IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » social-work » Undergraduate » Child Abuse and Neglect CT


Child Abuse and Neglect CT

Child Abuse and Neglect Certificate

The School of Social Work at IU Indianapolis offers a certificate in Child Abuse and Neglect at the undergraduate level. The certificate is open to social work and non-social work students.

  • Theoretical Foundation: 9 credit hours required - 3 hours must be from the Diversity Course.
  • Specific Content: 12 credit hours required; one course on substance abuse and one course on families is required.
  • Additional course with service learning component elective for non BSW majors: 3 credit hours 

Certificate in Child Abuse and Neglect course requirements are as follows:

Theoretical Foundation

     1. S102: Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society (Required), 3 Credits, offered

     2. Select Either:
         S221: Human Growth & Development in the Social Environment, 3 Credits, offered
         B310: Life Span Development, 3 Credits

     3. Select Either:
         S251: History and Analysis of Social Welfare Policy, 3 Credits, offered online
         Y213: Introduction to Public Policy, 3 Credits

Specific Content

     4. S305: Introduction to Child Protection (Required), 3 Credits

     5. S180: Selected Topics in Human Welfare 3 Credits with service learning

     6. Select 1 Substance Use related course (options below)
         S202: Introduction to Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 3 Credits
         B394: Drugs and Behavior, 3 credits
         B396: Alcohol, Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse, 3 Credits
         H318: Drug Use in American Society, 3 Credits
         R410: Alcohol, Drugs, and Society, 3 Credits
         S442: Practice Seminar:  
                   Addictions (3 Credits, BSW Majors Only)

     7. Select 1 Families related course (options below)
         S306: Crisis Intervention, 3 Credits
         S307: Grief and Loss, 3 Credits 
         R314: Families and Society, 3 Credits
         S442: Practice Seminar:
                   Public Child Welfare (3 Credits – DCS Scholars Only)
                   Children Youth & Families  (3 Credits –BSW Majors Only)

For non BSW majors, additional course with service learning component

  • S201: Introduction to Case Management, 3 Credits, offered online