IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » science » Graduate » Admissions » Psychology » Psychology



All applicants must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. A master's degree is not required for admission into the Ph.D. programs.

Applicants must:

  • submit three (3) letters of recommendation, 
  • submit a personal statement, and 
  • provide official transcripts (2 copies) of past academic work.

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is optional for applicants to the Addiction Neuroscience, Applied Social and Organizational Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Clinical Psychology programs.

Application Deadlines
Online Applications

Applications are completed online, and additional information is available on the Department of Psychology website (https://science.indianapolis.iu.edu/psychology). Call 317-274-6945 or email gradpsy@iu.edu for additional information.

Apply to the Graduate Program