Business and Economics
The School of Business and Economics initiated graduate education in business with the establishment of the M.S.B.A. degree in 1969 and succeeded it in 1988 with the M.B.A. The program is designed for individuals who are employed in positions of responsibility within the business community and who are pursuing a graduate education concurrently with their employment. To serve these students, all graduate courses are offered in the evening. In addition, a Saturday, cohort based program is also available. From its inception, the program has enjoyed a broad base of support and participation from the Northwestern Indiana business community.
The M.B.A. program focuses on teamwork and executive leadership and provides a professional education in business for students who possess the baccalaureate degree in any discipline. For most students, the M.B.A. is a terminal professional degree designed to enhance their performance in present and future managerial positions. Increasingly, individuals employed in non-business fields have used the M.B.A. program to broaden their academic training and enhance their prospects for a career in business.
The Faculty of the School of Business and Economics of Indiana University Northwest have identified the following Student Learning Goals to provide assurance that the graduate degree programs of the School provide an educational experience for our students consistent with our mission.MBA students can:
- display effective teamwork skills.
- exhibit effective leadership skills with a focus on ethical and social responsibilities.
- employ key productivity and collaborative business software in the analysis of business decision situations.
- show expertise of the functional business disciplines.
- demonstrate the ability to think critically and analytically, and integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines to make effective business decisions.
- display knowledge of multicultural and diverse perspectives to make effective business decisions.
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ethical and social issues in making effective business decisions.