IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » O'Neill School Of Public and Environmental Affairs » Graduate » Degree Programs » Master Public Affairs-MA in Philanthropic Studies

O'Neill School Of Public and Environmental Affairs


Degree Programs
Master Public Affairs-MA in Philanthropic Studies

Master of Public Affairs- MA in Philanthropic Studies

MPA Core Requirements  (27 credit hours)

  • SPEA-V 506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 598 Governing and Leading in a Global Society (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V 600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr)
  • SPEA-V XXX One O'Neill elective course (3 cr) 

NOTE: V600 cannot be taken until all MPA core courses are completed and cannot be substituted or transferred in from another university. Plan your schedule accordingly.

MA course requirements (27 credit hours)

  • PHST-P 521 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr) 
  • PHST-P 524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr)
  • PHST-P 535 Law of Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr)
  • PHST-P 556 Grantmaking and the Role of Foundations (3 cr)
  • PHST-P 558 Principles and Practices of Fundraising (3 cr)
  • PHST-P XXX One PHST elective course (3 cr)
  • HIST-H 516 History of Philanthropy (3 cr) OR PHST-P 515 History of Philanthropy (3 cr)
  • ECON-E 514 Nonprofit Economy and Public Policy (3 cr) OR PHST-P 530 Nonprofit Economy and Public Policy (3 cr)
  • PHIL-P 542 Ethics and Values of Philanthropy (3 cr) OR PHST-P 532 Applying Ethics in Philanthropy (3 cr)
NOTE: O'Neill’s MPA standalone program requires Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector SPEA-V521 and Fund Development for Nonprofits SPEA-V558. For this dual degree, students will instead take PHST-P 521 and P558 as listed in the MA course requirements.