IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Undergraduate » Degree Programs » Bachelor of Science » Bachelor of Science

The department offers graduate and undergraduate programs in music technology and music therapy.  All degree programs are focused on technological innovation in the arts to improve access to high quality performing arts and understand the influence of the performing arts on health and well-being.  We are training dedicated 21st century musicians with a progressive education emphasizing integrations of science and sound.  Our students learn the technical, theoretical, and creative skills required to be successful in today's music professions.

Our department and programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), requiring routine self-evaluation to meet evolving quality standards.  Our Bachelor and Master of Science in Music Therapy degrees are also approved by the AmericanMusic Therapy Association (AMTA).

The Department of Music and Arts Technology performance ensembles and private lessons are open to both major and non-major students.

Ensemble groups include the Jazz Combos, University Choir, IU Indianapolis Percussion Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Telematic Performing Ensemble, Electro-Acoustic Ensemble (E/A), Electronic Music Ensemble (ExME), and DISEnsemble. 

This department awards degrees from Indiana University.