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O'Neill School Of Public and Environmental Affairs



The abbreviation P refers to course prerequisites and R to recommended prerequisite courses. Prerequisites can be waived by the instructor of the course. The number of hours of credit is indicated in parentheses following the course title. Courses are listed in two groups: criminal justice/public safety and public affairs. Please contact O'Neill Student Services at (317) 274-4656 (or 877.292.9321), if you have any questions.

Criminal Justice Courses
  • SPEA-J 101 The American Criminal Justice System (3 cr.) Introduction to the criminal justice system of the United States and its function in contemporary society.
  • SPEA-J 150 Public Safety in America (3 cr.) The protection of persons and property involves a number of public and private organizations. This course examines the roles that agencies working within the fire services, emergency management, criminal justice, and the private security sector play in securing public safety in the United States.
  • SPEA-J 201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course examines the impact of sociological, biological, and economic theories of crime and the practice of criminal justice. Focus is on the nature and importance of theory, context of theoretical developments, methods for the critical analysis of theoretical developments, and policy implications of the varying perspectives considered.
  • SPEA-J 202 Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 Course examines basic concepts of criminal justice. Students become familiar with research techniques necessary for systematic analysis of the criminal justice system, offender behavior, crime trends, and program effectiveness. Students will learn to critically evaluate existing research. Students will become familiar with existing sources of criminal justice data and will learn to assess the quality of that data.
  • SPEA-J 203 Evidence (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101. The rules of law governing proof at trial of disputed issues of fact; burden of proof; presumptions and judicial notice; examination, impeachment, competency, and privileges of witnesses; hearsay rule and exceptions—all related as nearly as possible to criminal, as opposed to civil, process.
  • SPEA-J 205 Juvenile Justice (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course is designed to provide an overview of the justice system's response to abused, neglected, and dependent children; juvenile misconduct; and delinquent behavior. An extensive review of the development of recent legal changes to the court, options for prevention, treatment of juvenile offenders, and possible system reforms.
  • SPEA-J 206 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 An analysis of the criminal justice process from prosecution through appeal. The organization and operation of felony and misdemeanor courts are examined. Topics include prosecutorial decision-making, plea bargaining, judicial selection, and the conduct of trials, sentencing, and appeal.
  • SPEA-J 220 Criminal Investigation (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 Theory of investigation, crime scene procedures, interviews, interrogations, surveillances, and sources of information; collection and preservation of physical evidence; investigative techniques in specific crimes.
  • SPEA-J 221 American Policing (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course will examine the history, evolution, and organization of policing in the United States. Emphasis is placed on such major contemp-orary issues as the police role, discretion, use of force, corruption, accountability, and community policing.
  • SPEA-J 222 Murder in America: Causes and Consequences (3 cr.) An investigation of homicide in the United States. Focus on the level and nature of homicides as well as domestic homicides; serial and mass murder; race, ethnicity, and gender; drugs and alcohol; school and workplace homicides; investigation; profiling and the death penalty; and homicide prevention and intervention programs.
  • SPEA-J 231 Corrections (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course examines the historical development of the American correctional system and the study of administration of local, state, and federal corrections programs, including jails, probation, community corrections, and prisons. Includes the study of punishment rationales, current correctional policies, and possibilities for reform.An investigation of homicide in the United States. Focus on the level and nature of homicides as well as domestic homicides; serial and mass murder; race, ethnicity, and gender; drugs and alcohol; school and workplace homicides; investigation; profiling and the death penalty; and homicide prevention and intervention programs.
  • SPEA-J 232 Investigating Post-Blast Crime Scenes (3 cr.) This course is designed to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge and techniques used by bomb squads in identifying and collecting post-blast evidence for purposes of future prosecution. No
  • SPEA-J 238 Introduction to Modern Police Practices (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course will cover the day-to-day operational duties and responsibilities of a police officer in todays society. Current trends, challenges facing law enforcement, and best practices will be introduced. Students will also participate in hands on exercises in a variety of law enforcement related topics.
  • SPEA-J 255 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Recommended prerequisite: SPEA-J 201 and J 202 The development, limitations, and application of substantive criminal law utilizing the case-study method.
  • SPEA-J 260 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3 cr.) Study of selected issues in criminal justice. Topics vary from semester to semester. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-J 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course surveys terrorism in democratic societies, with an emphasis on public policy responses designed to combat terrorism. Overviews of terrorist organizations in various countries are interspersed with analyses of significant terrorist events and public policies, and legal and public safety responses the events create.
  • SPEA-J 275 Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course will examine the influence of diversity issues such as race, ethnicity, class, and gender on crime and the treatment of underrepresented groups thoughout the American criminal justice system.
  • SPEA-J 280 Internship in Criminal Justice (0-6 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. Open to interested students who qualify upon approval of the faculty. Students may be placed with various criminal justice agencies for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours. Course is graded S/F (Satisfactory/Fail). This course may be repeated for credit. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-J 301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. The development, limitations, and application of substantive criminal law utilizing the case-study method.
  • SPEA-J 302 Procedural Criminal Law (3 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. Criminal law application and procedure from the initiation of police activity through the correctional process, utilizing the case-study method.
  • SPEA-J 303 Evidence (3 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 101, J 201 and SPEA-J 202. The rules of law governing proof at trial of disputed issues of fact; burden of proof; presumptions and judicial notice; examination, impeachment, competency, and privileges of witnesses; hearsay rule and exceptions—all related as nearly as possible to criminal, as opposed to civil, process.
  • SPEA-J 304 Correctional Law (3 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. Legal problems from conviction to release: pre-sentence investigations, sentencing, probation and parole, incarceration, loss and restoration of civil rights.
  • SPEA-J 305 Juvenile Justice (3 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. This course is designed to provide an overview of the justice system's response to abused, neglected, and dependent children; juvenile misconduct; and delinquent behavior. An extensive review of the development of recent legal changes to the court, options for prevention, treatment of juvenile offenders, and possible system reforms.
  • SPEA-J 306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.) Recommended: SPEA-J 201, SPEA-J 202. An analysis of the criminal justice process from prosecution through appeal. The organization and operation of felony and misdemeanor courts are examined. Topics include prosecutorial decision-making, plea bargaining, judicial selection, and the conduct of trials, sentencing, and appeal.
  • SPEA-J 311 Criminal Law and Procedure (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 Students will examine development, limitations, and application of substantive criminal law, and how criminal laws are balanced against Constitutional rights of individuals. Examine the process of cases from commission of crime through trial and sentencing, including suppression hearings, jurisdiction, and burdens of proof, and scope of modern day criminal law. No
  • SPEA-J 312 White Collar Crime (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 White collar crime is an examination of the definitions, theories, laws, and policy responses that shape crimes by corporations, government agencies, professionals, and others engaged in legitimate occupations.
  • SPEA-J 320 Criminal Investigation (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 Theory of investigation, crime scene procedures, interviews, interrogations, surveillances, and sources of information; collection and preservation of physical evidence; investigative techniques in specific crimes.
  • SPEA-J 321 American Policing (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 This course will examine the history, evolution, and organization of policing in the United States. Emphasis is placed on such major contemp-orary issues as the police role, discretion, use of force, corruption, accountability, and community policing.
  • SPEA-J 324 Technology, Crime, and Public Safety (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 or SPEA-J 150 Focuses on role of technological systems in criminal justice, system types available, evolving applications, usages by public safety organizations, technology use by criminals and terrorists, the management and organizational effects of technologies, training, cost issues, anticipated impacts of technologies, and the political and legal implications for citizens and the public.
  • SPEA-J 327 Applied Research Experience (0-6 cr.) P: SPEA-J 370 or SPEA-J 202 or permission of instructor Students conduct applied research on a government organization, nonprofit organization, or social issue relevant to their educational or professional interests in which the instructor provides substantive mentorship. This course is eligible for a deferred grade. Course may be repeated for credit. Yes
  • SPEA-J 331 Corrections (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101, J 201 and J 202 This course examines the historical development of the American correctional system and the study of administration of local, state, and federal corrections programs, including jails, probation, community corrections, and prisons. Includes the study of punishment rationales, current correctional policies, and possibilities for reform.
  • SPEA-J 370 Seminar in Criminal Justice (3 cr.) C: Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 Selected contemporary topics in criminal justice. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-J 376 Principles of Public Safety (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 and J 150 Examination of threats to public safety and of governmental response at various levels to those threats. Treatment of such areas as transportation and highway threats, occupational safety and health, criminal threats, emergency and disaster planning, consumer protection, and fire control and suppression. Discussion of techniques to identify and measure risk, the acceptability of risk, and governmental attempts to control risk.
  • SPEA-J 380 Internship in Criminal Justice (0-6 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Open to interested students who qualify upon approval of the faculty. Students may be placed with various criminal justice agencies for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours. Course is graded S/F (Satisfactory/Fail). This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-J 381 Internship in Criminal Justice (1-6 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Students will be required to fulfill a minimum of 120 hours of relevant professional work experience.
  • SPEA-J 382 Foundations of Emergency Management (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 and J 150 A history of emergency management and the four phases-mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. An examination of the concepts of hazard, risk and vulnerability and the history, current issues, alternative career paths, roles of local, state, and federal governments in emergency management, and the future outlook of emergency management.
  • SPEA-J 387 Foundations of Homeland Security (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 Examination of the theory and research driving homeland security and emergency management measures and an analytical look at the practices and principles of homeland security from an empirical perspective.
  • SPEA-J 327 Applied Research Experience (0-6 cr.) P: SPEA-J 370 or SPEA-J 202 or permission of instructor Students conduct applied research on a government organization, nonprofit organization, or social issue relevant to their educational or professional interests in which the instructor provides substantive mentorship. This course is eligible for a deferred grade. Course may be repeated for credit. Yes
  • SPEA-J 426 Mapping & Analysis-Public Safety (3 cr.) Recommended prerequisite SPEA-J 101 or J 150 The use of the geographic information systems to map locations of events and analyze patterns for decision making in areas of public safety including criminal justice, fire services, emergency management, and homeland security.
  • SPEA-J 429 Public Safety Management and Leadership (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101, SPEA-J 150, SPEA-J 202, SPEA-K 300, SPEA-J 376, SPEA-J 382, SPEA-J 387. This capstone course is designed to examine the major public management principles, policy concerns, and leadership theories learned in an undergraduate management curriculum as they relate to how public safety is achieved in the field and in the policy making arena.
  • SPEA-J 439 Crime and Public Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101, SPEA-J 201, SPEA-J 202 and SPEA-K 300. A detailed examination of the major efforts designed to control or reduce crime. A review of existing knowledge is followed by an investigation of current crime-control theories, proposals, and programs.
  • SPEA-J 470 Seminar in Criminal Justice (1-3 cr.) P: Senior Standing. Emphasizes current developments in legal, administrative, and operational aspects of the criminal justice system.
  • SPEA-J 480 Research in Criminal Justice (1-6 cr.) P: Junior standing and consent of instructor. Individual research under guidance of faculty member. This course may be repeated for credit.
Public Affairs Courses
  • SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3 cr.) Learn about U.S. environmental law, including key statues and course decisions.  Study pollution, hazardous waste, toxins, and environmental impact statements.
  • SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000/11100 or equivalent. Nature of statistical data. Ordering and manipulation of data. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Elementary probability. Concepts of statistical inference decision: estimation and hypothesis testing. Special topics discussed may include regression and correlation, analysis of variance, nonparametric methods. Credit not given for both K300 and either ECON-E 270, PSY-B 305, SOC-R 359, STAT 30100.
  • SPEA-K 301 Statistics Laboratory (1 cr.) C: SPEA-K 300. This course is an optional 1 credit hour module to accompany SPEA-K 300 and must be taken concurrently with SPEA-K 300. The course focuses on application of techniques being taught in SPEA-K 300. The course will allow students to obtain tutoring with specific problems. SPEA-K 301 sessions will be linked with SPEA-K 300 lectures.
  • SPEA-L 121 Introduction to Organizational Leadership (1 cr.) Broad overview of organizational leadership studies including purposes and practices relevant to front-line supervisors, managers, and leaders at all organizational levels. This course serves as an orientation to IUI and O'Neill.
  • SPEA-L 327 Leadership for a Global Workforce (3 cr.) Examines leadership issues including expatriate assignments issues including expatriate assignments, international business strategies and their culture and managerial implications, and a review of business and management practices around the world.
  • SPEA-L 377 Foundations of Leadership (3 cr.) Introduction to the study of leadership philosophy, theory, and styles. Includes analysis of historical approaches to leadership and focuses on influential contemporary leadership perspectives.
  • SPEA-L 383 Coaching and Mentoring in Organizations (3 cr.) Explores issues and practices in organizations pertaining to the roles and functions that coaching and mentoring play in employee development. Focus on identifying coaching opportunities, enhancing communication skills, developing, and implementing coaching and mentoring strategies, and evaluating the outcomes of these strategies.
  • SPEA-L 385 Leadership for Quality and Productivity (3 cr.) Perspectives and applications for successful quality-driven, customer-focused organizations including management systems such as TQM, ISO, Six-Sigma, history of QM, importance of QMS to continuous improvement, and intersection of QM with other functional areas.
  • SPEA-L 477 Leadership Applications (3 cr.) Introduction and overview of the fundamental concepts of supervision. Emphasis is on the supervisor's major functions, essential areas of knowledge, and relationship/personal development. Students will improve their ability to diagnose and address common management/supervisory challenges including those related to teams and collaborations. Introduces students to strategic planning, implementation, and tracking.
  • SPEA-L 482 Leading through Change (3 cr.) A survey of the concepts which provides a foundation for the understanding of leadership and its relationship to the management of organizational change, with special emphasis upon the identification, practice, and development of leadership skills.
  • SPEA-V 100 Current Topics in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Readings and discussion of current public issues and problems. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 101 O'Neill First Year Seminar (1-3 cr.) The first-year seminar (FYS) is the foundation for your success in college. FYS students explore academic, career, and co-curricular opportunities focused within O'Neill and IUPUI at large, while gaining skills for a successful college journey. Core features include support for your transition to college, exploring careers, and skills for success.
  • SPEA-V 170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.) Broad coverage of public affairs through critical and analytical inquiry into policy making at all levels of government. Particular emphasis on intergovernmental relations as they affect policy in the federal system. Credit not given for both SPEA-V 160 and SPEA-V 170.
  • SPEA-V 203 The Call of Public Service: History, Philosophy, Values and Outcomes (3 cr.) A discussion of the institutionalized use of animals for food, clothing, entertainment and research. We will consider sustainability, the role of nonprofits, private sector and government; speciesism; sentience, animal welfare versus animal rights; animal abuse and violence; animals and the law and public policy. History of the animal protection movement.
  • SPEA-V 221 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.) This course provides a broad overview of the United States nonprofit sector. Topics include the sector’s size and scope and its religious, historical, and theoretical underpinnings. It also examines perspectives on why people organize, donate to, and volunteer for nonprofit organizations and looks at current challenges that the sector faces.
  • SPEA-V 222 Principles of Sustainability (3 cr.) Meeting the needs of the present without jeopardizing the future involves an interrelationship between environmental, social, and economic systems. This course introduces and investigates the interrelationships between these approaches to synthesize a basic understanding that can lead to sustainable policies in the public, nonprofit and for-profit sectors.
  • SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (1-3 cr.) Course highlights include: identification of work values and personality preference, a career research assignment, networking assignments designed to prepare students for contact with employers, in-depth tutorial and feedback concerning how to craft a marketable resume and cover letter, and development of an overall career development plan.
  • SPEA-V 260 Topics in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Study of selected issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 261 Using IT in Public Affairs (3 cr.) Course explores IT and computing in public affairs. Topics include basic IT concepts, project proposals, network and infrastructure design, security, ethics, data and document management, cloud computing, and IT futures. Applications include using office suites, website development, and building spreadsheets and statistics, and databases. Recommend basic understanding of computer operations.
  • SPEA-V 263 Public Management (3 cr.) This course is an examination of the management process in public organizations in the United States. Special attention will be given to external influences on public managers, the effect of the intergovernmental environment and, in particular, problems of management in a democratic, limited government system.
  • SPEA-V 264 Community Structures and Policy (3 cr.) An introduction to local and metropolitan issues and policies, highlighting the roles of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Topics include urban, suburban, and exurban government structure and cross-sector policy collaboration, the cultural and economic foundations and development of cities, demography of metropolitan areas, land-use planning, and other policy problems. Credit not given for both SPEA-V 161 and SPEA-V 264.
  • SPEA-V 265 Challenges in Social Policy (3-3 cr.) This course examines critical questions regarding equality, justice, fairness, equity and diversity in our communities. Students will explore these issues through examination of current topics and will engage with community leaders community working to challenge the status quo and ensure civic health and vitality. No
  • SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3 cr.) This course surveys terrorism in democratic societies, with an emphasis on public policy responses designed to combat terrorism. Overviews of terrorist organizations in various countries are interspersed with analyses of significant terrorist events and public policies, and legal and public safety responses the events create.
  • SPEA-V 280 Understanding Policy Making (3-3 cr.) This class will immerse students in the complexities and nuances of the policymaking through field trips, guest speakers, and formal student presentations of their own policy proposals. This class will foster career exploration and include networking opportunities with people directly involved in the policymaking process. No
  • SPEA-V 310 Environmental Justice (3 cr.) The study of disparate impact of environmental policies and practices on various population groups, both within the United States and internationally. This course includes studying the role of power, class, race and politics in the development and enforcement of environmental regulations.
  • SPEA-V 311 Natural Resources and Environmental Policy (3 cr.) This course develops the role of the public sector to develop environmental policy at the national, subnational, and international level. The political, environmental, and economic aspects of pollution and pollution control will be assessed.
  • SPEA-V 322 Sustainable Management (3 cr.) This course examines the role of management in public and nonprofit organizations. Special attention is given to the application of the principles of sustainability to management, methods for public and interest group participation, communication and conflict resolution, and evidence-based management designed to track organizational progress.
  • SPEA-V 323 Sustainable Policy (3 cr.) This course investigates the difficulties of incorporating long-term environmental, social, and economic concerns into policy proposals. The principles of sustainability are applied to policy considerations and existing policies are analyzed for their long-term impact.
  • SPEA-V 328 Applied Research Experience (0-6 cr.) P: SPEA-V 370 or SPEA-J 202 or permission of instructor Students conduct applied research on a government organization, nonprofit organization, or social issue relevant to their educational or professional interests in which the instructor provides substantive mentorship. Yes
  • SPEA-V 346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.) An introduction to government accounting, including comparison with accounting for the private sector, intended as background for the use of financial administrators. The course deals primarily with municipal accounting. Not open to students with more than 7 credit hours of accounting.
  • SPEA-V 348 Management Science (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K 300 and MATH-M 118 Introduction to management science models and methods for policy analysis and public management. Methods include decision analysis, linear programming, queuing analysis, and simulation. Computer-based applications are included. Prior familiarity with computers is recommended, though not required.
  • SPEA-V 352 Personal Career Planning (1 cr.) Investigation of careers, the world of work, and the career planning process. The focal point is on students and their goals. Provides assistance in developing practical, meaningful, and realistic insights into the nature of making a public career choice in today’s world. Credit not awarded for both SPEA-V 352 and BUS-X 420.
  • SPEA-V 356 Introduction to Nonprofit Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.) This course covers concepts and processes of nonprofit accounting and financial reporting with exploration of differences between for-profit, governmental, and nonprofit systems. Examples will be drawn from health organizations, welfare agencies, charities, and educational institutions.
  • SPEA-V 361 Financial Management (3 cr.) This course introduces students to accounting, financial management techniques, and financial reporting. Topics include accounting, debit/credit sheets and balance sheets, financial indicators, fund balances, fringe benefits and pensions, and payroll management.
  • SPEA-V 362 Nonprofit Management and Leadership (3 cr.) Students in this course examine the management practices of nonprofit organizations. The course encourages students to take the perspectives of nonprofit managers, volunteers, board members, policy makers, donors, and clients. Course projects expand understanding of the nonprofit sector and develop students' management skills, analytical tools, and knowledge.
  • SPEA-V 365 Urban Development and Planning (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 264 and SPEA-K 300. This course identifies the major problems associated with urban development in the United States and investigates the potential of public planning strategies and tools to deal with these problems. An emphasis is placed on the application of analytical approaches to problem definition and solution.
  • SPEA-V 366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the management of people in public organizations. Focus is on behavioral science in management and related analytical and experiential applications.
  • SPEA-V 367 Project Planning and Management (3 cr.) This course offers an introduction to the basic concepts and methods for planning, directing and communicating about projects in public, private and nonprofit organizations. Class provides students with tools that prepare them for success as project managers by focusing on both technical as well as behavioral components of project management. No
  • SPEA-V 368 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 348. Application of analytical techniques to operating decisions in public management sector. Cases are used extensively to illustrate the application of techniques (such as charting, capacity and demand analysis, forecasting, performance measurement, decision analysis, queuing/simulation, Markov modeling, and cost-effective analysis) to design, scheduling, inventory assignment, transportation, and replacement decisions.
  • SPEA-V 369 Managing Information Technology (3 cr.) Analysis and application of information technology to problem solving.
  • SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K 300 or equivalent. This course will introduce the student to the basic methods, issues, analytical techniques, and ethical considerations of evaluation research.
  • SPEA-V 372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 170, ECON-E 201 Study of fiscal management in public agencies, including revenue administration, debt management, and public budgeting.
  • SPEA-V 373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.) The organization and operation of public personnel management systems with emphasis on concepts and techniques of job analysis, position classification, training, affirmative action, and motivation.
  • SPEA-V 375 Emergency Services Administration (3 cr.) An overview of management principles and functional components of EMS systems.
  • SPEA-V 376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the origins, process, and impact of law in the making and implementing of public policy. The course’s major objective is to provide students with the substantive concepts necessary to understand the judicial system and law in its various forms.
  • SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3 cr.) In this course, through detailed examination of the legislative process, the budget process and the regulatory process, students will explore Federal Government processes and how they aid and hinder programmatic implementation. The skills and knowledge discussed in this class help students understand the inner workings of the Federal Government.
  • SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of program evaluation as it relates to public affairs, criminal justice, health policy, and environmental science, with particular emphasis on measuring program outcomes. The course is designed for students who envision themselves working in management, policy making, or research roles.
  • SPEA-V 380 Internship in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Open to interested students upon approval of the faculty. Students are placed with public agencies or governmental units for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests in public affairs. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours. Course is graded S/F. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1-6 cr.) Students will be required to fulfill a minimum of 120 hours of relevant professional work.
  • SPEA-V 382 Political Action and Civic Engagement (3 cr.) Examines citizen efforts to effect social change, with an emphasis upon political movements and parties as mechanisms for achieving that change.
  • SPEA-V 390 Readings in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 391 Honors Readings in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and honors advisor. Restricted to students in SPEA Honors Program. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 408 Individual Rights, Common Goods and Public Policies (3 cr.) Considers the tension between individual and majoritarian rights in our constitutional system, and the effects of that tension on the formulation of public policy.
  • SPEA-V 412 Leadership and Ethics (3 cr.) This course is designed to examine the complex leadership issues and challenges facing communities and explore how citizens and government can work together to address these challenges. This includes exploration of how the problems, conflicts, and dilemmas encountered by leaders when making decisions must be considered within an ethical framework.
  • SPEA-V 419 Sustainable Community Development (3 cr.) This course examines the challenges of achieving sustainable community development and explores how community planning, zoning, regulation, legislation, economic policy, transportation strategy, energy policy, and stakeholder engagement can work together to minimize long-term costs and maximize long-term benefits to a community's ecosystem, economy, culture, and public health.
  • SPEA-V 421 Metropolitan Development (3 cr.) Discussion of the process of development in metropolitan regions. Includes topics such as economic development, land use evolution, and demographic change. Consideration of relevant policy issues.
  • SPEA-V 423 Sustainable Urban Environments (3 cr.) An introduction to the policy issues facing urban government in creating sustainable policies. The course investigates the social, fiscal, economic, physical, and political aspects of sustainable policies applied to the urban setting.
  • SPEA-V 432 Labor Relations in the Public Sector (3 cr.) An introductory overview of labor relations in the public sector. Course includes the development, practice, and extent of the collective bargaining process and administration of the labor agreement by state and local governments.
  • SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 cr.) This course introduces students to the theories and techniques of alternative dispute resolution. The course covers interest-based negotiation, mediation, arbitration, fact finding, early neutral evaluation, and other techniques used in business, labor relations, environmental disputes, family relations, and international affairs.
  • SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course will develop an appreciation regarding the critical nature of communication by managers in the public and nonprofit sector. It will introduce students to the skills critical to effective communication as professionals.
  • SPEA-V 438 Mass Media and Public Affairs (3 cr.) Course will analyze the role of the media in the formation of public policy, including the responsibility of journalists, legal and ethical constraints, business pressures and their effects, impact of technology, and similar issues.
  • SPEA-V 443 Managing Workforce Diversity (3 cr.) The composition and nature of the work force is changing. Managers must decide how to accommodate real differences among the members of their organizations. This course seeks to provide information for practitioners who hope to integrate an understanding of workforce diversity into their management style and professional behavior.
  • SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 458 Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) Course builds an understanding of the practice, philosophy, law, and theory of fundraising. Students establish an organization’s value base and mission, prepare funding appeals, evaluate readiness for a campaign, assess funding sources, implement fundraising vehicles, evaluate effectiveness, and discuss stewardship of contributions.
  • SPEA-V 465 Geographic Information Systems for Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 261 and SPEA-V 369. Students will learn the concepts, methodologies, and perspectives essential for using geographic information systems (GIS) to address critical public affairs issues. Through course projects, students will learn how to use desktop and Internet-based GIS applications and will develop complementary skills related to designing and implementing GIS applications for public-sector organizations.
  • SPEA-V 473 Management, Leadership, and Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K 300 and SPEA-V 370. This course seeks to integrate learning across the public affairs curriculum. Students will review and reflect about their learning in management, leadership, and policy. Experiential methods--service learning, projects, cases, and exercises--will be used to help students apply theory, concepts, and skills.
  • SPEA-V 490 Directed Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-3 cr.) To be arranged with the individual instructor and approved by the chairperson of the undergraduate program. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and honors advisor. Restricted to students in the SPEA Honors Program. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and honors advisor. Research and paper to be arranged with individual instructor and approved by the campus SPEA Honors Program director. This course may be repeated for credit.