IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Welcome to the IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health! » Graduate » Degree Programs » MD-Certificate

Degree Programs


Graduate Certificate in Public Health - Doctor of Medicine

Students admitted to the Indiana University School of Medicine, at any of the nine IUSM campuses, are eligible to apply to the Public Health Certificate-MD program at the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IU Indianapolis.

This combination will prepare you to balance your career between direct medical care of individuals and public health practice within communities. It will also expand your career options by making you more marketable for a wide variety of careers (i.e. global health, hospital leadership, health policy, health research, nonprofit management, environmental health, and refugee and immigrant health).

The Public Health Certificate-MD (15 credits) includes five core public health courses. These courses are typically completed online during the summer after the first year of medical school; however, they can be taken at other times as well.

Graduate Certificate in Public Health

Graduate Certificate in Public Health curriculum

Take any five of the course selections below for 15 hours

  • PBHL-P 510 Introduction to Public Health
  • PBHL-P 501 Social and Behavioral Science in Public Health
  • PBHL-P 504 U.S. Healthcare Systems & Health Policy
  • PBHL-P 517 Fundamentals of Epidemiology
  • PBHL-P 519 Environmental Science in Public Health
  • PBHL-P 551 Biostatistics for Public Health

Curriculum prior to fall 2023

Take all five course for 15 hours

  • PBHL-P 510 Introduction to Public Health (3 credits)
  • PBHL-P 511 Comprehensive Methods and Applications in Biostatistics and Epidemiology (3 credits)
  • PBHL-P 512 Communication & Leadership (3 credits)
  • PBHL-P 513 Planning, Evaluation & Management (3 credits)
  • One public health elective (3 credits)


By completing the Graduate Certificate in Public Health, you will learn how to:

  • Use biostatistical methods to analyze and report public health data
  • Specify approaches to assess, prevent, and control environmental and occupational hazards to human health and safety
  • Use epidemiologic methods to collect, study, analyze and report the patterns of disease in human populations for diverse audiences
  • Apply policy process, development, and analysis methods to address current national, state, and local public health issues
  • Identify social and behavioral science factors, theories and models and develop, implement, and evaluate interventions designed to positively affect health behaviors in populations
  • Exhibit high standards of personal and organizational integrity, compassion, honesty, and respect for all people
  • Identify the impact of diversity and culture on public health across discipline areas
  • Identify the basic ethical and legal principles pertaining to the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of public health data

Certificate requirements

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Public Health, students must complete coursework in the five core areas of public health and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (“B” grade on a 4.0 scale). All public health courses require authorization before registering. Please call (317) 278-0337 to obtain authorization.

Updated: April 2024