IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Welcome to the IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health! » Graduate » Degree Programs » MHA-MPH

Degree Programs


Master of Health Administration - Master of Public Health

To complete this dual degree, you will take a combination of public health core courses, MHA and MPH courses, public health electives, and public health practical experience courses that together total 63 credits.

Public Health core courses

Take all six courses for a total of 18 credits.

  • PBHL-P 510 Introduction to Public Health
  • PBHL-P 500 Social and Behavioral Science in Public Health
  • PBHL-P 551 Biostatistics for Public Health
  • PBHL-P 519 Env’t Science in Public Health
  • PBHL-P 517 Fundamentals of Epidemiology
  • PBHL-P 504 U.S. Healthcare Sys. & Health Policy

Concentration courses

Take all 11 courses for a total of 33 credits.

  • PBHL-H 507 Human Resources and Organizational Behavior in Health Administration
  • PBHL-H 508 Managing Healthcare Accounting for Decision Making
  • PBHL-H 509 Financial Management Principles of Healthcare
  • PBHL-H 514 Health Economics
  • PBHL-H 516 Health Care Services Delivery and the Law
  • PBHL-H 521 Management Sciences for Health Services Administration
  • PBHL-H 611 Policy Design Implementation & Management
  • PBHL-H 612 Health Care Marketing
  • PBHL-H 619 Financial Management for Public Health Orgs
  • PBHL-H 624 Developing Strategic Capability
  • PBHL-H 628 Healthcare Information Systems

Practical experience

Take all three courses for a total of 9 credits.

  • PBHL-H 702 Internship in Health Administration
  • PBHL-P 705 Capstone in Public Health
  • PBHL-H 623 Capstone in Health Administration

Elective courses

Choose one course for 3 credit hours.

  • PBHL-A 641 Global Health & Sustainable Development
  • PBHL-A 643 Water & Sanitation
  • PBHL-A 644 Sustainable Production & Consumption
  • PBHL-A 646 Restoration of the Land & Sea
  • PBHL-B 552 Fundamentals of Data Management
  • PBHL-B 581 Introduction to Computing
  • PBHL-B 582 Introduction to Clinical Trials
  • PBHL-E 606 Grant Writing
  • PBHL-E 609 Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • PBHL-E 618 Global Cancer Epidemiology
  • PBHL-E 645 Information Exchange for Population Health
  • PBHL-E 666 Overview of Precision Health
  • PBHL-H 531 Pop. Health and Value-based Care
  • PBHL-H 613 Emergency Preparedness
  • PBHL-H 658 Research Concepts of HPM
  • PBHL-S 620 Stress and Population Health: A biopsychosocial exploration
  • PBHL-S 625 Applied Public Health Campaigns
  • PBHL-S 630 Global Maternal and Child Health

For students who started the Master of Health Administration—Master of Public Health dual degree prior to fall 2024

Public Health core courses

Take all six courses for a total of 18 credits.

  • PBHL-P 510 Introduction to Public Health
  • PBHL-P 500 Social and Behavioral Science in Public Health
  • PBHL-P 551 Biostatistics for Public Health
  • PBHL-P 519 Env’t Science in Public Health
  • PBHL-P 517 Fundamentals of Epidemiology
  • PBHL-P 504 U.S. Healthcare Sys. & Health Policy

Concentration courses

Take all 11 courses for a total of 33 credits.

  • PBHL-H 507 Management of Individual Group Behaviors
  • PBHL-H 508 Managing Healthcare Accounting for Decision Making
  • PBHL-H 509 Financial Management Principles of Healthcare
  • PBHL-H 514 Health Economics
  • PBHL-H 516 Health Care Services Delivery and the Law
  • PBHL-H 521 Management Sciences for Health Services Administration
  • PBHL-H 611 Policy Design Implementation & Management
  • PBHL-H 612 Health Care Marketing
  • PBHL-H 619 Financial Management for Public Health Orgs
  • PBHL-H 624 Developing Strategic Capability
  • PBHL-H 628 Healthcare Information Systems

Practical experience

Take all three courses for a total of 9 credits.

  • PBHL-H 602 Internship
  • PBHL-P 705 Capstone in Public Health
  • PBHL-H 623 MHA Capstone: Healthcare Applications of Strategic Management

Elective courses

Choose one course for 3 credit hours.

  • PBHL-H 501 U.S. Health Care Systems and Health Policy
  • PBHL-H 613 Emergency Preparedness for Public Health
  • PBHL-H 619 Financial Management in Public Health Organizations
  • PBHL-H 621Grant Writing and Administration for Public Health
  • PBHL-H 644 Health Impact Assessment
  • PBHL-H 670 Global Public Health
  • PBHL-H 646 Operations Management for Healthcare Organizations
  • PBHL-S 662 Integrated Learning Experience 1: Advanced Program Planning
  • PBHL-E 601 Advanced Epidemiology
  • PBHL-E 647 Introduction to Population Health Analysis
  • PBHL-P 506 Population and Public Health

For students who started the Master of Health Administration—Master of Public Health dual degree prior to fall 2023

Public Health core courses

Take all four courses for a total of 12 credits.

  • PBHL-P 510 Introduction to Public Health
  • PBHL-P 511 Comprehensive Methods and Applications in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
  • PBHL-P 512 Communication & Leadership
  • PBHL-P 513 Planning, Evaluation & Management

Concentration courses

Take all 14 courses for a total of 42 credits.

  • PBHL-H 507 Management of Individual Group Behaviors
  • PBHL-H 508 Managing Healthcare Accounting for Decision Making
  • PBHL-H 509 Financial Management Principles of Healthcare
  • PBHL-H 514 Health Economics
  • PBHL-H 516 Health Care Services Delivery and the Law
  • PBHL-H 521 Management Sciences for Health Services Administration
  • PBHL-H 523 Health Services Human Resources Management
  • PBHL-H 611 Policy Design Implementation & Management
  • PBHL-H 612 Health Care Marketing
  • PBHL-H 616 Leadership in PH Organizations
  • PBHL-H 624 Developing Strategic Capability
  • PBHL-H 628 Healthcare Information Systems
  • PBHL-H 641 Ethics in Public Health
  • PBHL-H 658 Research Concepts of HPM

Practical experience

Take all three courses for a total of 9 credits.

  • PBHL-H 702 Internship In Health Policy & Management
  • PBHL-H 711 MPH Health Policy & Management Capstone
  • PBHL-H 623 MHA Capstone: Healthcare Applications of Strategic Management

Elective courses

Choose one course for 3 credit hours.

  • PBHL-H 501 U.S. Health Care Systems and Health Policy
  • PBHL-H 613 Emergency Preparedness for Public Health
  • PBHL-H 619 Financial Management in Public Health Organizations
  • PBHL-H 621 Grant Writing and Administration for Public Health
  • PBHL-H 644 Health Impact Assessment
  • PBHL-H 670 Global Public Health
  • PBHL-H 646 Operations Management for Healthcare Organizations
  • PBHL-S 662 Integrated Learning Experience 1: Advanced Program Planning
  • PBHL-E 601 Advanced Epidemiology
  • PBHL-E 647 Introduction to Population Health Analysis
  • PBHL-P 506 Population and Public Health

Updated: April 2024