
Standards of Professional Conduct

Shared Values

The School of Business and Economics functions as both a learning environment and an academic community with the central functions of learning, teaching, and scholarship characterized by reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, and mutual respect.  The School of Business and Economics also supports The Shared Vision of Indiana University Northwest.   

  • All members of the School of Business and Economics community – students, faculty, staff - are expected to be courteous to one another in all oral and written interactions and to be considerate in their treatment towards each other.
  • All members of this community are expected to show tolerance and respect for diversity, as defined by The Shared Vision. This also includes the understanding that there may be viewpoints, ideas, and opinions that differ from theirs and it’s acceptable to ‘agree to disagree.’
  • All members of this community will honor the confidentiality and privacy of others.
  • All members of this community will respect University property, as well as the physical and intellectual property of all others, when engaged in university-related activities.
  • All members of this community are expected to refrain from harming others.
  • All members of this community, when representing the School of Business and Economics, will do so in a positive manner with integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, and professional demeanor.

Governing Codes and Procedures

The rights, responsibilities, and conduct of students are defined and regulated by the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.

The faculty in the School of Business and Economics follow specific guidelines set forth in the Indiana University Academic Handbook, specifically under the section entitled “Code of Academic Ethics.”

The professional staff and the bi-weekly staff in the School of Business and Economics follow specific guidelines set forth in the Indiana University Personnel Policies for Appointed Non-Union Support and Service Staff and Professional Staff.

Academic Bulletins

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