IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law » Course Descriptions » IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law

IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Course Descriptions

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J.D. Required Courses
  • LAW-D/N 509 Property (4 cr.) Introduces students to possession and ownership, estates in land, co-tenancies, landlord-tenant relationships, non-possessory interests in land, land purchase and sale transactions, and land title issues.
  • LAW-D 512 Contracts and Sales I (3 cr.) Introduces students to exchange relationships in contemporary American society, with some emphasis on classic contract doctrine and introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code.
  • LAW-D/N 520/521 Legal Communication and Analysis I & II (2 cr.) Introduces students to sources of law, the nature of precedent, legal research, common law and statutory analysis, objective and persuasive legal writing, appellate advocacy, and the drafting of legal documents.
  • LAW-D/N 528 Legal Research (1 cr.) This course is taught in 13 classes over the fall and spring semesters of the law student's first year. The classes will be a combination of lab sessions and online modules. Each semester will earn .5 credit hours for a total of 1 credit. The course is designed to provide law students with the basic legal research skills essential for successful law practice. Instruction will simulate a law office handling a case and require students to research multiple aspects of the law on the topics involved. Students will complete a series of graded assignments and have a final exam at the end of the second semester. The course grade will be determined from the graded assignments and cumulative assessments.
  • LAW-D/N 533 Criminal Law (3 cr.) Introduces students to basic principles underlying the substantive law of crimes, with special focus on definition of specific offenses and defenses.
  • LAW-D/N 541 Torts (4 cr.) Introduces students to actions for intentional and unintentional interference with protectable interests. Strict liability and its extensions, alternatives to the torts compensation system, and the impact of insurance and legislation on the common law of torts are also considered.
  • LAW-D/N 620 Constitutional Law (4 cr.) Introduces students to the U.S. Constitution. Principal aspects of judicial review, separation of powers, federalism, equality, and fundamental rights will be considered. Part-time evening division students must enroll during their second year. Full-time day division students must enroll during their first year.
  • LAW-D 707/708 Civil Procedure I & II (2-4 cr.) Introduces students to jurisdiction and venue in state and federal courts; rules governing civil litigation, judgment, and review. (3-3 or 4-2 cr.)
Upper-Division Required/Highly Recommended Courses
  • LAW-D/N 610 Family Law (3 cr.) Addresses state, federal, and constitutional regulation of family relationships, premarital agreements, and domestic partnerships, marriage, and divorce. It explores common dissolution issues such as property division, child and spousal support, child custody and visitation, and modification and enforcement orders. Other topics may include domestic violence, non-marital family rights, incest, polygamy, family law courts, and jurisdiction.
  • LAW-D/N 618 Secured Transactions (2-3 cr.) Covers (1) creation, perfection, and enforcement of security interests in personal property under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code; and (2) Indiana debt collection, including garnishment, attachment, and bankruptcy exemptions.
  • LAW-D/N 622 First Amendment (3-4 cr.) Provides an in-depth study of the limitations the First Amendment places upon the power of government to regulate speech, the press, and religion. P: Constitutional Law (DN620).
  • LAW-D/N 632 Evidence (4 cr.) Required for students matriculating in and after 2016. Covers the law governing proof at trial of disputed issues of fact, burden of proof, presumptions and judicial notice, examination, impeachment, competency, privileges of witnesses, the hearsay rule and its exceptions, and the functions of judge and jury.
  • LAW-D/N 645 Closely Held Business Organizations (3 cr.) Considers the formation, management, and control of partnerships, closely held corporations, and LLCs, including distribution of powers within such organizations and application to them of agency and fiduciary principles.
  • LAW-D/N 647 Administrative Law (3 cr.) Considers the roles of administrative agencies in the structure of government, constitutional limitations on agency action, and analysis of agency functions; emphasizing informal procedures and placing formal procedures of investigation, rule-making, and hearings in perspective. P: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Constitutional Law (DN620) or permission of instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 702 Criminal Procedure: Investigation (3 cr.) Covers the pretrial criminal process from arrest to charging decision, with emphasis on constitutional criminal procedure, criminal investigation, and criminal evidence. Arrests, searches and seizures, interrogations and confessions, lineups and identification evidence, preliminary hearings, grand jury proceedings, and indictments and informations are considered.
  • LAW-D/N 722 Trusts and Estates (3-4 cr.) Surveys the law on family property settlement, including intestate succession, wills and will substitutes, intervivos and testamentary trusts, fiduciary administration, powers of appointment, and future interests.
  • LAW-D/N 757 Indiana Constitutional Law (2 cr.) P: Constitutional Law (DN620). Offers a survey of the Indiana Constitution, including its history and text, historical and modern analytical approaches applied in landmark cases, and consideration and appreciation of its differences with the United States Constitution. P: Constitutional Law (DN620).
  • LAW-D/N 804 Conflict of Laws (2-3 cr.) Considers issues that arise when the significant facts of a case have contacts with more than one jurisdiction, including recognition and effect of foreign judgments, choice of law, and jurisdiction of courts.
  • LAW-D/N 861 Professional Responsibility (2-3 cr.) This course covers the history, traditions, and responsibilities of the legal profession as well as ethics of office practice and trial practice, admission, disbarment, and disciplinary proceedings. The number of credit hours will be announced when the course is scheduled.
  • LAW-D/N 600 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Regulation (2-3 cr.) This course examines legal issues relevant to healthcare providers that involve health care fraud and abuse regulation. Health care fraud is an intentional attempt to collect money for medical services wrongly and abuse pertains to actions which are inconsistent with acceptable business and medical practices. The course will focus on fraud and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and the four major statutes containing federal fraud and abuse prohibitions. Specific statutes studied include the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Stark law and regulations, the False Claims Act and the Civil Monetary Penalty Act.
  • LAW-D/N 601 Election Law (2 -3 cr.) introduces students to legal issues related to the very core of democracy - the right to vote. The course will touch upon a number of timely issues including: one person, one vote; the role of race and partisanship in redistricting; campaign finance; and "ballot access" issues such as voter ID, felon disfranchisement, and the recently enacted Help America Vote Act.
  • LAW-D/N 602 Legislation (2-3 cr.) Addresses legislative process, with emphasis on lawyers' perspectives and functions, along with issues of representative theory, legislative organization and procedure, interaction of the legislature with other branches of government, and legislative research and drafting.
  • LAW-D/N 604 International and Comparative Family Law (2-3 cr.) Analyzes traditional family law topics from both an international law perspective and a comparative law perspective spanning several legal systems, including common law, civil law, and religious law. Family law topics covered may include marriage, divorce, child support, child abduction, and adoption. The course may be taught as a seminar.
  • LAW-D/N 605 Real Estate Transfer, Finance, and Development (2-3 cr.) Introduces fundamentals of land transfer, finance, and development. Topics include the perfection and priority of mortgages and liens on real property, and the role of brokers, lawyers, and other participants in real estate transactions.
  • LAW-D/N 609 Domestic Violence and the Law (2-3 cr.) Examines legal responses to domestic violence in many areas of law, including civil, criminal, state and federal law. A research paper, in lieu of an examination, may be required.
  • LAW-D/N 611 Environmental and Toxic Tort Law (2-3 cr.) Covers tort actions used to provide redress for injury caused by toxic substances and dangerous environmental conditions. Topics may include trespass, nuisance, strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities, product liability, federal preemption, and special problems in causation.
  • LAW-D/N 612 Juvenile Law (2-3 cr.) Is a study of the rights of children in relation to their parents, other adults, and the state. It reviews topics such as the definition of "child" in light of alternative methods of reproduction, and constitutional rights, including free speech, free exercise, and abortion rights. It explores the educational, financial, medical, and maintenance needs of children, including adoption and foster care. Finally, it also surveys the abuse and neglect of children and the termination of parental rights or the emancipation of children. Family Law (DN610) is not a prerequisite for Juvenile Law.
  • LAW-D/N 616 Advanced Sales (2-3 cr.) Builds upon first-year coverage of the formation, operation, and enforcement of contracts for the sale or lease of goods, with an emphasis on Articles 2 and 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.). Topics may include documents of title (bills of lading and warehouse receipts) under Article 7 of the U.C.C. and letters of credit under Article 5.
  • LAW-D/N 617 Payment Systems (2-3 cr.) This course (formerly called Commercial Paper) considers the creation and transfer of negotiable instruments, liability of parties thereon, bank-collection systems, electronic funds transfers, and payment by credit card; with an emphasis on Articles 3, 4, and 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code and applicable federal statutes and regulations.
  • LAW-D/N 619 Bankruptcy Law (3 cr.) Examines the rights and duties of financially distressed debtors and their creditors under the Bankruptcy Code and related state laws. Topics include fraudulent transfers, property exemptions, the automatic stay, the powers of a bankruptcy trustee, relative priorities among secured and unsecured creditors, liquidation vs. debtor rehabilitation, and the social and economic implications of debt forgiveness.
  • LAW-D/N 626 Copyright Law (3 cr.) Considers the principles of copyright law, with attention to its historical development and future adaptability to technological developments and new circumstances, foundations for securing copyright privileges and allowing fair use of existing works, and comparisons to other legal protections of intellectual property.
  • LAW-D/N 627 Intellectual Property Transactions & Licensing (2 cr.) Facilitates an appreciation of how intellectual property issues arise in the context of various transactions and explores the possible responses to those issues. Where applicable, this class will consider international aspects of IP issues.
  • LAW-D/N 630 Trademark Law (2-3 cr.) Provides students with a synthesis of the current and developing law in key areas of trademark and unfair competition law in the U.S. and abroad.
  • LAW-D/N 633 The Right of Publicity (2 cr.) Covers various aspects of this IP doctrine including its historical evolution, the statutory and common law sources, and its relationship to other aspects of intellectual property, as well as litigation, licensing and business applications. Cases reviewed will include those focusing on personalities such as Rosa Parks, Outkast, Tom Cruise and Bette Midler; and on endorsement deals, celebrity branding and advertising campaigns.
  • LAW-D/N 634 International Intellectual Property Law (2-3 cr.) Examines the international context of the development of copyright, patent, and trademark law, with an emphasis on multinational treaties, developments in the European Union and other jurisdictions, and enforcement of international claims. P: completion of any other law school course on intellectual property law or permission of the instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 640 Animals and the Law (2 cr.) Explores the historical and evolving legal status of non-human animals. Students will examine cases, arising in a variety of contexts, in which the resolution of the dispute depends upon policy decisions about the nature of non-human animals.
  • LAW-D/N 643 Patent Prosecution (2 cr.) Focuses on representing a client with patent matters before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Deals with all phases of the patent process, including soliciting full invention disclosure from the client, prior art searching and patentability opinions, preparing patent application and claims, responding to Examiner Office Actions, patent issuance process, and a variety of post-issuance matters.
  • LAW-D/N 646 Publicly Traded Corporations (2 cr.) Covers the management and control of publicly held corporations, including proxy regulations, struggles for control, transactions in shares by insiders, shareholder litigation, and fundamental changes in corporate structure. Closely Held Business Organizations (DN645) is not a prerequisite for this course.
  • LAW-D/N 648 Income Taxation of Individuals, Fiduciaries and Business Associations (4 cr.) Addresses basic problems of income taxation of individuals, trusts, estates, partnerships, and corporations. Topics covered include gross income, deductions, tax computations, rates, credits, accounting methods, accounting periods, as well as practice before the United States Department of the Treasury, federal courts, and tax court. The course emphasizes statutory and policy interpretation, using problems extensively.
  • LAW-D/N 650 World Trade Organization (WTO) Law (3 cr.) Begins with analysis of why nations trade and the effects of free trade vs. protectionism, typical import and export rules and procedures, and various forms of trade barriers. The main focus is on establishment of GATT and WTO rules and their impact on modern trade in goods and services. The course finishes with an outlook on twenty-first century hot spots in international trade, such as intellectual property rights, environmental protection, human rights and labor standards, and the perspectives of developing countries.
  • LAW-D/N 651 Labor Law (4 cr.) Covers the National Labor Relations Act as administered by the National Labor Relations Board, including employer and union unfair labor practice provisions and board practice under the act in conducting elections to determine a union's representative status.
  • LAW-D/N 653 Discrimination in Employment (2-3 cr.) Considers federal and state statutes and regulations relating to discrimination on the basis of race, sex, and other factors with respect to terms and conditions of employment by either employers or unions.
  • LAW-D/N 656 ERISA Retirement Plans: Formation and Structure (2 cr.) Focuses on the formation and structure of qualified retirement plans, such as defined benefit pension plans and 401(k) defined contribution plans. The course looks at the technical requirements under the Internal Revenue Code, as well as plan design issues. The course also reviews ongoing reporting and disclosure compliance issues imposed under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code.
  • LAW-D/N 657 Corporate Compliance Overview (3 cr.) This introductory overview course emphasizes the areas of corporate and regulatory law that impose requirements on corporations including health care provider organizations as well as pharmaceutical and medical device companies. The course emphasizes the importance of corporate compliance for these organizations, and gives and overview of relevant regulatory authorities and their underlying theories and rationales. This course examines the pertinent government regulations, guidance documents and enforcement initiatives forming the framework for corporate compliance. The course will focus on the process of compliance which should be established internally irrespective of the regulatory authority involved. The course will also examine on the various requirements of financial disclosures and conflict of interest in the health care arena.
  • LAW-D/N 658 Law Practice Management (2 cr.) This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the information and resources necessary to establish a law practice. It is targeted toward students who are considering opening their own practice, either as solo practitioners or with others. Issues addressed include office space and equipment, technologies used in law office management, client acquisition,insurance, fee structures and billing, budgeting, integrated practice management tools, and ethics and professionalism. The course is graded pass/fail.
  • LAW-D/N 659 Agricultural Law and the Environment (2 cr.) A key challenge for the agriculture sector is feeding a growing global population (9.6 billion by 2050) while at the same time reducing environmental impacts and preserving natural resources for future generations. Coupled with the impacts of climate change, international trade, technology, and interest in food processing and production, this is not only one of the most complex areas of law and policy, but also one of the fastest-growing. This course will examine both the impact of agricultural policy on the environment and the influence of environmental law on food and agriculture. Students will examine key federal and state laws and regulations. They will also study the institutions that implement agricultural, environmental, and natural resources policies. Students will explore the scientific context and public policy framework within which these legal standards are designed and implemented.
  • LAW-D/N 661 Supervised Research (1-4 cr.) Requires the student to write an in-depth and comprehensive research paper on a current legal problem. Generally, the finished paper should be 8,500 words inclusive of footnotes or endnotes for each hour of credit. The supervising faculty member is the final judge of both quality and length. P: Permission of instructor, completed Enrollment Request Form.
  • LAW-D/N 662 Advanced Research in Health Law (2  cr.) Provides a vehicle for students to conduct research, prepare a major paper and present a talk on a health law topic in order to complete their advanced writing requirement and/or the required major research paper for the concentration in health law.
  • LAW-D/N 672 Employment Law (3 cr.) Is a study of the historical development of employment law from the early nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Topics include establishing employment and its terms; employers' obligation to employees; termination of the employee relationship; protecting employees' reputations, privacy, and dignity; and protecting employees' physical integrity through the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
  • LAW-D/N 674 International Tax (2-3 cr.) This course introduces the fundamental U.S. income tax issues arising when (1) U.S. persons or entities earn income outside of the U.S. or (2) foreign persons or entities earn income inside the U.S. Depending upon the number of credit hours, specific topics may include the rules for classifying income as U.S. or foreign-source income, transfer pricing, income deferral and controlled corporations, double taxation and the foreign tax credit, foreign currency transactions, and the role of tax treaties. Although the course will not study non-U.S. tax systems in detail, it will highlight significant differences between the U.S. approach to cross-border transactions and those adopted by other taxing authorities. P: Income Taxation (DN 648) or permission of instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 675 Accounting for Law Students (2  cr.) Introduces students to basic principles and techniques of accounting for law students with little or no prior background in accounting. Selected legal problems involving the application of accounting concepts will be considered. Unless needed for the Corporate and Commercial Law Graduate Certificate, enrollment is limited to students with no previous credits in accounting.
  • LAW-D/N 676 Directed Reading (1 cr.) Directed reading is an independent project in which a student reads a collection of materials in an area of interest, in consultation with a supervising faculty member. The student and supervising faculty member must have at least three one-hour meetings during the semester and the student must produce a short (at least 2,000-word) paper. P: Prior approval of supervising full-time faculty member and Vice Dean; submission of a proposal for Vice Dean approval prior to the first day of the semester; available only to JD students who have completed at least 55 hours of credit or to LLM/MJ students. A student may only apply one directed reading credit toward their requisite course work for the degree. The course is graded pass/fail. The form for applying to a Vice Dean for a Directed Reading approval is available here: https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/students/_docs/forms/directedreading.pdf
  • LAW-D/N 678 Higher Education Law (2 cr.) Designed to build on a law student's substantive knowledge about legal issues facing institutions of higher education, this course focuses on university governance, the student/institution relationship, and the legal dynamics among and between institutions of higher education and their respective host communities. This course requires substantial reading and analysis of both the course text and court decisions. Through classroom discussions, collaborative exercises, and occasional assignments (on-line and in the classroom), a student in this class will gain a better understanding of how the law shapes our nation's institutions of higher education.
  • LAW-D/N 680 Women and the Law (2-3 cr.) This course is an in-depth analysis of the ways that law and gender interact in American society. It explores the legal, social, and historical context of key cases in gender equality, and investigates the legal reasoning of the arguments that supported the Court's decisions, in addition to an analysis of those who opposed the Court's decision. Students examine the modern-day impact of some of the key cases that balanced the scales, and supported gender equality. Grades are based on class participation, students will be required to write short responses to some of the required reading and/or presentations, as well as a final exam.
  • LAW-D/N 681 Environmental Justice (3 cr.) Represents a critical issue in domestic and international environmental policy and law. Students will examine historical and contemporary “environmental justice” issues raised by communities and the legal avenues available to address those claims. They will gain an appreciation of the competing societal interests at stake in environmental decision-making and the relationship of the civil rights movement in United States history to the birth of the environmental justice movement.
  • LAW-D/N 683 Clean Air Law (2 cr.) The course will examine in depth the structure and function of federal law regulating air emissions that harm human health and the environment. The course will emphasize the history of air regulation including common law responses to industrial air pollution. It will review the advent of the Clean Air Act as a statutory framework and examine selected regulatory programs under the Act. Students will also review current controversies and areas of regulatory activity, such as the effort to regulate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, which contribute to global climate change. Environmental Law or Administrative Law is strongly recommended.
  • LAW-D/N 685 Race and the Law (2-3 cr.) Examines the response of the law to racial issues presented in a variety of contemporary legal contexts, including civil procedure, property, torts, contracts, criminal law and procedure, employment law and education law. Also examines international human rights law instruments applicable in the United States. Materials for the course include a mix of cases and scholarly commentary.
  • LAW-D/N 686 Neuroscience and the Law (2 cr.) Focuses on aspects of neuroscience relevant to legal decision-making. Subjects addressed will include an overview of brain structure, relevance of brain to behavior, an exploration of medical and scientific tools used to better understand the brain, and applications of this knowledge to areas such as the adolescent brain, addictions, and psychopathy. Advances in neuroscience may well challenge traditional understandings of concepts such as culpability, propensity, and responsibility.
  • LAW-D/N 693 Life Sciences Compliance Law (2-3 cr.) This course introduces students to the lifecycle of clinical trials, examining the pertinent regulations and compliance efforts required to move a new drug or device to market. The course focuses specifically on the lifecycle of a vaccine, especially in a global pandemic environment, using a real-world, case-study format that allows students to hear about and experience firsthand the day-to-day challenges of conducting clinical research in a regulated environment. Topics include practical aspects of clinical trial contracting, FDA regulations and approval, conflicts of interest, research with humans and animals, and research misconduct. The course will provide experience in drafting and negotiating clinical trial contract provisions, addressing publication rights, intellectual property ownership, indemnification, and confidentiality.
  • LAW-D/N 695 New Genetics: Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues (2 cr.) Explores the ethical and legal issues relevant to the development and use of genetic science in a variety of medical and social settings. The course will survey the current practices and proposals for genetic screening of newborns and adults, collecting genetic samples for criminal and research biobanks, and issues raised by returning genetic results in clinical and research settings. More generally, students will examine the social and medical implications of genomic research and the implementation of genomic technologies into clinical care, as well as more controversial applications of genomic science, including the debate over gene editing technologies, reproductive technologies, and the use of genetic science to augment human abilities and attributes.
  • LAW-D/N 699 White Collar Crime (2-3 cr.) Course focuses on aspects of criminal law relating to nonviolent crime, typically committed by means of deception for financial gain under color of legitimate activity. Subjects addressed will include the bases of corporate and individual criminal liability, principles of federal prosecution, prosecutorial discretion, and the balance between the government's interests in investigating white collar crime and the rights of corporate and individual investigatory targets.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Advanced Professional Responsibility: Judicial Conduct & Ethics (2 cr.) Examines the ethical and legal responsibilities of the neutral arbiter of disputes and anaylyzes the appropriate conduct and role of judges in making, interpreting, and applying law. The course also provides an opportunity to compare the practical realities of the profession of judging to aspirational notions of justice. P: Professional Responsibility.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Climate Change: Law and Policy (2 cr.) Course examines in as much depth as possible the science, policy and law relating to the critical issue of climate change. The course will start with an overview of climate change science, with attention to how it is affecting Indiana, the midwest, the US and countries around the world and understanding of the key approaches to reduce greenhouse gases and prepare to adapt. We will look at international efforts to address climate change, including treaties and other international agreements. We will then address domestic efforts, examining various legal approaches including the federal Clean Air Act, state and local government actions, constitutional claims and private actions.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Collaborative Solutions for Communities in Crisis: An Introduction to Problem-Solving Courts (1 cr.) Problem-solving courts utilize judicial power to convene stakeholders and resolve crises collaboratively. This 7-week course explores the history of problem-solving courts. Students will learn about historical episodes which gave birth to the drug court movement, early successes of that movement, and expansion of problem-solving courts to address other crises. Students will also learn about problem-solving courts in Indiana. They will become familiar with the legal framework within which problem-solving courts are created and operate. They will also learn how the opioid epidemic and the 2014 revision of Indiana's criminal code have elevated the role of problem-solving courts in Indiana's legal culture. Finally, they will examine recent societal problems, caused by COVID-19 and systemic racism, to understand how expanded use of problem-solving courts can ensure continuity of essential government functions.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Health Care Business and Revenue Systems (2 cr.) The healthcare industry is experiencing unprecedented growth and change. Hospitals have been at the forefront of this change dealing with a demanding regulatory environment which impacts everything from patient care to reimbursement. Understanding the competing interests of healthcare providers, government organizations, and health insurance companies is vital for individuals wishing to work in the healthcare industry. This course will examine a typical hospitals revenue cycle and identify both legal and business issues faced by legal professionals working in this field.
  • LAW-D/N 704 Criminal Procedure: Adjudication (3 cr.) Covers the criminal trial process and post-trial proceedings, including pretrial motions, discovery, guilty pleas, jury selection, trials, sentencing, appeals, and post-conviction relief procedures. Criminal Procedure: Investigation (DN702) is not a prerequisite for Criminal Procedure: Adjudication.
  • LAW-D/N 709 Immigration Law and Procedure (2-3 cr.) Covers citizenship, acquisition, and maintenance of major immigrant and nonimmigrant classifications, along with admission into and exclusion or deportation from the United States. Topics addressed include the structure and procedures of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Board of Immigration Appeals.
  • LAW-D/N 713 International Criminal Law (2-3 cr.) Covers the application of domestic and international law to questions of jurisdiction over international criminal activities, granting of amnesty to persons responsible for international crimes, international cooperation in criminal matters, substantive international law as contained in multilateral treaties concerning war crimes and terrorism, and the permanent International Criminal Court.
  • LAW-D/N 716 Oil and Gas Law (2-3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Examines the law associated with oil and gas as well as the rights and responsibilities of relevant parties throughout the production process, including the origin and production of oil, gas and minerals; the nature and protection of interests in oil and gas; the oil and gas lease and important provisions; covenants implied in oil and gas leases; title and conveyance problems (transfers by fee owners and lessors); and pooling and unitization agreements.
  • LAW-D/N 717 Natural Resources Law (2-3 cr.) Covers the law and policy of natural resources regulation, focusing on the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and laws concerning water and timber use and protection; energy-related resource issues other than oil and gas; and land-use planning issues.
  • LAW-D/N 720 Elder Law (2  cr.) Study of legal issues and programs particularly affecting elderly persons: topics selected from such areas as nursing home law; mental health, guardianship, and civil commitment; age discrimination; Social Security and other income assistance programs; Medicare, Medicaid, National Health Insurance, health and drug issues; consumer protection; and housing problems of the elderly.
  • LAW-D/N 710 Remedies (3 cr.) addresses principles underlying equitable, restitutionary, and damage remedies for vindication of substantive claims in various fields of law.
  • LAW-D/N 725 Estate & Gift Taxation (2 cr.) Examines Federal Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Taxes with a brief introduction to Estate and Trust Income Taxes.
  • LAW-D/N 727 Sports Law: Individual, Amateur and Olympic Sports (2-3 cr.) Covers a range of doctrinal areas as they apply to non-league professional sports, international Olympic sports and intercollegiate sports. Interpretation and application of the rules and regulations of sports governing bodies are also examined.
  • LAW-D/N 730 Partnership Tax (2-3 cr.) Covers federal income taxation of partnerships and limited liability companies. Topics include classification of entities as partnerships for tax purposes, formation and operation of partnerships and LLCs, transfers of members' interests, distributions to members, and death or retirement of a member. P: Income Taxation (DN648), or permission of instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 731 Entertainment Law (2-3 cr.) Examines intellectual property law, contract law and constitutional law as these doctrinal areas apply to major issues in the fields of music, publishing and the film and television industries.
  • LAW-D/N 732 Internet Law (2-3 cr.) Examines a wide variety of legal and policy issues raised by the internet, involving many areas of law. The questions addressed may include issues of copyright, trademark, defamation, the Communications Decency Act, cybercrime, contracts, privacy and personal jurisdiction.
  • LAW-D/N 736 Worker's Compensation (2 cr.) Provides an understanding of worker's compensation laws and the litigation process, from both a theoretical and practical view. The course will examine the interrelationship of worker's compensation, tort, contract, and family law. Topics of discussion will include insurance requirements, the determination of compensability, remedies, occupational diseases, statutes of limitation, statutory interpretation, and policy rationales.
  • LAW-D/N 737 Prison Law (2-3 cr.) Explores the history of and rationales for incarceration, the social and political contexts that shape the law of corrections, the rights of prisoners in the complex web of correctional institutions, the potential for treating and rehabilitating offenders, and special problems for lawyers who represent prisoners. P: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Criminal Law (DN533).
  • LAW-D/N 738 Securities Regulation (3 cr.) Addresses state and federal laws governing the offering and distribution of securities to the public by corporate issuers and others, regulation of securities markets, and the rights and liabilities of purchasers and sellers of securities under such statutes. The course emphasizes statutes administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • LAW-D/N 741 Criminal Sentencing (2 cr.) Addresses legislative and judicial rules governing punishment for criminal violations. Topics may include factors considered in sentencing, sentencing guidelines, the relationship between sentencing and race, class or gender, theories underlying criminal punishment and the effects of such punishment.
  • LAW-D/N 742 Comparative and International Competition Law (2-3 cr.) After introducing the economic rationale for antitrust or competition law and enforcement, the course analyzes the rules and their interpretation in the U.S. and E.U. with regard to the three major pillars of antitrust law: cartels/collusion, abuse of dominant position/monopolization, and merger control. Some discussion of the laws of other countries will be added for illustrative purposes or in response to student interest. P: No prerequisites.
  • LAW-D/N 733 The Law of the Death Penalty (3 cr.) explores the historical, moral, and philosophical underpinnings of the death penalty in the United States and Indiana. It also explores modern capital litigation, focusing upon state, federal, and U.S. Supreme Court decisions outlining the parameters of death penalty trials and appeals, and the post-conviction process. The course concentrates upon the role of both prosecutor and defense counsel. Participants will consider the roles of politics, poverty, and race.
  • LAW-D/N 743 Housing Discrimination and Segregation (2-3 cr.) Covers legal and other aspects of discrimination and segregation in all sectors of the housing industry (sales, rentals, financing, zoning, land use, and insurance). The course includes the study of public and private housing, with reference to federal and state constitutional and statutory law.
  • LAW-D/N 751 Antitrust Law (3  cr.) Covers the law regulating private economic power and maintaining competition under the Sherman Antitrust Act and Clayton Antitrust Act; course content emphasizes monopolization, restraints of trade, refusals to deal, and mergers.
  • LAW-D/N 754 International Environmental Law (2-3 cr.) Examines how international law and legal institutions are responding to transboundary and global environmental challenges. Students review prominent issues such as climate change, water scarcity, deforestation, biodiversity loss, ozone depletion, mineral extraction, and marine resource threats, in the context of international development and transboundary trade. Students then analyze selected issues in depth, looking at the science and law of specific environmental challenges as well as the political, economic, and cultural context within which solutions must be formulated.
  • LAW-D/N 756 State and Local Government Law (2 cr.) Is designed to build upon substantive knowledge about legal issues facing state and local governments. Topics emphasized include structural issues (creation and scope of local governments and the interrelations of federal, state, and local governments), powers and limitations of state and local governments, fundamental legal issues facing state and local governments (such as public finance and government liability), and the role of state and local governments in setting public policy (specifically, the class will address areas such as federalism and school finance). Through classroom participation, collaborative exercises, and occasional (short) writing assignments, a student in this class will gain a better understanding of the operation of state and local governments, how those governmental entities use their powers to respond to public obligations, and the legal dynamics between the public and private sectors.
  • LAW-D/N 758 Legal Aspects of Government Finance (2 cr.) Addresses the general question: With what law must state and local governments comply in order to finance public improvements, provide public benefits, and engage in other government finance activities? Using current topics, students will explore legal aspects of how state and local governments raise and spend public dollars. The course will focus primarily on substantive law, but will give some attention to the procedures that state and local governments must follow to engage in finance activities.
  • LAW-D/N 761 Law and Public Health (2 cr.) Covers the law governing the practice of public health by state, local, and federal agencies, as well as health care professionals and institutions. Topics addressed include legal mandates on public health agencies, physicians, and other health practitioners regarding testing, reporting, and contact tracing with respect to specific diseases, as well as laws for the imposition of quarantine, civil commitment, and mandatory treatment. Also covered are public health aspects of the regulation of health care institutions, legal issues associated with risk assessment and cost benefit analysis, along with the environment.
  • LAW-D/N 763 Topics in Health Law (2-3 cr.) Examines specialized topics related to health law that are not addressed in depth by other courses. Using emerging issues in health care, public health, and environmental health law as modes of analysis, this course will introduce students to the theory, methodology, and evaluation of public policy development. Students will explore these issues via case studies and on-site learning opportunities related to issues such as the legalization of medical marijuana, syringe exchange programs, and drinking water quality. Students will also apply methods for evaluating law and policy to individual research topics via policy briefs or the option to prepare a longer paper to fulfill the J.D. Advanced Research and Writing requirement.
  • LAW-D/N 775 Admiralty Law (2  cr.) Covers maritime law, including jurisdiction in admiralty, maritime liens, maritime torts and wrongful death, salvage, limitation of liability, pilotage, and towage.
  • LAW-D/N 779 Aviation Law (3 cr.) Explores the sources of aviation law and the application of legal principles to aircraft acquisition, operation and taxation, pilot and aircraft mechanic certification, Federal Aviation Regulation and enforcement procedures, airline and airport legal issues, and aviation tort litigation. The course normally provides an opportunity for students to interact with Indianapolis aviation practitioners, who may serve as guest lecturers.
  • LAW-D/N 780 Mergers and Acquisitions (2-3 cr.) Studies the motives for acquisitions, acquisition structures and techniques, friendly and hostile acquisitions, takeover defenses, regulation of acquisitions under federal securities law, state anti-takeover statutes, and corporate acquisitions agreements. P: Closely Held Business Organizations (DN645) or Publicly Traded Corporations (DN646).
  • LAW-D/N 781 Representing the Government (2 cr.) Examines the role of government attorneys and compares the issues and challenges faced by them at all levels of state and federal government in both civil and criminal law. Particular focus will be given to state attorneys general, the common law and constitutional bases for their role as a government's attorney, and the obligations of government counsel in both their advisory and litigation capacities. State attorneys general have recently transformed their role into influencers of national policy through litigation on a wide range of issues. This course will examine and critique the traditional functions of government counsel, the challenges of representing modern governments, and the emerging role that attorneys general play in shaping national legal policy.
  • LAW-D/N 783 International Business Transactions (3 cr.) Analyzes the most common issues related to international sales and other business transactions, in particular the choice of law, drafting of the main contract, methods of financing problems related to shipping, passing of property and risk, insurance, as well as related issues, such as licensing and technology transfer.
  • LAW-D/N 784 International Commercial Arbitration (2-3 cr.) Provides a thorough introduction to this modern method of choice for disputes arising from international commercial transactions, including the specifics of the arbitration agreement, selection of arbitrators, presentation of cases, and the effect, limits, and enforcement of arbitration awards.
  • LAW-D/N 785 Introduction to Health Care Law and Policy (3 cr.) This introductory health law course is designed to introduce students to the legal issues that arise between and among patients and health care providers and surveys current federal and state regulatory schemes of health care law and policy, quality, access and cost containment. Topics surveyed will include accreditation and licensure, individual and institutional liability, the legal and ethical properties of the hospital/medical staff relationships, the regulation of health insurers, funding mechanisms such as Medicare/Medicaid, federal self-referral and "anti-kickback" prohibitions, and other topics.
  • LAW-D/N 791 Health Care Quality and Safety (2-3 cr.) This is an advanced health law course that explores the legal issues that arise between and among patients, health care providers and regulators with regard to the quality and safety of health care. Quality is one of the major themes in the study of health care law and policy, in particular as it is frequently in tension with cost and access considerations. This course focuses on both private and public law responses to quality and safety issues, examines the impact of common law liability models on changing provider behavior, federal and state regulatory agencies and their quality and safety research, and process and technology- driven reforms. While not a prerequisite, it is assumed that most students will have taken the health law survey course, Introduction to Health Care Law and Policy.
  • LAW-D/N 799 Consumer Law (2 cr.) Addresses consumer rights and remedies under common law and under federal and state statutes, with particular emphasis on the federal Truth-In-Lending Act and Uniform Consumer Credit Code.
  • LAW-D/N 803 Advanced Course Related Experience (ACRE) (1-3 cr.) This course allows students to earn academic credit for experiential learning done in conjunction with a classroom course that they have taken, or are taking, for credit. Students work in conjunction with full-time faculty members to design and execute proposals for learning how law and theory learned in the classroom operates outside the classroom. Some projects may present opportunities for collaboration between faculty teaching clinical and classroom courses. ACRE also may be used to provide opportunities for students to assist faculty with pro bono representation of community groups or clients. The ACRE proposal must be approved by the faculty member teaching the classroom course to which the experiential learning opportunity relates, and accepted by the ACRE Administrator. The project must be described at the time of registration on a form approved by the ACRE Administrator (ACRE Proposal Form). Credits are awarded commensurate with hours worked (50 per credit hour) unless a different basis is established beforehand by the supervising faculty member and accepted by the ACRE Administrator. Three credits will only be available in the summer term. Non-graded (S/F) credit is awarded by the supervising faculty member upon satisfactory completion of assigned project.
  • LAW-D/N 805 State and Local Taxation (2 cr.) Examines principles of state and local taxation and of budgeting procedures. Taxes studied are inheritance taxes, estate taxes, sales taxes, use taxes, income taxes, personal property taxes, real property taxes, and excise taxes. Basic procedural requirements concerning taxpayer document filings, the audit process, and court procedures are also studied.
  • LAW-D/N 810 Appellate Practice (2 cr.) Covers appellate practice, from the preservation of error at trial through review by the court of last resort. Both civil and criminal appeals processes will be discussed. The focus will be on the technical aspects of perfecting an appeal and practicing before an appellate court, but the course will also cover techniques for effective appellate advocacy. Lawyering Practice (D/N 701) and Trial Practice (D/N 718) are not prerequisites to this course.
  • LAW-D/N 811 Sexual Harassment Law (3 cr.) Explores the legal response to harassment based upon sex, gender, sexual orientation and transgendered status in the workplace. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Indiana Civil Rights Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act will be examined, as well as pertinent case law and scholarly articles that discuss the theory and public policy concerns regarding sexual harassment. The second half of the course will consider responsive strategies (informal action and formal complaint procedures) and specialty areas of interest, explore the relevance of the First Amendment protection of free speech, and discuss topics such as: intersectionality (the Anita Hill hearings), the plaintiff’s litigation considerations (including the psychological impact of sexual harassment), the defense's litigation considerations (including false claims), the admissibility of sexual history evidence, and alternative dispute resolution.
  • LAW-D/N 813 International Human Rights Law (3 cr.) Considers selected problems in international human rights law, including problems related to U.S. law and practice. The course focuses on the growing role of human rights in international relations, emphasizing the United Nations system for the promotion and protection of human rights as well as the regional systems in Africa, the Americas, and Europe.
  • LAW-D/N 814 Contract Drafting for LL.M. Students (2 cr.) Provides introductory training in the U.S. approach to contract drafting. Through classroom discussion, reading assignments, in-class exercises, and drafting assignments, students will learn about different contract concepts; how to translate agreed terms into enforceable provisions that concisely and precisely reflect the contracting parties' intent; and how to draft a logically organized contract in plain English. P: Completion of LL.M. Contract Law for LL.M. Students or prior work experience in drafting contracts.
  • LAW-D/N 818 International Law (3 cr.) Introduces basic concepts and principles such as sources of public international law, the law of treaties and international agreements, states and recognition, state liability and human rights, and jurisdiction and immunities from jurisdiction. The course also covers act of state doctrine, law of the sea, and resolution of transnational disputes through national and international courts, arbitration tribunals, the United Nations, and diplomatic exchanges. Course topics include terrorism and hostage-taking, U.S. executive-legislative conflict in the conduct of foreign relations, suits by and against foreign states, worldwide improvement of civil and political rights, extraction of seabed resources, and prohibition of the use of force in international relations.
  • LAW-D/N 821 Comparative Law (2-3 cr.) Focuses on select features of civil and common law systems. It provides an overview of the history, legal structures, and legal reasoning of several systems, including countries in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia, with comparisons to legal institutions and cultures of the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • LAW-D/N 824 Law of Medical Malpractice (2-3 cr.) Covers law relating to the practice of medicine and allied fields in contexts of organizing and regulating professions, theories of liability and defenses pertinent to claims of patients for injurious professional conduct, along with practice and procedure in professional malpractice claims.
  • LAW-D/N 826 Sex Discrimination (3 cr.) Explores areas in which discrimination, or differentiation in treatment, is based solely or primarily on sex, and examines the effect of constitutional provisions and federal and state statutes on such discrimination.
  • LAW-D/N 830 Military Law (2-3 cr.) Examines the law applicable to members of the armed forces, including the Uniform Code of Military justice. Additional topics may include such matters as free speech rights of military personnel, military policies regarding sexual orientation of service members, religious expression in the military, service member reemployment rights, and the service member Civil Relief Act.
  • LAW-D/N 838 Bioethics and Law (2-3 cr.) Examines how the law in bioethics is shaped by the interplay of ethical principles, medical considerations, and social forces. Topics that will be covered include: the refusal of life-sustaining treatment, physician-assisted suicide, organ transplantation, abortion, the balance between individual liberty and protection of the public health, access to health care, and rationing of health care. An important theme of the course will be to consider the extent to which individuals have--and should have--control over medical decision making.
  • LAW-D/N 842 Juvenile Justice (2 cr.) Explores juvenile delinquency and status offenses from their investigation to resolution, including the constitutional rights of juveniles under police scrutiny, the decision to prosecute and alternatives to prosecution, the right to and role of counsel, waiver to adult court, adjudicatory and disposition hearings, and the array of rehabilitative and punitive sanctions. The course also considers the historical and philosophical evolution of the juvenile justice system and courts.
  • LAW-D/N 843 Law of Nonprofit Organizations and Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations (2-3 cr.) This course explores the legal issues related to nonprofit organizations with an emphasis upon charitable organizations. The first unit of the course considers issues of state law, including state nonprofit statutes, duties of officers and directors, and laws regulating charitable solititation. The second unit considers issues of federal law, examining how nonprofit organizations qualify for tax exemption under the Internal Revenue Code. This part examines what it means for an organization to be engaged in "charitable activities," and the political and unrelated business activities of tax-exempt organizations. The course also addresses current isues impacting nonprofits, such as nonprofits in cyberspace and recent charitable reforms. The course may be taught either as a regular course or as a seminar.
  • LAW-D/N 846 Corporate Reorganization and Bankruptcy (2-3 cr.) Considers various means of reorganization through out-of-court trust agreements, extensions, compositions, and Chapter 11 reorganizations. There is a major focus on Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code and concepts of the filing requirements, cash collateral, adequate protection, disclosure statement, plan, confirmation, and consummation. The course also includes a brief overview of Chapters 7, 12, and 13 of the code. P: The 2 credit version requires Bankruptcy Law (DN619), or permission of instructor. The 3 credit version has no prerequisites.
  • LAW-D/N 848 Federal Courts (3 cr.) Covers congressional and judicial efforts to allocate jurisdiction between federal and state courts or administrative agencies and the resulting tensions arising from separation-of-powers and federalism concerns. Topics may include federal question and diversity jurisdiction, removal of cases to federal court, the Erie doctrine, federal common law, state sovereign immunity, various abstention doctrines, and federal habeas corpus relief.
  • LAW-D/N 849 Jurisprudence (2 cr.) Introduces American or world legal theories and movements. The focus is on philosophical aspects of legal arguments and development of basic insights into law and legal processes. This course may, at the option of the instructor, be offered as a seminar.
  • LAW-D/N 851 Insurance Law (2 cr.) Covers contract, indemnity, persons and interests protected, risks transferred, disposition of claims, liability claims, and defense and settlement.
  • LAW-D/N 856 Education Law (2-3 cr.) This course examines the application of discrete doctrines from constitutional law, federal statutory law, and employment law to the legal problems facing American schools. Students will explore the ways in which the objectives of these discrete legal doctrines either promote or interfere with educational policies. Substantive areas of concentration include employment of teachers, student expression, student Fourth Amendment rights, Title IX, and equal educational opportunities.
  • LAW-D/N 857 International Trade Law (2 cr.) Addresses theory and practice of international business law issues likely to be encountered by attorneys representing clients engaged in international operations. Topics include foreign investment by U.S. companies, foreign investment in the U.S., international joint ventures, licenses, exporting of goods, international marketing, U.S. trade controls, customs, antidumping, and international antitrust.
  • LAW-D/N 862 Intellectual Property Law (3-4 cr.) Surveys the legal principles and management of intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and patents.
  • LAW-D/N 864 Client Counseling Board of Directors (1 cr.) Client Counseling Board members taking this course for a graded credit are selected from those eligible Board members following interviews with the faculty and will serve as Directors of the Board and the Intraschool Competition, Judge Acquisition, and Judging Procedures Committees. The directors are charged with overseeing all activities related to conducting the competition. With the faculty advisor's permission, other members of the Client Counseling Board may earn 1 credit hour by working a minimum of 60 hours related to competition activities.
  • LAW-D/N 867 Law & Social Change: The Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter (3-4 cr.) Examines the long Civil Rights Movement of the twentieth century through its manifestations today in the Movement for Black Lives and related activities, focusing on the roles of lawyers and the law and their relationships to direct action and other forms of advocacy in advancing and impeding social change. Topics include: marches on Washington; the Journey to Reconciliation and the Freedom Rides; school desegregation (Little Rock, New Orleans, Ole Miss); the murders of Emmett Till and many others; the Montgomery Bus Boycott; student sit-ins; Freedom Summer; Black Nationalism and the Black Power Movement; and the Selma-to-Montgomery March. The course is permeated with consideration of the conflicts between violence and nonviolence and among law, politics, and morality. Each student will write a weekly reflection and a book review.
  • LAW-D/N 869 Income Taxation of Corporations and Pass-Through Entities (2 cr.) Examines the basic federal and state income tax and other tax laws which are applicable to corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies and to the owners of such entities. Some of the specific topics which are covered include: organization; operation; elections; redemptions of owners interests; non-liquidating and liquidating distributions; reorganizations; and other major transactions of such entities. Statutory and policy interpretation is emphasized, with extensive use of problems. P: Income Taxation (DN648) or permission of instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 872 Civil Rights (2-3 cr.) Explores selected issues relating to civil rights and liberties with an emphasis on Section 1983 and related statutes. P: Constitutional Law (DN620).
  • LAW-D/N 873 Patent Law (2-3 cr.) Covers the fundamentals of patent law, including what a patent is, what subject matter is eligible for patenting, what the requirements for patenting are, and the many policy issues that arise in this area as a result. The course also includes discussion of recent statutory changes, recent case law, and commentary on the patent system. This course requires no previous acquaintance with the patent system or any other area of intellectual property, and no background in technology or science is either required or assumed.
  • LAW-D/N 874 Psychiatry and the Law (2 cr.) Examines the often-troubled relationship between the legal system and people with mental illness. The goal of this course is to explore the areas where psychiatry intersects with court procedures and decisions in both criminal and civil proceedings. Landmark case decisions are used as the starting points for class discussions.
  • LAW-D/N 875 Law and Poverty (2-3 cr.) Addresses law and policy pertaining to federal and state social welfare systems designed to meet basic needs of the poor, such as cash assistance, disability insurance, housing, and health care. The course emphasizes legal aspects of social problems of the poor, such as discrimination on the basis of race, sex, and handicap.
  • LAW-D/N 876 Mediation (2 cr.) Examines theories and procedures for resolution of disputes through mediation, including mediation concepts and trends, "win-win" options, lateral thinking, etc. This course does not satisfy the experiential requirement for graduation. While students may enroll in this course or in Mediation Practice (DN700), which is a simulation-based course, they may not receive credit for more than one of these courses. This course is graded pass/fail.
  • LAW-D/N 882 Water Law (2-3 cr.) Course examines international and national problems relating to the scarcity, allocation, management, and protection of water. Topics covered include riparian and prior appropriation doctrines, competing public and private interests, groundwater doctrines and management, federal control of water development and quality, and the allocation and conservation of transboundary and interstate waters.
  • LAW-D/N 888 Food and Drug Law (2-3 cr.) Surveys statutes and regulations dealing with the production, distribution, and sale of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices. The course focuses primarily on substantive and procedural requirements of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
  • LAW-D/N 889 National Security Law (3 cr.) Examines the constitutional division of powers over matters touching on foreign affairs, including the role of the President, Congress, the courts, and the several states. The course also examines the constitutional sources of authority over foreign relations and the constitutional and other legal mechanisms that limit the exercise of that authority, including separation of powers, federalism, the protection of individual rights, and the role of international law in constitutional foreign relations.
  • LAW-D/N 891 Environmental Law (3-4 cr.) Introduces students to many of the major concepts and statutes in federal environmental law. Laws covered may include the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, CERCLA/Superfund, and the Solid Waste Disposal Act/RCRA. Additional topics may include cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, ecosystem services and valuing the environment, and statutory interpretation.
  • LAW-D/N 896 Art and Museum Law (2 cr.) Covers the law, people and institutions which constitute the world of the visual arts, including artists, museums, collectors, dealers, publishers and auctioneers. The course will also cover non-legal material geared to shaping practices of art market participants, such as codes and guidelines adopted by art-museum associations, as well as some relevant literature from other academic disciplines.
  • LAW-D/N 900 International Investment Law (3 cr.) International Investment Law grew out of efforts dating back hundreds of years at protecting investors from one country who make substantial investments in another. Rather than putting the investors at the mercy of the host country government and any remedies against expropriation or regulatory interventions that the local courts in the host country may or may not provide, international investment law provides international standards for fair and equitable treatment and for compensation in case of interference. This includes international arbitration procedures and other effective remedies. More recently, the system started to evolve into a broader regulatory regime for medium- and long-term commercial activity by individuals from one country in another. The course complements International Business Transactions where the focus is on one-off or short term trading activities.
  • LAW-D/N 906 Intellectual Property Taxation (2-3 cr.) Course explores the U.S. tax consequences of creating, acquiring, exploiting, and transferring various IP assets (including patents, trade secrets, know how, copyrights, trademarks, and computer software) in both domestic and international transactions. The course also explores popular tax-planning strategies used in connection with IP (e.g., the use of domestic and foreign IP holding subsidiaries), and raises tax policy questions. Valuation of IP, the use of IP by non-profit organizations, and special business and estate planning considerations involving IP are also addressed.
  • LAW-D/N 901 Arsenal Tech Legal Studies (2-3 cr.) Students in this course work in the Indianapolis Public Schools to prepare students for future success in college and law school, through coursework focused on various aspects of the law. One or two credits is graded pass or fail and one credit is graded A through F.
  • LAW-D/N 910 Counter-terrorism and Intelligence (3 cr.) Course will explore a range of legal and policy questions in U.S. law related to the prevention of terrorism. Topics include intelligence-gathering, investigations, and the prosecution of suspects in U.S. courts, including controversies surrounding the use of informants, material support laws, racial and religious profiling, electronic surveillance, terrorist watchlists, and terrorism trials. This final component will address access to and protection of national security information, including the classification system, public access to such information by statute and other means, "leaks", and censorship.
  • LAW-D/N 911 Transportation Law (2 cr.) Building on concepts learned in earlier courses (torts, agency, statutory interpretation), this course will introduce law students to fundamental legal issues affecting the nations transportation industry. Subjects addressed will include the regulatory history of transportation services in the United States, the legislative progression toward what is now a largely deregulated industry, and the national and international legal challenges affecting transportation providers daily operations. Although the course will focus largely upon the motor carrier segment of the industry, issues affecting air, water, and rail carriers will be addressed as well.
  • LAW-D/N 912 Disability Law (2 cr.) Introduces students to the history and modern analytical approach to laws, regulations, and cases impacting people with disabilities. Topics include the historical treatment of people with disabilities (including institutionalization and eugenics), public and private accommodations, discrimination in housing and employment, special education, institutionalization, disability interaction with the justice system, health care, abuse, neglect and exploitation, guardianship, and public entitlements.
  • LAW-D/N 913 Information Privacy Law (3 cr.) Will provide an understanding of privacy law as it relates to torts, contracts, constitutional, and statutory law. Specific topics will include both domestic and international developments in data privacy, security, the impact of the Global Data Protection Regulation, and emerging regulations establishing fair information practices for the Internet and global ecommerce. The course will touch on emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things, and discuss their impact on society and privacy. The course is taught synchronously online during the scheduled hours and may be accessed from any location.
  • LAW-D/N 915 Bar Exam Substance, Strategies, and Tactics (2-3 cr.) This course is designed to prepare students for the bar exam by focusing on skill development. Specifically, students will receive in-depth skill instruction on reading comprehension, issue identification, rule mastery, critical thinking, legal analysis, and recognition of distractors. Students will also gain a strong conceptual understanding and knowledge of highly tested substantive doctrines and will be taught how to develop, use, and apply a flexible but strong analytical framework to solve bar exam problems. The course will use substantive law, problems, and exercises in a bar exam format to familiarize students with techniques for answering multiple choice (MBE) questions; and analyzing, organizing, and writing essay and multistate performance (MPT) questions. THIS COURSE IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMMERCIAL BAR PREPARATION COURSE. P: Enrollment is limited to 3L/4L students who have completed or are enrolled in at least 58 credit hours at the time of registration. You may not take this course in the same semester in which you are taking the bar exam (i.e., you may not take this course during the spring semester if you are sitting for that February's bar exam)
  • LAW-D/N 916 Health and Human Rights (2 cr.) Health is a fundamental human right, and a necessary foundation for the exercise of almost every other human right. Yet the parameters of the right to health are still being defined, and enforcing a right to health is an elusive goal for billions of people across the globe, including many people in our own communities. This course aims to help students understand the evolving nature of a right to health, along with the many challenges posed by efforts to make that right a practical reality. This course may also be taught as a seminar. Students may use the course's final paper as an opportunity to satisfy the Advanced Research and Writing Requirement.
  • LAW-D/N 918 European Union Law (3 cr.) European Union Law provides introduction to the legal system created by the EU, its 27 Member States, from the founding treaties and principles, such as supremacy and direct effect of EU Law in the Member States, to the specifics of trading in & with the internal market of the EU.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Regulation of Financial Institutions (2-3 cr.) Will examine the complex array of statutes, regulations, and regulatory agency interpretations impacting financial institutions and their directors and officers. The course will review the business of banking and the dual banking system as well as the sources of regulatory oversight with particular emphasis on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act responding to the 2008 financial crisis. Ethical considerations unique to financial institutions will be discussed together with the Attorney Conduct Rule of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Fiduciary duties and the business judgment rule in the context of financial institutions will also be explored.
  • LAW-D 603 Advanced Field Research (AFR) (1-3 cr.) Students work outside the classroom under the supervision of a full-time faculty member to conduct factual investigations, interviews, and/or legal research aimed at 1) identifying or advancing potential solutions to a legal or public policy problem or 2) examining the relevance of legal doctrine to a legal or public policy problem. The course emphasizes the deployment of doctrinal learning through experiential projects in the same way that many public interest lawyers respond to policy problems through their work. Projects may include the development of policy papers, draft legislation or regulations, comments on proposed rules, or the production of seminars, workshops, and symposia that convene relevant decision-makers and stakeholders. The project must be described at the time of registration on a form approved by the AFR Administrator (AFR Proposal Form). P: Prior approval of supervising faculty member; completion of registration form (available from Registrar). Experiential and Writing: Depending on the nature of the project and outcomes, this course may be used to fulfill the Law School's experiential and/or writing requirements. Supervising faculty members will make a preliminary assessment regarding a project's potential at the time of registration. A final determination will be made upon project completion and must be confirmed by faculty certification that the requirement(s) have been met.
  • LAW-D/N 844 Alternative Dispute Resolution (2-3 cr.) Explores the theories and processes of dispute resolution outside the traditional framework of state or federal court litigation. Particular emphasis will be placed on negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Additional topics may include "mixed-alternative" processes (e.g., court-annexed arbitration, mini-trials, and private judging).
  • LAW-D/N 625 Patent Litigation (2 cr.) Explores the strategic, procedural, and substantive issues involved in modern patent litigation, including the nature and economics of the patent litigation process, pre-suit considerations (including pre-filing investigation, client meetings and communications, document retention, alternatives to litigation), venue and forum shopping, § 1404(a) transfer motions, pleadings, case management, pre-trial conferences, claim construction and Markman hearings, discovery, motion practice, preliminary and permanent injunctions, damages (reasonable royalties, lost profits, enhanced damages, continuing royalty), infringement (literal and doctrine of equivalents), and approaches to litigating validity and enforceability issues.
  • LAW-D 700 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (2 cr.) This course will explore some of the main legal and practical issues surrounding compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Students will explore the basic elements of FCPA as well as offer practice-oriented exercises to introduce the nuts and bolts of FCPA compliance practice, including on conducting due diligence and performing risks assessments, as well as non-legal sources of information such as resolved FCPA enforcement actions, and application of the Department of Justice's guidance on building FCPA compliance. Students will also discuss when to voluntarily disclose a potential wrongdoing, when to turn to outside counsel for third-party evaluation and when to keep investigations internal.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Tax Policy (2 cr.) This course will employ philosophy, economics, behavioral science, critical theory, and other systems of thought to consider the design of tax laws and systems in light of conflicting normative goals, varying conceptions of distributive justice, and real-world outcomes. We will cover income, sales, sin, estate, and digital transactions taxes in addition to many others. Students will write response papers to weekly reading, will engage in lively policy discussion and debate, and will work together with a small group of peers to lead one class session on the subject matter of their choice. No prior knowledge of tax law is required for this course.
  • LAW-D/N 703 Labor Arbitration/Collective Bargaining (3 cr.) Includes court enforcement of collective bargaining agreements under Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act; and private enforcement through arbitration, including coverage of arbitration substance and procedure. Labor Law (DN651) would be helpful to a student taking this course.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Tax Policy (2 cr.) This course will employ philosophy, economics, behavioral science, critical theory, and other systems of thought to consider the design of tax laws and systems in light of conflicting normative goals, varying conceptions of distributive justice, and real-world outcomes. We will cover income, sales, sin, estate, and digital transactions taxes in addition to many others. Students will write response papers to weekly reading, will engage in lively policy discussion and debate, and will work together with a small group of peers to lead one class session on the subject matter of their choice. No prior knowledge of tax law is required for this course.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Space Law (2 cr.) The course will introduce the students to the history and theory of International Space Law, including the five international treaties and the theoretical underpinnings of the agreements, as well as the politics behind who has and has not joined each. Students will also participate in a practical regulatory simulation where students will “retain” and “counsel” a fictional space startup. During this simulation, students will take proper legal action throughout the life cycle of a typical space company, including fundraising under CFIUS, export controls under ITAR, launch/payload licensing under the FAA, remote sensing licensing under the NOAA, and spectrum licensing under the FCC.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Clinical Courses (Varies cr.) Students provide legal representation under faculty supervision. Including class time and preparation, students must devote 100 hours to a two-credit clinic or 150 hours for a three-credit clinic.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Appellate Clinic (2 cr.) Students represent indigent clients in civil or criminal appeals. Conducted under the supervision of clinical faculty, students are responsible for all aspects of representation, including client communication, drafting motions and briefs to the Indiana Court of Appeals, presenting oral argument and litigating a petition to transfer to the Indiana Supreme Court. P: Completion of 45 credit hours, Criminal Law (D/N 533), Intramural Moot Court (D/N 746), and completion of or enrollment in Professional Responsibility (D/N 861). The following courses are strongly recommended: Evidence (D/N 632), Criminal Procedure: Investigation (D/N 702), and Appellate Practice (D/N 810). Students must submit an application and receive instructor approval prior to registration.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Child Advocacy Law Clinic (3 cr.) The Child Advocacy Law Clinic is an opportunity for second and third year law students to work with Child Advocates, the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) agency for Marion County. Child Advocates represents and protects the best interest of children in Marion County who are victims of life-threatening abuse or neglect. Students will be assigned live-client cases and be supervised by Child Advocates attorneys. Students will represent children after they become certified CASAs in the State of Indiana at the end of their training. Students enrolled in the clinic will analyze the "best interest" standard against various legal rights and responsibilities, and explore issues related to immigration law, family law, juvenile delinquency, criminal law, mental incapacity, and rights to privacy. Students will gain courtroom experience in this clinic, and these credits qualify toward the experiential learning requirements for graduation. 
  • LAW-D 808 Civil Practice Clinic (3-4 cr.) Students represent clients in a variety of civil matters. These include domestic cases, such as dissolution of marriage, custody, support, paternity, and domestic violence; housing controversies; consumer problems; challenges to administrative decisions of state and federal agencies; and a variety of other general civil problems. This clinic is conducted under the supervision of clinical faculty, but students are responsible for all aspects of representation, including presentations in court and administrative hearings. P: Completion of 45 credit hours and completion of or enrollment in Professional Responsibility (DN861).
  • LAW-D/N 808 Criminal Defense Clinic (3-4 cr.) Students represent clients in criminal cases involving a variety of misdemeanor or Class D felony charges. Conducted under supervision of clinical faculty, students are responsible for all aspects of representation, including presentations in court. P: Completion of 45 credit hours, Criminal Law (DN533), Evidence (DN632), Criminal Procedure: Investigation (DN702) and completion of or enrollment in Professional Responsibility (DN861).
  • LAW-D/N 808 Disability Clinic (2 cr.) Under faculty supervision, students interview, counsel, and represent persons with disabilities in administrative appeals. Typical legal problems presented include eligibility for and continuation of benefits based on disability from the Social Security Administration. P: Completion of all basic-level required courses except Constitutional Law.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Health and Human Rights Clinic (3 cr.) In this clinic, students in the Health and Human Rights Clinic engage in domestic human rights advocacy and litigation addressing the social determinants of health. Students also directly represent, under faculty supervision, low-income clients in our community, often in matters involving access to public benefits connected to food and healthcare. On issues focusing on the social determinants of health, students engage in advocacy in the form of appellate briefs, investigations and reports, and public education. These cases and these projects, and companion international projects pursued in partnership with global justice advocates, also provide a platform for the review of issues in international human rights law and comparative law. Students must submit an application to be considered for this clinic.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Immigration Law Clinic (2-3 cr.) Students represent both detained and non-detained clients in immigration matters before federal administrative agencies under the supervision of the professor/counsel. Typical cases involve claims of asylum, family-based immigration petitions (including domestic violence), special immigrant juvenile petitions, and crime victim visas. Students are encouraged to enroll in the clinic for two consecutive semesters. The Course will be operated in conjunction with the Immigrants' and Language Rights Center at Indiana Legal Services. The Course is open to upper level J.D. students and LL.M. students. Completion of or enrollment in Immigration Law is strongly recommended. Students must receive instructor approval prior to registration.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Intellectual Property Law Clinic (2-3 cr.) Students represent clients in patent and/or trademark law-related matters before the United States Patent & Trademark Office under the supervision of the professor/counsel. This includes conducting client intake/interviews and drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent and/or trademark applications. This course will also touch on other major areas of intellectual property law to facilitate students' understanding of intellectual property portfolio management. P: Completion of 45 credit hours and Intellectual Property Law (DN906). Strongly recommended: Completion of Intellectual Property Law Survey (DN862). Students must submit an application and receive instructor approval prior to registration.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Wrongful Conviction Clinic (2-3 cr.) Students represent indigent clients seeking relief from wrongful convictions in state post-conviction and/or federal habeas corpus proceedings. In the classroom component of the course, students consider federal and state post-conviction remedies and the relevant issues, including eyewitness identifications, false confessions, informants, government misconduct, junk science, and DNA testing. Registration is for 2-3 credit hours, pass/fail, with fifty hours of clinical activity required for each credit hour.
  • LAW-D/N 808 Re-Entry Assistance and Community Help (REACH) (2-3 cr.) Students serve as mentor advocates to the federal REACH program-solving court in the Southern District of Indiana and also provide community outreach to address the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction experienced by the broader Indianapolis community. REACH students also perform monthly outreach services and are required to represent one outreach client in traffic court or a similar re-entry venue. The REACH Clinic requires student commitment to two consecutive semesters. This course requires completion of 45 credit hours and completion of Criminal Law, Professional Responsibility and Administrative Law (will allow to take PR and Admin concurrently). Students will be required to be Certified Legal Interns.
  • LAW-D 802 American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana Externship (2-3 cr.)

    The ACLU-IN Externship blends the lawyering done at the placement in protecting the civil rights of Hoosiers with the reflective learning done under faculty supervision. Externs are assigned directly to the Litigation Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana. Externship activities range from complaint intake, investigations, legal research, and litigation support work such as drafting pleadings and preparing witnesses.

  • LAW-D 802 Anthem, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.) Anthem, Inc. is working to transform health care with trusted and caring solutions. Through its affiliated health plans, Anthem companies deliver a number of leading health benefit solutions through a broad portfolio of integrated health care plans and related services, along with a wide range of specialty products such as life and disability insurance benefits, dental, vision, behavioral health benefit services, as well as long term care insurance and flexible spending accounts. With nearly 69 million people served by its affiliated companies including more than 37 million enrolled in its family of health plans, Anthem is one of the largest health benefits companies in the United States. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Anthem, Inc. is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association serving members in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin; and specialty plan members in other states. One in nine Americans receives coverage for their medical care through Anthem's affiliated plans.
  • LAW-D 802 Carrier Corporation, In-House Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.) Carrier Corporation is a leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration technology. Founded by the inventor of modern air conditioning, Carrier is part of Carrier Global Corporation (NYSE: CARR), the leading global provider of healthy, safe, sustainable and intelligent building and cold chain solutions. For more information, visit carrier.com/residential. This externship placement provides students with the experience and insight derived from working in the in-house legal department of a multinational business corporation. These include drafting and reviewing commercial agreements, engaging in legal research and preparing memoranda regarding federal, state and local regulatory issues confronting the corporation, data privacy law, reviewing marketing approaches for compliance with trademark and advertising laws, and otherwise assisting in legal work typical of that performed by corporate counsel.
  • LAW-D 802 Center for Law and Health Externship Course (3 cr.) This externship course integrates your externship experiences with academic exploration of substantive federal and state laws, healthcare infrastructure, and professional development. In addition, this course explores the realities of being a healthcare attorney, utilizing a myriad of opportunities to find your focus, and enhance your skills of professionalism such as completing an externship agreement, keeping accurate time logs of your externship time, document submission, and participating in your own professional development plan. Through individual assignments, class discussion, and individual mentorship, students will learn about the practice of law within the healthcare enterprise.
  • LAW-D 802 Center for Victim and Human Rights Externship (2-3 cr.) The Center for Victim and Human Rights (CVHR) is a non-profit legal services organization that provides civil legal representation to victims of crime and human rights abuses. CVHR's mission is to empower and advance the safety of victims through legal representation and educational outreach. Clients include, but are not limited to: victims of domestic violence, sex offenses, human trafficking, stalking, harassment and other violent crimes. Externs will have an opportunity to gain experience with the following substantive areas of law: civil protection orders, paternity/custody/parenting time/child support cases occurring in the context of domestic violence, humanitarian immigration (U visas, T visas, VAWA, and asylum), and other state and federal crime victim rights laws. Externs will assist staff attorneys with drafting pleadings and motions, case management, and research, and may have the opportunity participate in client interviews and conduct hearings. The CVHR externship experience is an opportunity to work on human rights at a local level while connecting with issues that affect global populations.
  • LAW-D 802 CMG Worldwide, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)

    CMG Worldwide is a marketing and licensing company headquartered in Indianapolis, with offices in Los Angeles, Nashville, and Las Vegas. CMG represents and markets the intellectual property rights of many well known entertainment, music, sports, and historic personalities, currently including Maya Angelou, James Dean, Jackie Robinson, Malcolm X, Neil Armstrong, and Amelia Earhart. The CMG legal department focuses on protection and promotion of intellectual property rights. The primary responsibilities for legal interns and externs include contract drafting, negotiating and finalizing licensing and permission agreements, researching legal issues for clients and in the course of disputes, managing clients intellectual property portfolios, and pursuing and settling infringements of publicity rights, copyrights, and trademarks. The CMG legal department particularly values motivated, flexible team players who take pride in their work, are skilled at conflict resolution, and have strong writing, verbal, and research skills. We are open to 1L, 2L, or 3L law students for internships or externships.

  • LAW-D 802 Community Health Network Externship (2-3 cr.)
  • LAW-D 802 Cummins, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)
  • LAW-D 802 Daviess Community Hospital (2-3 cr.)

    Daviess Community Hospital is interested in partnering with Indiana University Law students to assist with the hospital’s regulatory compliance program, general contracting, real estate, risk management and litigation management among other projects. Law students will have the opportunity to assist with development, management and termination of contracts.

  • LAW-D 802 Eli Lilly and Company, Intellectual Property Externship (2-3 cr.)

    This externship is with either the Lilly Legal Patent or Trademark/Copyright Department, located at Lilly Corporate Center in Indianapolis, and will focus on either the practice of patent or trademark/copyright law in the pharmaceutical industry. Externs will get to experience the role of an in-house patent or trademark/copyright attorney first-hand while working on special projects closely with a Lilly Supervising Attorney. All externs will attend training sessions and monthly meetings that focus on the latest developments in intellectual property law. Extern special projects include, for example, researching a current IP-related issue faced by Lilly and presenting their findings to the Legal Patent or Trademark/Copyright Department. For externs in the Patent Department, a bachelors degree in a science or engineering field and completion of a patent law course is strongly recommended as the extern will likely be evaluating new primarily chemistry/biologic-based invention disclosures, and related work including assessing patentability and freedom to operate searches, assisting in patent litigation matters, participating in discussions with scientists and clinical teams, etc. For an extern in trademarks/copyright, a science or engineering background is not required but completion of a general IP survey or trademarks/copyright course is recommended. P: Completion of two years of law school coursework.

  • LAW-D 802 Eskenazi Health Externship (2-3 cr.)
  • LAW-D 802 Fairbanks Hospital Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Applicants must be in the Health Law Certificate Program and/or have taken at least 2 health law courses.

  • LAW-D 802 Federal Court Externship (2-3 cr.) Students work in the chambers of one of the federal judges or magistrates in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana (Indianapolis) or other districts during the summer. These externships generally require a great deal of research and writing with a limited opportunity to observe court proceedings. Federal court externs may not be employed at a law firm during the period of their externship. (More about Court Externships)
  • LAW-D 802 Franciscan Health Externship (2-3 cr.)
  • LAW-D 802 Greene County (Critical Access Hospital) General Hospital Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Greene County General Hospital is a Critical Access Hospital located in rural southern Indiana. This externship provides students with hands on experience in the vast category of health law. Students may be exposed to assignments in any of the following areas: corporate legal matters, regulatory compliance, general contracting, employment and disability matters, physician contracting, real estate, patient privacy and data security, risk management, litigation management, social services, policy development, ethics, etc. Students will be assigned specific projects to be completed during the externship. When opportunities are available, students will be invited to observe and participate in ad hoc scenarios. Exceptional research and legal writing skills are required. Applicants must be able to timely communicate complex legal concepts in a concise, professional manner. Applicants should also be quick-thinking, thorough, flexible, and exercise a high degree of attention to detail. This externship is ideal for students interested in a broad and diverse educational experience. Partial remote work is permitted with this externship.

  • LAW-D 802 Hamilton County Prosecution Externship (2-3 cr.)

    As a summer extern, you will have the opportunity to assist in the review, preparation, and (if appropriate) trial of criminal cases alongside our Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys. In most situations, you would be paired with an attorney who manages a certain caseload. Courtroom experience will be available and encouraged for certified interns. Skills involved include research, creative thinking, oral argument, and case organization and preparation. Commonly known as the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecuting Attorney and his deputies represent the State of Indiana in criminal, juvenile, and Title IV-D causes heard in the Hamilton Circuit, Superior, and City Courts. Externships are unpaid.

  • LAW-D 802 Horizon League Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Students will provide legal and NCAA compliance assistance to the Horizon League, a Division I athletics conference. This placement offers students the chance to gain diverse experience in intercollegiate athletics at the conference level that will help build a knowledge base for a career in the college sports industry.

  • LAW-D 802 Indiana Health Information Exchange (2-3 cr.)

    The Indiana Health Information Exchange, or IHIE, is a non-profit organization that enables hospitals, physicians, laboratories, payers, and other health service providers to avoid redundancy and deliver faster, more efficient, higher quality healthcare to patients in Indiana and beyond. This externship should be of interest for students interested in where technology and healthcare intersect with real world patient care. Externs can expect to work with the General Counsel and other senior leadership on both legal and business related issues ranging from privacy and security, data governance, contract drafting and negotiations, information technology, intellectual property, general corporate law, and labor and employment.

  • LAW-D 802 Indianapolis and Marion County Office of Corporation Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)

    The Office of Corporation Counsel serves as the law firm for Indianapolis and Marion County. Its functions include prosecuting violations of the civil code; counseling city/county parties; investigating and seeking to resolve claims of discrimination; and defending city/county parties in court cases. This externship will provide experience and insight to students derived from working with corporation counsel in the various functions of the agency.

  • LAW-D 802 Internal Revenue Service Externship (2-3 cr.) Externs work on a variety of Internal Revenue Service issues relating to federal and state taxation, including research on estate and gift tax law and review of trusts and wills to determine tax consequences. Externs also assist IRS staff attorneys in the valuation of assets included in tax returns.
  • LAW-D 802 International Human Rights Law Internship (4 cr.) Interns spend 10 to 12 weeks, usually during the summer, working at International Human Rights law organizations at a variety of locations in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, or North, South, and Central America. Students work approximately 40 hours per week on a wide range of assignments, depending on the nature of the host organization.Possible host organizations include intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations (Geneva, Switzerland; Arusha, Tanzania; or New York); governmental organizations (such as the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission in Sydney or the Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong); and private human rights organizations (such as local advocacy groups in Asia, Central America, Europe, Australia, India, or Africa). Opportunities are also available for students to work for organizations other than those listed, depending on the background and interests of the students. internships are arranged based upon a match between the students' interests and desires, and the needs of organizations.Projects of recent interns have included reviewing claims made to the United Nations that human rights have been violated in numerous countries around the globe; drafting official U.N. appeals to offending countries to cease violations; drafting manuals advising human rights workers in India of their internationally recognized rights upon arrest; assessing human rights claims of Aborigines in Australia; studying the application of international human rights principles to the operation of health facilities during the apartheid period in South Africa; and assessing the application of international human rights law in post-British Hong Kong.Students complete written exercises during their internships, participate in briefing sessions before departing for their internship, and file an internship report upon completion of the internship. Preference is given to students with demonstrated interest in public interest law and/or international law. The International Human Rights Law course is not required prior to an internship. However, students who extern before taking the course are required to take it following their internships.
  • LAW-D 802 IU Health Revenue Cycle Services Externship (2-3 cr.)

    The IU Health Revenue Cycle Services (RCS) Department externship offers students interested in health care law and corporate law the opportunity to develop formal entry-level experience in a corporate law setting. IU Health RCS is responsible for securing payment for medical services provided to victims of personal injury through creation and enforcement of hospital liens, mediation, and litigation. Exceptional research and legal writing skills are required. Applicants must be able to timely communicate complex legal concepts in a concise, professional manner. Applicants should also be quick-thinking, thorough, flexible, and exercise a high degree of attention to detail. The externship is ideal for those students interested in health care law, litigation, negotiations, and process management. Although there are no course prerequisites for this externship, externs may benefit from prior or concurrent familiarity with, exposure to, or coursework in health law (e.g., “Introduction Health Care Law and Policy”), administrative law, health administration, the Affordable Care Act, and/or HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

  • LAW-D 802 IU Research Integrity Office (2-3 cr.)

    The IU Research Integrity Office, in the Office of Research Compliance, supports the integrity of the IU research enterprise by receiving and investigating allegations of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in research. Externs may participate in the investigative process, or gain compliance experience through special projects such as policy writing, evidence review, and legal research.

  • LAW-D 802 IU, Innovation and Commercialization Office (IUICO, formerly IURTC) (2-3 cr.)

    Externs work with the Innovation & Commercialization Office, Indiana University's "technology transfer office," to assist with and perform intellectual property legal work related to the Office’s protecting and commercializing IU-based patentable and copyrightable inventions. This will include assisting IU's Chief IP Counsel on patent projects, which may include conducting prior art searches. Students must possess strong interpersonal and communication skills, and have attention to detail, accuracy, and organization. 2L or 3L patent bar eligible (or registered) students are eligible to be considered. A focus in IP law, with academic and/or hands-on license experience and a Life Sciences background, is preferred. Work will primarily take place at the Indianapolis office of the ICO, but work from the Office's Bloomington location is possible for the ideal candidate.

  • LAW-D 802 IUPUI Athletics Department Externship (2-3 cr.) Students provide assistance to the IUPUI Athletics Department/Compliance Office by helping to interpret and enforce NCAA rules and regulations. Students spend sixty hours for each credit hour earned, which is approximately eight hours per week, working under the supervision of the Associate Athletics Director and the Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance. Students meet with the law school faculty supervisor during the semester, keep a journal of their experiences, and submit a reflection paper at the end of the semester.
  • LAW-D 802 IUSM Department of OB/GYN Research (2-3 cr.)

    The IU OB/GYN Department has a large portfolio of research studies in pregnant patients. One of our current projects, the Heartland Study, involves working with a relatively new nonprofit organization (the Heartland Health Research Alliance) as our funder. The externship involves working with our research team to revise and formalize publication policies and conflict of interest policies in an effort to create a formal arrangement and separation between the funding agency and their advocacy work and the research that is being conducted at IU. We anticipate that the extern would utilize similar nonprofit funding organizations and research study documents as models and the end product would be adopted by the Heartland Study management team and the Heartland Health Research Alliance funding agency.

  • LAW-D 802 Logansport Memorial Hospital (2-3 cr.)

    Logansport Memorial Hospital (LMH) is an 83 bed acute care hospital employing approximately 45 providers located in north central Indiana. At LMH the extern will receive hands on experience in the areas of Compliance (Stark, Anti-kickback and referral services, and contracting), HIPAA Privacy and Security, Risk Management including medical malpractice. The extern will have the opportunity set up a new contract management software while reviewing and revising contracts including Business Associate Agreements. The extern will assist with development of an electronic system for maintaining medical malpractice complaint documentation. The extern will shadow the Compliance and Risk Officer during daily activities including education presentations, HIPAA investigations and Compliance auditing. We will be looking for an individual who will take direction and work independently.

  • LAW-D 802 Marion County Hospital Legal Department Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Externs work in legal and/or ethical departments of a hospital or with the Marion County Health Corporation on issues concerning health care, public health, guardianships, and the development of hospital policies required by federal and state laws, including ethical considerations in the treatment of patients.

  • LAW-D 802 Marion County Prosecution Externship (2-3 cr.) Externs work in the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office gaining hands-on experience by working under the direction of supervising prosecutors. Students who are eligible for certification as legal interns may carry an actual case load and represent the State in court. Non-certified students may conduct legal research, draft motions, observe and critique trials, take witness statements, and participate in the fact investigation process. Through the externship placement and classroom discussions with other interns, students will gain a better understanding of the major legal, practical, and ethical issues associated with criminal law practice.
  • LAW-D 802 Marion County Public Health Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Student externs will assist health department attorneys in enforcement of the Marion County Public Health Code in environmental court and drafting of health department regulations and contracts.

  • LAW-D 802 MDwise, Inc Externship (2-3 cr.)
  • LAW-D 802 MLP Practice Group / ILS Externship (2-3 cr.)

    The intern will serve in the MLP practice group. MLPs are a fast-growing area of law that sees attorneys teaming up with medical professionals, health networks, and behavior teams to pinpoint legal needs and refer patients to a legal aid organization for advocacy, guidance, and representation. The overall goal is to provide services that minimize health-harming social and environmental factors that could not otherwise be addressed in a medical environment. The MLP extern will work with the Indianapolis MLP Practice Group in the Indianapolis office. Job duties would include (1) screening cases; (2) conducting intake interviews; (3) writing advice letters; and (4) possible active representation of clients in court hearings and agency actions. The areas of exposure could include housing/tenant cases; benefit appeals (Social Security and state benefits); decision-making supports (Power of Attorney, supported decision-making, and guardianship); consumer protection and collections cases; family law; and are seeking dedicated, passionate, and hard-working interns to fill this new position. Your experience could lead to employment opportunities in the ever-expanding field of MLPs across the country.

  • LAW-D 802 MOBI, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)

    This externship placement provides students with the experience and insight derived from working in the in-house legal department of a business corporation. These include drafting and reviewing commercial leases, engaging in legal research and preparing memoranda regarding federal, state and local regulatory issues confronting the corporation, reviewing marketing approaches for law compliance, and otherwise assisting in legal work typical of that performed by corporate counsel. P: Closely Held Business Organizations (DN645) or Publicly Traded Corporations (DN646).

  • LAW-D 802 NCAA Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Students provide assistance to either the Enforcement Division or the Academic and Member Affairs Division of the NCAA, a national governing body for intercollegiate athletics. In the Academic and Member Affairs Division, students will be involved in the interpretations of NCAA legislation and legislative research. In the Enforcement Division, they will work with staff who are responsible for the investigation and processing of rule violations. Students placed in the Academic and Member Affairs Division spend a minimum of one hundred hours working under the supervision of attorneys and receive two credits; students placed in the Enforcement Division work a minimum of 150 hours working under the supervision of attorneys and receive three credits. Students placed in the Enforcement Division must commit to working at least two full days and one partial day per week for a period of eight weeks. Students meet with the law school faculty supervisor during the semester and submit a paper summarizing their experience at the end of the semester.

  • LAW-D 802 Old National Bancorp (2-3 cr.)

    This externship's intention is to provide an environment in which the Legal Department Extern will have meaningful legal work, be able to participate in the day to day work of the General Counsel office of Old National, and learn important aspects of in-house corporate legal life. Old National has a collegial department with members who work to support each other, while providing excellent service, and serving as trusted advisors to the Bank and the Bankcorp. Research topics could include: Employment, corporate governance, SEC, UCC perfection issues, Bankruptcy and collections.

  • LAW-D 802 OneAmerica, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)

    OneAmerica is an Indianapolis-based financial services company with more than 2,000 employees, $70 billion of assets under administration, and 140 years of foundation in the financial industry. The companies of OneAmerica provide customers retirement products and services, individual life insurance and annuities, asset-based long-term care, and employee benefits. This externship will provide law students with opportunities to assist with matters that arise in the Legal/Compliance department of a financial services company. The extern will be exposed to issues concerning federal securities and state insurance laws, engage in legal research and preparing memoranda regarding regulatory issues confronting the companies of OneAmerica, and otherwise assist in work typical of that performed by LEgal/Compliance department personnel.

  • LAW-D 802 Program on Law and State Government Externship Course (2-4 cr.)

    Externship students learn about the practice of law with a combination of legal externship placement at one of over 60 law offices and agencies within the executive and legislative branches of Indiana's state government and discussion based class meetings. The class meetings explore topics such as public records laws, ethical considerations for the public lawyer, rulemaking and the administrative process, federalism and state sovereignty, state supported speech, and state budgeting issues. Two or three (students choose between a 2 credit or 3 credit externship) of the externships credits are graded S/F, based upon satisfaction of externship requirements, with the remaining credit carrying a course grade based upon performance in the classroom component of the course.)

    (Application Link | More info: PLSG web site)

  • LAW-D 802 Public Defender Externship (2-3 cr.) Externs work under the supervision of public defenders in Marion County (or other jurisdictions) interviewing clients and witnesses, investigating facts, and drafting legal documents. Students who are Certified Legal Interns may also speak in court and try criminal cases with appropriate supervision. Externs will write reflective essays and meet periodically with the faculty supervisor.
  • LAW-D 802 Purdue University Athletics Compliance Office (2-3 cr.)

    This opportunity is with the Purdue University Athletics Compliance Office. The placement will offer students an opportunity to gain a range of experience relevant to NCAA, Big Ten, and institutional compliance issues, as well as other aspects of operations in a Division I intercollegiate athletics department. Enrollment in this SEP will require weekly travel to West Lafayette, Indiana. Purdue University will provide a stipend to offset travel costs. To participate, a student must commit to a minimum of 100 hours of work to earn two credit hours or 150 hours of work to earn three credit hours.

  • LAW-D 802 Purdue, Research Foundation Externship (2-3 cr.)

    The Office of Technology Commercialization of the Purdue Research Foundation is responsible for providing legal support for patent applications and the licensing of patents on behalf of Purdue and its employees. This externship will provide law students with opportunities to develop key analytical and research skills related to the patent process, as well as to learn about the legal challenges posed by the patent system.

  • LAW-D 802 Roche Diagnostics, Inc. Externship (2-3 cr.)

    This externship is with Roche Diagnostics' U.S. research and development, laboratory, manufacturing, distribution, information technology and corporate headquarters operations in Indianapolis. The extern's work will primarily involve evaluation and analysis of invention disclosures, preparation of information disclosure statements, analysis of search results, assistance with validity and infringement opinions, and/or analysis of competitor patents. The student will interact with in-house attorneys, research and development departments, inventors, and project managers with expertise in a variety of healthcare technical fields.

  • LAW-D 802 Roche, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)

    This externship is with Roche Diagnostics' U.S. research and development, laboratory, manufacturing, distribution, information technology and corporate headquarters operations in Indianapolis. The extern's work will primarily involve evaluation and analysis of invention disclosures, preparation of information disclosure statements, analysis of search results, assistance with validity and infringement opinions, and/or analysis of competitor patents. The student will interact with in-house attorneys, research and development departments, inventors, and project managers with expertise in a variety of healthcare technical fields.

  • LAW-D 802 Roche: Strategic Deal Team - Corporate Contracting (2-3 cr.)

    Duties include: (1) applying a strategic understanding of business and customer needs and developing appropriate contract documentation to support new and existing business; (2) providing business stakeholder support by analyzing risks and obligations of proposed and accepted contract terms and conditions; (3) facilitating contract negotiations with business stakeholders through identification of term conflicts and non-standard conditions; (4) drafting contracting language where needed to support business direction; (5) identify, investigate, and resolve or provide recommendations to resolve contract issues and their root cause, and (6) working across business units to understand full customer impact. Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics under one roof have made Roche the leader in personalized healthcare – a strategy that aims to fit the right treatment to each patient in the best way possible. Roche is the world’s largest biotech company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system. Roche is also the world leader in in vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a frontrunner in diabetes management. The Roche Group, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is active in over 100 countries and in 2017 employed about 94,000 people worldwide. In 2017, Roche invested CHF 10.4 billion in R&D and posted sales of CHF 53.3 billion. Genentech, in the United States, is a wholly owned member of the Roche Group. Roche is the majority shareholder in Chugai Pharmaceutical, Japan. For more information, please visit www.roche.com.

  • LAW-D 802 Sagamore Institute Externship (2-3 cr.)

    The Sagamore Institute is an Indianapolis-based nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy research organization that provides independent research and analysis to public and private sector leaders, policy makers, practitioners, and the public. This externship will provide law students with opportunities to develop key analytical and research skills, to gain an understanding of how a think tank works, and to explore areas of law and policy related to the work of the Sagamore Institute and, as time and opportunity permits, the students’ own interests. Currently the two primary areas of research are Indiana’s criminal code reform and environmental and energy law.

  • LAW-D 802 Southside OBGYN (2-3 cr.)

    Southside OBGYN, P.C. is a private practice consisting of OBGYN physicians. We provide services for multiple hospitals and surgery centers and are celebrating 50 years as a private practice in 2019! The CEO is a May 2018 graduate of the MJ program offered at IU McKinney and has been in healthcare leadership roles for 20 years. I plan to utilize an extern on multiple projects with health care payers, contract review and response to legal questions regarding medical malpractice, physician recruiting, non-compete clauses, Stark Law, Anti -Kickback and referral services as well as Telemedicine programs. We work with Federal and State level programs and participate in research programs. This will be a demanding position and I’d like someone that can take direction and work independently. Must be professional in appearance and dress and have communication skills to work with all levels of staff, physicians and vendors.

  • LAW-D 802 Springbuk, Inc. (2-3 cr.)

    Springbuk, Inc. is an employer-facing health analytics software company. Its Health Intelligence software is equipping benefits consultants and employers nationwide to reduce healthcare costs by empowering smarter healthcare decision-making. Located in the burgeoning technology center of downtown Indianapolis, this externship focuses on the privacy and security issues as well as provides students an opportunity learn about an in-house attorney’s role with a start-up technology company. Students may also be exposed to the following areas: regulatory compliance, general contracting, legal research, and policy drafting. Externs will provide support to the Director of Legal Affairs. Strong research and writing abilities with a working knowledge of HIPAA preferred.

  • LAW-D 802 State Appellate Court Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Externs generally work on draft opinions under the direction of the judge and judicial clerks at the Indiana Court of Appeals (or another state appellate court during the summer). Most of the Indiana courts caseload is criminal, although students may sometimes work on civil cases as well. (More about Court Externships)

  • LAW-D 802 State Supreme Court Externship (2-3 cr.) Externs for the Indiana Supreme Court work primarily work transfer memos, which require summarizing and analyzing briefs and lower court opinions in making recommendations regarding discretionary review. Summer externships may be available with other state supreme courts. Students interested in externships with the Indiana Supreme Court must submit application materials directly to the justice(s) by the deadlines noted at the Indiana Supreme Court website. (More about Court Externships)
  • LAW-D 802 State Trial Court Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Externships are available in the Marion Circuit Superior Court or with state trial court judges in other counties. These externships offer the greatest opportunity to observe court proceedings and usually include considerable interaction with the judge. Students in Marion County may request placements in civil, commercial, criminal, or family court. (More about Court Externships)

  • LAW-D 802 State Trial Court Externship (2-3 cr.) Externships are available in the Marion Circuit Superior Court or with state trial court judges in other counties. These externships offer the greatest opportunity to observe court proceedings and usually include considerable interaction with the judge. Students in Marion County may request placements in civil, commercial, criminal, or family court. (More about Court Externships)
  • LAW-D 802 The Center for at-Risk Elders (2-3 cr.)

    CARE is a non-profit, lawyer-led team of advocates guarding Indiana’s neglected, abused, and exploited elders (www.indianacare.org) . Indiana CARE is the state’s leading provider of legal services to establish adult guardianships where appropriate, with a focus on offering emergency guardianship intervention services. These services are designed to offer protection for elders who are actively being exploited financially, are being abused or neglected, and for those at imminent risk of being so. Students chosen for an externship placement with CARE will find a friendly, fast-paced work environment and will work alongside a social-justice focused practitioner with over 30 years’ experience working with at-risk clients.

  • LAW-D 802 The Indiana Justice Project with Adam Mueller (2-3 cr.)

    The Indiana Justice Project is a new law and policy program in Indiana. IJP uses all of the tools of legal advocacy to fight poverty on a systemic level. This includes litigation, policy research and analysis, and legislative and administrative advocacy. IJP's core focus for 2021-2022 is health justice, working to ensure all Hoosiers have access to affordable health coverage. Externs with IJP will focus on state and federal policy analysis. They will work on reviewing Indiana's health coverage programs through a justice and equity lens. The results of this research may be policy products ("white papers") and additional content that will both bolster and inform IJP's advocacy goals.

  • LAW-D 802 The United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Regional Counsel (2-3 cr.)

    The Veterans Affairs Regional Counsel provides counsel to the federal agency responsible for the execution of laws, regulations, and policies governing veterans' benefits. Externs will serve to meet the legal needs of veterans, most particularly in the areas of veterans' benefits and homelessness. Working closely with the VA Regional Counsel legal team to apply statutory, administrative and common law, externs will develop legal skills in client counseling, negotiation, fact investigation, and legal research. The externship is a two or three credit, pass or fail, course. Students must complete and document 100/150 hours of Office of Regional Counsel externship activity, which corresponds generally to eight (8-10) hours per week. In addition, externs maintain journal entries, attend scheduled meetings with the Faculty Supervisor, and submit a final evaluation.

  • LAW-D 802 U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee Externship (2-3 cr.) The externship is with the Office of the United States Trustee of the U.S. Department of Justice. Students will receive exposure to consumer bankruptcy law through examining basic bankruptcy case documents and observing meetings of creditors and court hearings in consumer cases; students will receive exposure to corporate reorganization law through examining Chapter 11 case documents and pleadings and observing meetings of creditors and court hearings in Chapter 11 cases.
  • LAW-D 802 United States Attorney's Office (2-3 cr.)

    This externship will provide students with the experience and insight derived from working with a United States Attorneys Office. Students will have the opportunity to develop key analytical, research, and writing skills, as well as to learn about the legal challenges facing the federal government. Responsibilities may include researching legal issues; drafting/writing motions and pleading; providing trial support; and assembling exhibits for trial. This externship can be done with any United States Attorneys Office in the country subject to agreement with the particular United States Attorneys Office. Students seeking to take this externship will need to apply directly to the United States Attorneys Office of their choice.

  • LAW-D 802 USA Football Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Students provide assistance to the legal department at USA Football, a not-for-profit organization that acts as football's national governing body. The USA Football legal department oversees licensing agreements, trademarks, contract drafting, and policymaking. This placement will provide law students with opportunities to develop key analytical and research skills as well as learn about the legal challenges facing not-for-profits, small businesses and sports entities. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with legal and business individuals in the day to day administration of USA Football and will better understand the dynamics of being in-house counsel.

  • LAW-D 802 USA Track & Field Externship (2-3 cr.) Students provide assistance to the legal department at USA Track & Field, a not-for-profit organization recognized by the U.S. Olympic Committee as the national governing body for the sport of track and field. The USATF legal department is responsible for managing corporate governance, intellectual property, alternative dispute resolution systems, mediation, contract drafting and negotiation, handling anti-doping matters, and advising USATF leadership on legal and policy matters. This placement provides law students with opportunities to develop key analytical and research skills and to learn about legal challenges facing national governing bodies in the Olympic movement.
  • LAW-D 802 Veterans Health Indiana Compliance and Business Integrity Office (2-3 cr.)

    Externs work within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), providing guidance and counsel on incorporation compliance-related activities into the operations areas. Examples of the types of duties include: review/revision of written compliance policies and procedures, promoting the commitment to compliance, addressing areas of potential fraud (such as billing, collections, community care medical care claims, registration/intake and upcoding), development and implementation of regular, effective education and training programs for employees, use of compliance and business integrity audits and/or other evaluation techniques to monitor compliance and to assist in the reduction of identified problem areas, assist in coordinating the investigation activities and remediation, monitoring received questions and reports of possible non-compliance, assists the Compliance Officer in coordinating a corrective action plan, provides reports and recommendations for compliance program improvements to the facility Compliance Officer.

  • LAW-D 802 Veterans Health Indiana Privacy/FOIA Office (2-3 cr.)

    Externs work within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA) aiding administration in their duties to formulate policy, advise agency management, and ensure compliance with Federal and State laws governing the flow of information. Policies that safeguard Government information while supporting accountability and transparency. Government information work involves implementing policies and procedures to manage Government information and provide information-related assistance and services to the general public and VA staff members. The work requires interpreting and applying laws, regulations, policies, and guidance to provide access to VA agency records and information, while ensuring protected information is appropriately disclosed. The role makes determinations about disclosures, issuance of denials, redactions, access to Federal agency records and use and dissemination of personally identifiable information. The Extern reports directly to the Medical Center.

  • LAW-D 802 Wabash National, Corporate Counsel Externship (2-3 cr.)

    Wabash National Corporation (NYSE: WNC) is a publically traded, diversified industrial manufacturer and North Americas leading producer of semi-trailers and liquid transportation systems. It maintains locations in 17 states, as well as Mexico and the United Kingdom. Its legal department is located at its corporate headquarters in Lafayette, Indiana and manages the legal, compliance and risk mitigation activities for the company worldwide. Two externships are available: one with a primary responsibility area in Litigation and the other in Intellectual Property. Legal externs will be given the opportunity to participate in company meetings attended by their supervising attorney, as well as meetings with outside counsel and experts. Additional extern opportunities may include tours of testing and manufacturing facilities and participation in court or mediation experiences. In addition, responsibilities of Litigation externs may include assisting in areas such as responding to discovery requests in lawsuits and government investigations, interviewing employees to gather facts necessary to defend the companys interests in litigation, writing on legal issues impacting the companys business or the companys interests in litigation, and reviewing substantive trial briefs and exhibits. In addition, responsibilities of Intellectual Property externs may include assisting in areas such as drafting responses to office actions from the U.S. Patent Office, reviewing and summarizing prior art references and invention disclosures, meeting with inventors and contributors to develop materials necessary for patent applications, drafting of license and/or joint-venture type agreement in managing the companys IP portfolio.

Law Reviews
  • LAW-D/N 800 Law Review Candidacy I (2 cr.) Is restricted to candidates in the first semester of participation on a law review. Graded credit is awarded upon satisfactory completion of a student note and all assigned editorial and staff duties.
  • LAW-D/N 809 Law Review Candidacy II (1 cr.) Is restricted to candidates in the second semester of participation on a law review. Non-graded (S/F) credit is awarded upon completion of the required hours of assigned editorial and staff duties.
  • LAW-D/N 878 Law Review Associate Editor (1 cr.) This course is restricted to students who have satisfactorily completed one year of law review service but who are not members of the board of editors. Non-graded (S/F) credit is awarded upon completion of the required hours of assigned editorial and staff duties.
  • LAW-D/N 879 Law Review Board (1 cr.) Is restricted to students who are members of a law review board of editors. Graded credit is based on an evaluation of the performance of duties defining each editorial position.
Legal Writing
  • LAW-D/N 520/521 Legal Analysis, Research and Communication I & II (2 cr.) Introduces students to sources of law, the nature of precedent, legal research, common law and statutory analysis, objective and persuasive legal writing, appellate advocacy, and the drafting of legal documents.
  • LAW-D/N 522 Advanced Persuasive Writing and Oral Advocacy (2 cr.) P: Legal Analysis, Research, and Communication I and II (D/N 520 and D/N 521). Explores advanced techniques in persuasive writing and oral advocacy. The course assignments will cover civil and criminal matters in a trial court setting.
  • LAW-D/N 528 Legal Research (1 cr.) This course is taught in 13 classes over the fall and spring semesters of the law student's first year. The classes will be a combination of lab sessions and online modules. Each semester will earn .5 credit hours for a total of 1 credit. The course is designed to provide law students with the basic legal research skills essential for successful law practice. Instruction will simulate a law office handling a case and require students to research multiple aspects of the law on the topics involved. Students will complete a series of graded assignments and have a final exam at the end of the second semester. The course grade will be determined from the graded assignments and cumulative assessments.
  • LAW-D/N 538 Contract Drafting (2 cr.) P: Completion of Contracts and Sales I & II and LCA I & II. This simulation course provides introductory training in the basic techniques of contract drafting. Through classroom discussion, reading assignments, in-class exercises, and drafting assignments, students will learn about different contract concepts; how to translate agreed terms into enforceable provisions that concisely and precisely reflect the contracting parties' intent; and how to draft a logically organized contract in plain English.
  • LAW-D/N 539 Litigation Drafting (2 cr.) This simulation course focuses on drafting complaints, answers, motions, interrogatories, and other documents required to prepare a case for trial. Trial and post-trial motions may be included. Students will conduct legal research and fact investigation in simulated cases or scenarios. Strategic decisions in case development and the ethics of advocacy will be considered. Students who enroll at any time in this course may not enroll in Lawyering Practice. P: Completion of Civil Procedure I & II and LCA I & II.
  • LAW-D/N 661 Supervised Research (1-4 cr.) Requires the student to write an in-depth and comprehensive research paper on a current legal problem. Generally, the finished paper should be 8,500 words inclusive of footnotes or endnotes for each hour of credit. The supervising faculty member is the final judge of both quality and length. P: Permission of instructor, completed Enrollment Request Form.
  • LAW-D/N 664 Advanced Legal Research (2-3 cr.) Builds on the basic research skills and techniques covered in the basic course, Legal Research, this course offers students an opportunity to gain in-depth working knowledge of legal research resources and methods. This course is intended to develop a mastery of legal research beyond the level of the standard first year curriculum. The course will cover several major areas of legal research, including, but not limited to, extensive coverage of primary and secondary sources, practice and specialized topical resources, international law, cost-effective legal research, legal resources on the Internet and advanced training on LEXIS and WESTLAW. Depending on the semester specialized topics may vary. Course objectives are: 1) to expand students’ skills in primary and secondary US legal sources, in all formats; 2) to teach students how to evaluate resources and use them effectively, with particular emphasis on cost-effective research; 3) to help students develop efficient online research skills; 4) to introduce students to some non-legal information resources. Students are required to complete weekly research assignments and a comprehensive research assignment. P: Legal Research.
Moot Court
  • LAW-D/N 746 Intramural Moot Court Competition (1 cr.) Students research and prepare a brief and oral arguments in preparation for participation in the intramural moot court competition. Full-time students who wish to become members of a national moot court team, and subsequently serve as a national team coach or as a Moot Court Board member, should take Intramural Moot Court Competition during their second year. Full-time students who take Intramural Moot Court Competition in their third year may be considered for national teams during their final semester. Part-time students who wish to become members of a national moot court team, and subsequently serve as a national team coach or as a Moot Court Board member, should take Intramural Moot Court Competition no later than their third year. Part-time students who take Intramural Moot Court Competition in their fourth year may be considered for national teams during their final semester. Intramural Moot Court does not satisfy the experiential learning requirement. (More info about Moot Court can be found at: https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/practice/moot-court/)
  • LAW-D/N 748 Moot Court Board (1 cr.) Students who have excelled in the Intramural Moot Court Competition are eligible for the Moot Court Board. Members taking this course for credit usually include the chief justice and the justices in charge of the Intramural Moot Court Competition. These justices are selected by the outgoing Moot Court Board from the members of the Order of Barristers. With the faculty advisors permission, other members of the Moot Court Society may earn 1 credit hour by working a minimum of 60 hours in moot court activities. (More info about Moot Court can be found at: https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/practice/moot-court/)
  • LAW-D/N 750 National Moot Court Competitions (1 cr.) These competitions are open to members of the Order of Barristers or to other students at the discretion of the Moot Court Advisor. National competition teams include students who coach the teams and students who prepare briefs and present oral arguments in regional and national rounds of the competitions against teams from other law schools. National Moot Court competitions do not satisfy the experiential learning requirement. (More info about Moot Court can be found at: https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/practice/mootcourt/)
  • LAW-D/N 753 Moot Court in International Commercial Arbitration (2 cr.) Participants work on the case provided for the Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The most qualified participants register as the Robert H. McKinney School of Law team and travel to Vienna, Austria to represent the school in the orals.
Other Courses
  • LAW-D 899 Visiting Away Student (1-18 cr.) I.U. visiting law student
  • LAW-D 700 Law (2 cr.)
  • LAW-D 716 Oil and Gas Law (2 cr.)
  • LAW-N 700 Law (2 cr.)
  • LAW-N 716 Oil and Gas Law (2 cr.)
  • LAW-D/N 655 Seminar in Health Policy, Law and Bioethics (2 cr.) This is an advanced seminar designed to help students develop their ability to understand major issues facing the American health care system from an interdisciplinary perspective. Faculty and students will consider a wide-range of critical health law policy questions using both inter- and multi-disciplinary perspectives.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Seminar in Developing Topics in Energy Regulation and Policy (2 cr.) The course will introduce the structure of US electric power and natural gas industries and the statutory and regulatory frameworks that govern them. The course then explores national economic regulatory policy goals, the historic evolution of energy markets, and the key enabling statutes for utility regulatory agencies (federal and state). Special focus is paid to regulatory orders from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the judicial review of agency actions, and current issues in international energy law.
  • LAW-D/N 744 Seminar in Judicial Selection (2 cr.) This seminar explores the various methods for selecting judges throughout the United States, including lifetime appointments in the federal system, partisan and non-partisan elections in state courts, and the various iterations of merit selection. The course also addresses the interplay of selection and retention methods on judicial independence.
  • LAW-D/N 778 Seminar in Law and Technology (2-3 cr.) This course explores many aspects of the complex interrelationships between law and technology. In addition to examining the law specifically applicable to computers and other technological developments, the seminar may focus on themes and trends, such as the causal relationship between technological evolution and change in the law. This seminar can focus on a wide variety of possible themes and topics depending upon the interest and background of the instructor and students.
  • LAW-D/N 850 Seminar in American Legal History (2 cr.) At the option of the instructor, this class will provide a survey of American legal history, or as an alternative, will explore a selected American legal history period or subject. Topics might include, but are not limited to, criminal justice, family law, Indiana legal history, legal profession, and legal theory.
  • LAW-D/N 854 Seminar in Business and Estate Planning (2 cr.) This seminar provides an analysis of individuals' methods for disposing of wealth, using the laws of trusts, estates, future interests, and taxes. Topics include marital deductions, life insurance, powers of appointment, arrangements for minor or other incapacitated children, charitable gifts and devises, qualified retirement plans, non-qualified retirement plans, passive activities, disposing of stock in closely held corporations, estate freezes, and generation-skipping tax transfers. Generally, each student will be required to prepare an estate plan based on statements of facts distributed by the instructor. P: Income Taxation (DN648); Trusts and Estates (DN722); Estate Planning (DN725); or permission of instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 890 Seminar in Law and Religion (2-3 cr.) This seminar analyzes current issues at the intersection of law and religion, including topics such as civil disobedience, conscientious objection, Sunday Blue Laws, religion and education, tax exemption of church property, religion and family law, censorship, and religion and public morality.
  • LAW-D/N 700 In-House Counsel Seminar (2 cr.) Unlike most law school classes, this class focuses on lawyers practicing as employees of public and private for-profit corporations and nonprofit organizations. In-house lawyers face a combination of business and legal issues that differ from law firm practice. In-house lawyers must balance their duties as a lawyer with their business and leadership responsibilities within the organization. In-house lawyers play several roles including legal technician, trusted counselor, and business leader. In addition, the general counsel serves as a lawyer-statesman, setting the moral compass for the organization. This course addresses both what is legal and what is right for the organization. It also seeks to provide an understanding of the practical skills for in-house practice, building a foundation for the student to address complex problems and be an effective contributor to the organization. A substantial research paper may satisfy the Advanced Research and Writing Requirement if approved by the instructor.
Simulation Courses
  • LAW-D/N 522 Advanced Persuasive Writing and Oral Advocacy (2 cr.) P: Legal Analysis, Research, and Communication I and II (D/N 520 and D/N 521). explores advanced techniques in persuasive writing and oral advocacy. The course assignments will cover civil and criminal matters in a trial court setting.
  • LAW-D/N 538 Contract Drafting (previously known as Basic Contract Drafting) (2 cr.) P: Completion of Contracts and Sales I & II and LCA I & II. This simulation course provides introductory training in the basic techniques of contract drafting. Through classroom discussion, reading assignments, in-class exercises, and drafting assignments, students will learn about different contract concepts; how to translate agreed terms into enforceable provisions that concisely and precisely reflect the contracting parties' intent; and how to draft a logically organized contract in plain English.
  • LAW-D/N 539 Litigation Drafting (2 cr.) This simulation course focuses on drafting complaints, answers, motions, interrogatories, and other documents required to prepare a case for trial. Trial and post-trial motions may be included. Students will conduct legal research and fact investigation in simulated cases or scenarios. Strategic decisions in case development and the ethics of advocacy will be considered. Students who enroll at any time in this course may not enroll in Lawyering Practice. P: Completion of Civil Procedure I & II and LCA I & II.
  • LAW-D/N 606 Interviewing and Counseling (2 cr.) Covers interviewing and counseling in the context of legal representation. This simulation course addresses theories and techniques used in interviewing and counseling.
  • LAW-D/N 664 Advanced Legal Research (2-3 cr.) Builds on the basic research skills and techniques covered in the basic course, Legal Research, this course offers students an opportunity to gain in-depth working knowledge of legal research resources and methods. This course is intended to develop a mastery of legal research beyond the level of the standard first year curriculum. The course will cover several major areas of legal research, including, but not limited to, extensive coverage of primary and secondary sources, practice and specialized topical resources, international law, cost-effective legal research, legal resources on the Internet and advanced training on LEXIS and WESTLAW. Depending on the semester specialized topics may vary. Course objectives are: 1) to expand students’ skills in primary and secondary US legal sources, in all formats; 2) to teach students how to evaluate resources and use them effectively, with particular emphasis on cost-effective research; 3) to help students develop efficient online research skills; 4) to introduce students to some non-legal information resources. Students are required to complete weekly research assignments and a comprehensive research assignment. P: Legal Research.
  • LAW-D/N 909 Data Security and Privacy Law (2 cr.) This simulation course provides a fundamental understanding of the various different laws and practices related to data privacy and the essential factors to consider when implementing preventative procedures. Privacy is an area of law that has recently developed as a response to the growing challenges for the protection of privacy. Data privacy law applies to a vast range of everyday activities and can be extremely complex. As new technologies continue to emerge, data privacy law will continue to grow and more innovative prevention methods will be needed to avoid privacy intrusions. Tort law, federal and state constitutional law, federal and state statutory law, evidentiary privileges, property law, contract law, and criminal law all form the expansive boundaries encompassed in data privacy law.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Litigating LGBTQ+ Issues (2 cr.) This simulation course explores issues arising from representing LGBTQ+ people and practice issues in this developing law area. The course covers basic information regarding the LGBTQ+ community and the foundations of genre, sex, and sexuality law. Students will research and draft documents related to litigating LGBTQ+ issues.
  • LAW-D/N 700 Mediation Practice (2 cr.) This course examines processes, procedures and practices for mediating two- and multi-party disputes in various legal and professional contexts. This simulation course includes many opportunities to engage in role-plays and other experiential learning activities and to develop communication, relationship building, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills and techniques in mediated settings. Students will also learn ethical considerations for mediating disputes and about future opportunities to develop as mediators in their chosen legal and professional fields. Successful completion of this course will satisfy the skills requirement for graduation. While students may enroll in this course or in Mediation (DN876), they may not receive credit for more than one of these courses. This course may be taught as a pass/fail course.
  • LAW-D/N 701 Lawyering Practice (2 cr.) Is a simulation-based course exploring pretrial planning and preparation skills and values in the context of the attorney-client relationship. Legal relationships, interviewing, counseling, investigation, negotiation, mediation, discovery, and pleadings are considered. Students who enroll at any time in this course may not enroll in Litigation Drafting.
  • LAW-D/N 718 Trial Practice (3 cr.) This simulation course covers trial procedures from selection of jury through opening statements, presentation of evidence, preservation of error, cross-examination, closing argument, and instructions. Students participate in simulated cases. P: Evidence. Limited enrollment.
  • LAW-D/N 745 Trial Advocacy Competition (1 cr.) P: Evidence. A spring semester Trial Advocacy Competition course is open to eight students selected by audition held during the fall semester. Members of the course represent the law school at regional and national trial competitions. Auditions are open to students who have completed Evidence (DN632) and Trial Practice (DN718). Course participation requires a minimum of 60 hours of trial preparation and related activity. The course is graded.
  • LAW-D/N 777 Criminal Procedure Advocacy Skills (2-3 cr.) Is designed to show students how basic concepts of criminal procedure are tested in the courtroom. By participating in a series of oral advocacy assignments, students will hone their oral and written trial advocacy skills. Over the course of a semester, each student will participate in the following advocacy exercises: bail/bond hearings, pre-trial motions, motions to suppress evidence, miscellaneous issues during trial, and sentencing hearings. In addition each student will submit at least one significant writing project, such as a Motion to Suppress Evidence. In addition to placing the theoretical course material in a courtroom context, the advocacy exercises give students interested in pursuing a career in criminal law additional practice and feedback on a critical pre-trial skill. This simulation structure will allow students to get "on their feet," learn courtroom lawyering skills, and receive substantial feedback throughout the semester. Co-requisite or P: Criminal Procedure: Investigation or permission of instructor.
  • LAW-D/N 863 Negotiations (2-3 cr.) This course explores the negotiation process in the context of legal problem-solving. The course may include negotiation exercises in which students participate.
  • LAW-D/N 905 Intellectual Property Licensing: Drafting Skills (2-3 cr.) P: Intellectual Property Law (D/N 862). Course will provide fundamental understanding of licensing intellectual property laws and practices. It is a "skills" course with intensive weekly drafting assignments of various licensing provisions. P: Intellectual Property Law (D/N 862).
LL.M. Courses
  • LAW-D/N 500 Introduction to American Legal System (2 cr.) Introduces LL.M. students to the judicial function in tripartite government (judicial independence and judicial review of legislative and executive authority), the structure of American judicial systems (organization and functions of trial and appellate courts), the role of the federal courts in the federal system (subject matter jurisdiction and allocation of power), the meaning and use of judicial precedent, and the work of lawyers in an adversary system. J.D. students shall not be permitted to enroll. Required in the first semester of enrollment for all students in the ALFL track.
  • LAW-D/N 514 LL.M. Legal Writing and Analysis I (1 cr.) Provides students with the basic skills needed to analyze a legal problem within a common law system and to document that analysis in the manner expected by attorneys and courts in the United States. The student-faculty ratio for each section shall be no more than 12:1. Required in the first semester of enrollment for all foreign-trained LL.M. students.
  • LAW-D/N 515 LL.M. Legal Writing and Analysis II (1 cr.) Provides students with instruction on legal writing and analysis beyond that offered in the first course. This course is intended for LL.M. students who want to achieve an elevated level of skill by engaging more complicated legal problems than in the introductory course. P: LL.M. Legal Writing and Analysis I. Recommended co-requisite: Contract Law for LL.M. Students or Tort Law for LL.M. Students.
  • LAW-D/N 517 Legal Research for LLM Students (1 cr.) Provides students the opportunity to learn the mechanics and search strategies of legal research in order that they may successfully complete research paper assignments in other law courses. Students will be evaluated in this course on an S/F basis. J.D. students shall not be permitted to enroll. Required in the first semester of enrollment for all foreign-trained LL.M. students.
  • LAW-D/N 535 Contract Law for LL.M. Students (2 cr.) Introduces student to the sources of basic principles of contract law in the United States. The course will study contract formation, performance, breach, and available remedies under the common law, with references to parallel provisions in Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Required in the first semester of enrollment for all foreign-trained LL.M. students who matriculate in the fall semester and may be taken as an elective in a subsequent semester for students who matriculate in the spring semester.
  • LAW-D/N 536 Tort Law for LL.M. Students (2 cr.) Introduces students to basic principles of tort law in the United States. The course will study sources of duties, breach, defenses, and available remedies under the laws of international torts, negligence, and products liability. Required in the first semester of enrollment for all foreign-trained LL.M. students who matriculate in the spring semester and may be taken as an elective in a subsequent semester for students who matriculate in the fall semester.
  • LAW-D/N 615 U.S. Constitutional Law for LL.M. Students (2 cr.) Provides an introductory level survey of U.S. constitutional law. the course includes discussions of the impact of the Constitution on fundamental concepts of criminal law (Amendments IV, V, VI, and VII), of civil law (Amendments I and XIV), and of powers – and limits on the powers – of branches of the national government (supremacy clause, enumerated powers, Amendment X). Enrollment is limited to LL.M. students who obtained their law degree outside the United States.
  • LAW-D/N 814 Contract Drafting for LL.M. Students (2 cr.) Provides introductory training in the U.S. approach to contract drafting. Through classroom discussion, reading assignments, in-class exercises, and drafting assignments, students will learn about different contract concepts; how to translate agreed terms into enforceable provisions that concisely and precisely reflect the contracting parties' intent; and how to draft a logically organized contract in plain English. P: Completion of LL.M. Contract Law for LL.M. Students or prior work experience in drafting contracts.
  • LAW-G 901 Dissertation Advanced Research (0 cr.) Is reserved for LL.M. students on an F-1 or J-1 visa who have completed all degree coursework but have LL.M. Thesis or other incomplete coursework pending. Such students are limited to enrolling in G901 for one semester only (fall and spring semesters only) while the LL.M. Thesis or coursework remains pending.  If the thesis is not completed within the academic term of enrollment in G901, the student will be required to complete the thesis without enrollment at the Law School. In rare cases and for good cause, the Vice Dean and the Track Director for the track in which the LL.M. student is enrolled, acting together, may grant an extension of this time period in their discretion, so long as the student has received approval from the thesis advisor.  If an extension is granted written verification of the extension shall be provided by the student to the Graduate Programs Office, including the deadline for completion.
  • LAW-G 902 Dissertation Advanced Research (0 cr.) Is reserved for LL.M. students who are not on a visa who have completed all degree coursework but have LL.M. Thesis or other incomplete coursework pending. Such students are limited to enrolling in G902 for one semester only (fall and spring semesters only) while the LL.M. Thesis or coursework remains pending.  If the thesis is not completed within the academic term of enrollment in G902, the student will be required to complete the thesis without enrollment at the Law School. In rare cases and for good cause, the Vice Dean and the Track Director for the track in which the LL.M. student is enrolled, acting together, may grant an extension of this time period in their discretion, so long as the student has received approval from the thesis advisor.  If an extension is granted written verification of the extension shall be provided by the student to the Graduate Programs Office, including the deadline for completion.
  • LAW-D 660 LL.M. Thesis (2-4 cr.) Interested students must submit an approved LL.M. Thesis Approval Form, together with the required thesis proposal outlined therein, to the Graduate Programs Office. Enrollment will take place at the end of a students program, usually in their final semester of coursework, after the student has satisfactorily completed LL.M. Thesis Organization (0 cr.) D 525. Depending on the anticipated length of the thesis, students may choose to sign up for 2, 3, or 4 credits (equivalent to 50, 75, or 100 pages, +/- 10%). The number of credits and corresponding pages is chosen with the advice and approval of the thesis advisor.
  • LAW-D 525 LL.M. Thesis Organization (0 cr.) Consists of online modules, addressing issues such as selection of a topic and supervisor, development of a problem statement, and methods of research and analysis. Because students must complete this course before they can register for LL.M. Thesis credits, it is recommended that students register for this course the semester before their intended LL.M. Thesis credits enrollment. Students will be evaluated in this course on an S/F basis.
MJ Courses
  • LAW-D/N 512-513 Contracts and Sales I & II (2-4 cr.) Introduces students to exchange relationships in contemporary American society, with some emphasis on classic contract doctrine and introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code. (3-3 or 4-2 cr.)
  • LAW-D/N 840 Seminar in Selected Topics in Constitutional Law (2 cr.) Provides in-depth consideration of selected aspects of constitutional powers, structure, processes, or individual liberties.
  • LAW-D/N 512/513 Contracts and Sales I & II (2-4 cr.) Introduces students to exchange relationships in contemporary American society, with some emphasis on classic contract doctrine and introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code. (3-3 or 4-2 cr.)
S.J.D. Courses
  • LAW-D 642 S.J.D. Dissertation (8 cr.)
  • LAW-D 663 S.J.D. Research (1-16 cr.)