IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » social-work » Graduate » e-Social Work Practice CT


e-Social Work Practice CT

The growth of technology innovation in social work practice is currently limited by many factors, including lack of training and lack of access. For example, more than 50% of rural areas in the United States have limited or no access to social work services. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, social work, including the delivery of tele-behavioral health services, is one of the fastest growing and demanded professions in the US, with a job outlook increase of 12% over the next ten years. The job outlook may very well increase beyond 12% due to the recent widening of telehealth acceptance and usage due to COVID – 19.

Prepares you to deliver technology-mediated social work practice in such careers as:

Geriatric case manager
Family service worker
Child protective services (CPS) social worker
Foster care social worker
Adult protective services agent
Youth services specialist
Developmental disabilities specialist
Clinical social worker
Alcohol and drug abuse specialist