IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » nursing » Policies & Procedures » Undergraduate Policies » Transfer

Policies & Procedures

Undergraduate Policies

Students requesting a transfer of any type should meet with the academic advisors at IUSON. Students on any IU Campus must meet with and receive a letter that supports the transfer from the Nursing Dean or Director on the campus that they are transferring from.  This letter must be sent directly from the Nursing Dean/Director to the Chair of the Indiana University School of Nursing BSN Admission, Progression, and Graduation (APG) Committee.  The student must also notify the Academic Advisor on the campus they are transferring from regarding their intent to transfer.  The policies listed below will further outline the detailed procedures for each type of transfer request.  

Student Permanent Transfer 

The School of Nursing provides a mechanism for IU students who wish to permanently transfer to a Core Campus.

The School of Nursing provides a mechanism for nursing students from ACEN or CCNE Accredited BSN Programs other than Indiana University to permanently transfer to the BSN Program on the Core Campus.

Indiana University School of Nursing reserves the right to accept or deny transfer of credit based on the guidelines below.

  1. Students may only request a transfer once.
  2. Students must be in good standing at the time of request for transfer and at the time of transfer.
  3. Only courses with a grade of “C” or Satisfactory (or better) will be considered for transfer credit. To help decide, transfer students may need to provide catalog course descriptions and/or course syllabi.
  4. There may be only a one-semester gap in attending clinical courses at the previous university (Indiana University or other).
  5. Students may not have any previous nursing course failures.
  6. Students may not request a transfer if they have ever been dismissed from a nursing program.
  7. Students should be aware that transfers are awarded on a space-available basis only.
  8. Students who transfer will hold out of sequence status for registration.
  9. Students who transfer must meet all compliance requirements of the intended transfer campus.
  10. Students who transfer must meet the general education requirements of the campus they transfer to before they can graduate from that campus.
  11. Students will submit a written request for a permanent transfer to Academic Advising on the Core Campus where they intend to transfer.
  12. Requests for transfer will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.
  13. Students must communicate with and receive a letter that supports the transfer from the Nursing Dean or Director on the campus that they are transferring from. This letter must be sent directly from the Nursing Dean/Director to the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs at IUSON (Core).
  14. The decision to permanently transfer a student will be determined by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and the Assistant Dean for Prelicensure Programs.
  15. In case of more requests than seats available, priority will be given based on nursing GPA. This is the GPA for all courses which are “NURS” courses taken while in the program.
  16. Students who transfer must accept the transfer in writing.
  17. The deadline to accept the transfer is 2 weeks after notification of the decision. Students will be notified of the decision by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (within 5 business days) by phone with a follow up email, or by email only (coping the advisor on the new campus).
  18. Students will be provided with their tentative graduation date, degree plan with remaining coursework, and a statement that this request is granted pending space availability.
  19. The advisor from the new campus will be responsible for tracking the student’s documentation and acceptance.
  20. Students who are deemed ineligible for a permanent transfer by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and the Assistant Dean for Prelicensure Programs have the right to appeal this decision via a written request to the Admission, Progression, and Graduation (APG) committee.
    1. Requests for a permanent transfer beginning in the spring semester will be reviewed at the October APG meeting. All materials for the request must be submitted to the Chair of the APG committee 1 week prior to the October APG meeting.
    2. Requests for a permanent transfer beginning in the fall semester will be reviewed at the May APG meeting. All materials for the request must be submitted to the Chair of the APG committee 1 week prior to the May APG meeting.


In addition to the general policies above, these specific requirements must also be met for transfer.

Permanent Transfer within the Core

  1. Students may only request a transfer after the end of semester 4 in the traditional BSN Curriculum and end of semester 2 in the accelerated BSN curriculum.
  2. Students must notify their Academic Advisor on the Core Campus they are transferring from regarding their intent to transfer to another Core campus.

Student Permanent Transfer from another IU Campus/University to a Core Campus

  1. Students who wish to transfer to the School of Nursing at a Core Campus must first apply for admission to the Indiana University campus where they intended to transfer.
  2. Students transferring from another IU campus must notify their Academic Advisor on the IU campus they are transferring from regarding their intent to transfer.
  3. Students must request that all official transcripts containing coursework for review are sent directly to the Admissions Office on the campus they intend to transfer to, and to the School of Nursing. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all official transcripts have been received by the School of Nursing.
  4. To be eligible for admission to the Indiana University School of Nursing, the transfer student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 from the transfer institution(s). This GPA is consistent with the minimum admission requirement for the pre-licensure programs (AFS-15 and AFS-16).
  5. Students must provide a syllabus for all nursing courses they wish to transfer to Indiana University for faculty evaluation. Courses may transfer only with faculty approval on a course-by-course basis. Any syllabi or additional documentation will be provided to the academic advisor. The Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and the Assistant Dean for the Prelicensure programs will complete a curriculum review prior to making transfer decisions. All syllabi and documentation must be sent to the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs to complete the review to determine appropriate curricular placement.
  6. A student must take and pass at least 30 credits of nursing at Indiana University for the BSN degree to be conferred from the IU School of Nursing.
  7. At the time of transfer decision, students must have completed at least one successful semester of nursing school. Depending on how courses transfer, there is a possibility that students will be out of sequence and not in a cohort.

Please refer to School of Nursing Policy AFS-38

Last updated April 2024

Student Temporary Transfer 

The School of Nursing provides a mechanism for students who wish to temporarily transfer from another Core School of Nursing campus or any other Indiana University Campus to the BSN Program on the three Core Campuses. 

  1. Students from within the 3 Core Schools must meet with a nursing advisor on their home campus to determine if transferring to another Core School for one term (or one course) is appropriate.
  2. Students from outside of the 3 Core Schools must meet with and receive a letter that supports the transfer from the Nursing Associate Dean/Director on the campus that they are transferring from. This letter must be sent directly from the Nursing Associate Dean/Director to the Chair of the APG Committee 5 business days prior to the APG meeting.
  3. Students must also notify the Academic Advisor on the campus they are transferring from regarding their intent to transfer temporarily.
  4. Students will submit a written request for a temporary transfer to the Chair of the APG Committee 5 business days prior to the APG meeting.
  5. Students should be aware that transfers are awarded on a space-available basis only.
  6. Students may not request a temporary transfer if they have ever been dismissed from a nursing program.
  7. Students who transfer will hold out of sequence status for registration.
  8. If a student needs to transfer for the spring semester, their situation will be reviewed at the December and January APG meetings.
  9. If a student needs to transfer for the fall semester, their situation will be reviewed at the May and August APG meetings.
  10. If a student needs to transfer for the summer semester, their situation will be reviewed at the March and May APG meetings.
  11. Advisors from the 3 Core Schools will collaborate prior to the APG meetings regarding whether they anticipate having openings or students needing to transfer.
  12. In case of more requests than seats available, priority will be given based on nursing GPA.

Please refer to School of Nursing Policy AFS-33

Last updated April 2022