IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » science » Overview » Degree, Minor and Certificate Programs


Degree, Minor and Certificate Programs

Degree Programs in the School of Science

The School of Science at Indiana University Indianapolis awards students degrees from Indiana University (IU). This list shows all the degrees awarded and the institution granting the degree.


  • Bachelor of Arts
    • Biology
    • Biology Teaching Option
  • Bachelor of Arts (Biology) / Master of Public Health (Public Health) dual degree program
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Biology) / Master of Science (Bioinformatics) dual degree program
  • Bachelor of Science (Biology) / Master of Public Health (Public Health) dual degree program
  • Bachelor of Arts (Biology) / Master of Public Health (Public Health) dual degree program
  • Master of Science
    • Non-Thesis Option
    • Thesis Option
    • Biology for Educators Concentration Option
  • Master of Arts in Teaching Online Degree Program
  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Bachelor of Science


  • Bachelor of Arts
    • Chemistry
    • Chemistry Teaching Option
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
    • Biological Chemistry Concentration
    • Chemistry Option
    • Medicinal Chemistry Concentration
  • Master of Science
    • Non-Thesis Option
    • Thesis Option
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Environmental Science

  • Bachelor of Science
    • Earth and Water Resources Concentration
    • Environmental Management Concentration
    • Environmental Remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis Concentration

Forensic and Investigative Sciences

  • Bachelor of Science in Forensic and Investigative Sciences
    • Forensic Biology Concentration
    • Forensic Chemistry Concentration
  • Master of Science
    • Non-Thesis Option
    • Thesis Option


  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Geology) / Master of Science (Geology) dual degree program
  • Master of Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Earth Sciences

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Bachelor of Science

Mathematical Sciences

  • Bachelor of Science
    • Actuarial Science Concentration
    • Applied Math Option
    • Applied Statistics Concentration
    • Pure Math Option
    • Math Education
  • Bachelor of Science
    • Actuarial Science 100% Online Collaborative
    • Applied Statistics 100% Online Collaborative
  • Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Sciences) / Bachelor of Science (Physics) double major
  • Master of Science
    • Pure/Applied Math Non-Thesis Option
    • Pure/Applied Math Thesis Option
    • Applied Statistics
    • Computational Data Science
    • Math Education Non-Thesis Option
    • Math Education Thesis Option
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)
    • Applied Math
    • Pure Math
    • Mathematical Statistics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Biostatistics)
    • Indiana University Ph.D. program, pursued at IU Indianapolis, in collaboration with the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health. The degree is awarded through the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health.


  • Bachelor of Science


  • Bachelor of Science
    • Physics
    • Biophysics Option
    • Physics Teaching Option
  • Bachelor of Science (Physics) / Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Sciences) double major - PU
  • Master of Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Master of Science
    • Applied Social and Organizational Psychology
    • Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology
    • Clinical Psychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Addiction Neuroscience
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Social and Organizational Psychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology

Undergraduate Minors in the School of Science

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Climate Resilience
  • Environmental Science
  • Forensic and Investigative Sciences
  • Geochemistry
  • Geology
  • Health Psychology
  • Mathematics
  • Neuroscience
  • Physics
  • Psychology

Graduate (Doctoral) Minors in the School of Science

  • Developmental Biology & Genetics
  • Forensic Science
  • Physiology
  • Scientific Foundations