Centers & Institutes
Center for Management Development
The Center for Management Development provides customized, executive development and consulting services to various organizations. We partner with the business, government, and not-for-profit communities to develop and promote effective organizations. The center is committed to providing dependable, high- quality, cost-effective services.
We draw upon the full resources of IU Northwest to meet the needs of a number of clients located throughout the United States. We provide four distinct kinds of services. The first includes a wide variety of training activities that fall within two broad categories: management development and workforce development. The second encompasses a number of consultation services. Some of these services are developmental in nature (e.g., total quality management, human resources, project management, etc.). Others consist of more discrete packages of services (e.g., quality assurance, performance monitoring, process control, survey work, focus groups, etc.). Our third broad category of activity includes facilitation and mediation services. Finally, the Center for Management Development contracts with firms to perform certain kinds of project work (e.g., the development of job descriptions and compensation systems, job search, etc.).