Britain; the French Third Republic and the last days of Tsarist Russia; disintegration of the Ottoman Empire; the Austro-Hungarian Empire in decline; European society and culture on the eve of World War I.
- HIST–H 105 American History I (3 cr.) I. Colonial period, Revolution, Confederation and Constitution, national period to 1865. II. 1865 to present. Political history forms framework, with economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history interwoven. Introduction to historical literature, source material, and criticism.
- HIST–H 106 American History II (3 cr.) I. Colonial period, Revolution, Confederation and Constitution, national period to 1865. II. 1865 to present. Political history forms framework, with economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history interwoven. Introduction to historical literature, source material, and criticism.
- HIST–H 113 History of Western Civilization I (3 cr.) I. Rise and fall of ancient civilizations; barbarian invasions; rise, flowering, and disruption of medieval church; feudalism, national monarchies. II. Rise of middle class; parliamentary institutions, liberalism, political democracy; industrial revolution, capitalism, and socialist movements; nationalism, imperialism, international rivalries, world wars.
- HIST–H 114 History of Western Civilization II (3 cr.) I. Rise and fall of ancient civilizations; barbarian invasions; rise, flowering, and disruption of medieval church; feudalism, national monarchies. II. Rise of middle class; parliamentary institutions, liberalism, political democracy; industrial revolution, capitalism, and socialist movements; nationalism, imperialism, international rivalries, world wars.
- HIST–H 207 Modern East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
Contrasting patterns of indigenous change and response to Western imperialism in East Asia during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. China and Japan receive primary consideration; Korea and Vietnam, secondary. Emphasis on the rise of nationalism and other movements directed toward revolutionary change.
- HIST–H 323 History of the Holocaust (3 cr.)
Anti-Semitism in imperial and Weimar Germany; the Nazi rise to power; the destruction of European Jewry; Jewish behavior in crisis and extremity, the attitude of the Allied nations; mass murder in comparative historical perspective; theological, moral, and political implications.
- HIST–K 495 Readings in History (1-3 cr.) By arrangement with instructor. Permission of departmental chairperson required.
- MUS–E 241 Introduction to Music Fundamentals (2 cr.) Learn the basics of music reading, rhythm games, singing, keyboard skills, children’s songs, and use of classroom instruments. Designed for, but not limited to, elementary education majors and others interested in using music as a learning tool.
- MUS–M 17400 Music for the Listener (3 cr.) A survey course covering traditional and modern music styles of the last 1,000 years. Learn how to listen to music, instruments, and musical forms. No prior music experience required. Offered on campus and through the Web.
- MUS–X 070 University Choral Ensembles (1-2 cr.)
The following vocal ensembles are available: University Choir (1 cr.) and Indianapolis Symphonic Choir (2 cr., authorization and audition required).
- MUS–Z 201 History of Rock ’n’ Roll Music (3 cr.) Survey of major trends, styles, and genres of rock music of the 1950s and 1960s, focusing on the work of artists and groups who have proved to have the most enduring significance.
- MUS–Z 301 History of Rock Music—’70s and ’80s (3 cr.) Survey of trends and styles in rock music of the ’70s and ’80s. Focuses on the artists and groups who have shaped the music of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
- MUS–Z 393 History of Jazz (3 cr.)
Jazz was America's first worldwide popular music. This course emphasizes Jazz as a means to better understand the history and culture of America through examining the influences, styles and major performers and composers from Armstrong and Ellington to Coltrane and Marsalis.
- PHIL–P 110 Introduction to Philosophy (3 cr.) An introduction to the methods and problems of philosophy and to important figures in the history of philosophy. Concerns such topics as the nature of reality, the meaning of life, and the existence of God. Readings from classical and contemporary sources, e.g., Plato, Descartes, Nietzsche, and Sartre.
- PHIL–P 120 Ethics (3 cr.) An introductory course in ethics. Typically examines virtues, vices, and character; theories of right and wrong; visions of the good life; and contemporary moral issues.
- PHIL–P 162 Logic (3 cr.) A study of the principles of logic. The course covers a variety of traditional topics, selected for their practical value, within formal and informal logic. Among the topics typically covered are fallacies, syllogisms, causal hypotheses, logic diagrams, argument analysis, and truth-functional reasoning.
- PHIL–P 393 Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.) A philosophical consideration of ethical problems that arise in current biomedical practice, e.g., with regard to abortion, euthanasia, determination of death, consent to treatment, and professional responsibilities in connection with research, experimentation, and health care delivery.
- POLS–Y 101 Introduction to Political Science (3 cr.) For any student interested in better understanding the political world in which we live. The course explains some fundamental political concepts such as power, conflict, authority, and governments. It may also include an overview of the major subfields of political science: comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public policy.
- POLS–Y 103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.) Introduction to the nature of government and the dynamics of American politics. Origin and nature of the American federal system and its political party base.
- POLS–Y 103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.) Introduction to the nature of government and the dynamics of American politics. Origin and nature of the American federal system and its political party base.
- POLS–Y 213 Introduction to Public Policy (3 cr.) Studies the processes and institutions involved in the formation of public policy with particular reference to the United States. The course will identify key policy actors, analyze the process of policy making, and critically assess selected policy issues (such as foreign, defense, economic, welfare, and environmental policy).
- POLS–Y 304 Constitutional Law, and Constitutional Rights and Liberties (3 cr.) Nature and function of law and judicial process; selected Supreme Court decisions interpreting the American constitutional system.
- POLS–Y 309 American Politics through Film and Fiction (3 cr.) Recurrent themes of politics are explored in depth by means of novels, short stories, and films. Subject matter varies by semester—check class schedule for current semester.
- REL–R 111 The Bible (3 cr.) A critical introduction to the major periods, persons, events, and literatures that constitute the Bible; designed to provide general humanities-level instruction on this important text.
- REL–R 120 Images of Jesus (3 cr.) This course is designed to introduce students to the variety of traditions about the figure of Jesus. It will acquaint students with the wide array of images of the Jesus character through a historical analysis of these images portrayed in texts, art, music, film, and TV.
- REL–R 133 Introduction to Religion (3 cr.) Introduction to the diversity of traditions, values, and histories through which religion interacts with culture. Emphasis on understanding the ways the various dimensions of religion influence people’s lives.
- REL–R 173 American Religion (3 cr.) A consideration of American religion, with particular emphasis on the development of religious diversity and religious freedom in the context of the American social, political, and economic experience.
- REL–R 212 Comparative Religions (3 cr.) Approaches to the comparison of recurrent themes, religious attitudes, and practices found in selected Eastern and Western traditions.
- REL–R 243 Introduction to the New Testament (3 cr.) An introduction to the modern critical study of the New Testament from primarily a historical perspective. The goal is to learn to view these diverse Christian writings within the context of their historical and social settings.
- SOC–R 100 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr.) P: W131 or consent of instructor. Consideration of basic sociological concepts, including some of the substantive concerns and findings of sociology, sources of data, and the nature of the sociological perspective.
- SOC–R 240 Deviance and Social Control (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. An introduction to major sociological theories of deviance and social control. Analyzes empirical work done in such areas as drug use, unconventional sexual behavior, family violence, and mental illness. Explores both ‘‘lay’’ and official responses to deviance, as well as cultural variability in responses to deviance.
- SOC–R 314 Families and Society (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. The family is a major social institution, occupying a central place in people’s lives. This course explores formation and dissolution of marriages, partnerships, families; challenges family members face, including communication and childrearing; reasons for and consequences of change in American families; and how family patterns vary across and within social groups.
- SOC–R 315 Political Sociology (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. Analysis of the nature and basis of political power on the macro level—the community, the national, and the international arenas. Study of formal and informal power structures and of the institutionalized and non-institutionalized mechanisms of access to power.
- SOC–R 325 Gender and Society (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. A sociological examination of the roles of women and men in society, analysis of the determinants and consequences of these roles, and assessment of forces likely to bring about future change in these roles. Although focus will be on contemporary American society, cross-cultural variations in gender roles will also be noted.
- SOC–R 327 Sociology of Death and Dying (3 cr.) P: R100 or the consent of instructor. This course examines inevitable and salient features of the human condition. Historical evaluation of images and attitudes toward death, the medicalization of death, the human consequences of high-tech dying, the role of the family in caring for dying loved ones, the emergence and role of hospices, the social roles of funerals, grief and bereavement, euthanasia and suicide, the worlds of dying children and grieving parents, and genocide are major issues that are addressed. Two of the major themes of the course revolve around the idea that the way we die is a reflection of the way we live; and, that the study of dying and death is an important way of studying and affirming the value of life.
- SOC–R 344 Juvenile Delinquency and Society (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. Legal definition of delinquency, measurement and distribution of delinquency. Causal theories considered for empirical adequacy and policy implications. Procedures for processing juvenile offenders by police, courts, and prisons are examined.
- SOC–R 345 Crime and Society (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. Examination of the creation, selection, and disposition of persons labeled criminal. Emphasis on crime as an expression of group conflict and interest. Critique of academic and popular theories of crime and punishment.
- SOC–R 351 Social Science Research Methods (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor and sophomore standing. A survey of methods and techniques used by sociologists and other social scientists for gathering and interpreting information about human social behavior.
- SOC–R 355 Social Theory (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. This course covers several traditions of classical, contemporary, and post-modern social thought (e.g., social Darwinism, conflict theory, functionalism, symbolic interactionism, critical theory, and feminist theory). The social context, construction, and application theories are included.
- SOC–R 381 Social Factors in Health and Illness (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. Examines the social aspects of health and illness, including variations in the social meanings of health and illness, the social epidemiology of disease, and the social dimensions of the illness experience.
- SOC–R 420 Sociology of Education (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. A survey of sociological approaches to the study of education, covering such major topics as education as a social institution, the school in society, the school as a social system, and the sociology of learning.
- SOC–R 461 Race and Ethnic Relations (3 cr.) P: R100 or consent of instructor. Comparative study of racial, ethnic, and religious relations. Focus on patterns of inclusion and exclusion of minority groups by majority groups. Discussion of theories of intergroup tensions—prejudice and discrimination—and of corresponding approaches to the reduction of tensions.
- SOC–R 494 Internship Program in Sociology (3-6 cr.) P: R100, 9 credits of sociology with a B (3.0) or higher, junior standing with consent of instructor. This course involves students working in organizations where they apply or gain practical insight into sociological concepts, theories, and knowledge. Students analyze their experiences through work logs, a paper, and regular meetings with the internship director.
- SOC–R 495 Topics in Sociology (3 cr.) P: variable with topic. Exploration of a topic in sociology not covered by the regular curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester. Topics to be announced.
- SOC–R 497 Individual Readings in Sociology (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor and 9 credit hours of sociology courses with at least a B (3.0) or higher. Investigation of a topic not covered in the regular curriculum that is of special interest to the student and that the student wishes to pursue in greater detail. Normally available only to majors through arrangement with a faculty member.
- SPAN–S 131 Intensive Beginning Spanish I (5 cr.) Intensive introductory language sequence of courses. Recommended for prospective majors and for students with prior training in Spanish or other Romance languages. Emphasis on developing basic speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills as well as awareness of Hispanic cultures. Credit not given for both S117-S118-S119 and S131-S132.
- SPAN–S 132 Intensive Beginning Spanish II (5 cr.) Intensive introductory language sequence of courses. Recommended for prospective majors and for students with prior training in Spanish or other Romance languages. Emphasis on developing basic speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills as well as awareness of Hispanic cultures. Credit not given for both S117-S118-S119 and S131-S132.