IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » liberal-arts » Graduate » Liberal Arts Pathways Minors » Master of Arts (M.A.)


Liberal Arts Pathways Minors

A Master of Arts (MA) degree in the School of Liberal Arts reflect IU Indianapolis Principles of Graduate and Professional Learning. Detailed articulation of Student Learning Outcomes, including their assessment, for individual graduate degrees and certificates are part of the School of Liberal Arts's department and program websites. Students completing the Masters of Arts degree program will:

  • Know how to explain the specifics of having an advanced degree in the field of study.
  • Be able to discuss contemporary issues in a specialized field of study.
  • Be able to explain the interconnections between variants within the discipline of study;
  • Be able to complete research with faculty supervision;
  • Be able to give presentations at professional meetings, symposia and other fora;
  • Be able to plan and conduct research in a specialized field of study; and
  • Be able to be prepared to continue on to doctoral level study in the discipline and/or to enter the workforce in the specific area of study, applying theoretical and practical skills to tasks through a social base in critical thinking skills.