IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Undergraduate » Minors » Graphic Design Minor

The Graphic Design Minor will provide students with a focused course of study to develop skills and basic understandings specific to applied visual communication design and related design professions. This minor will offer students fundamental skills in core areas of applied design such as typography, visual narrative, print production and design for the web. The minor aims to develop a level of technical proficiency in order to give students a professional introduction from which they can progress to more advanced understandings of applied design.  Students will gain an understanding of professional craftsmanship and excellence, whether work is produced by hand or by digital means. This minor will serve students who desire an opportunity to develop marketable skills that complement their primary major, whether in Fine Arts or in other degree programs outside of Herron. The minor is not an option for Visual Communication Design majors.


The Graphic Design minor is open to all IU Indianapolis students. Students intending to pursue the minor should contact Herron Admissions and Student Services to register, review the requirements, and plan their program of study.


18 credits total

Core Courses:

Nine credits are required, which includes the following courses:

  • HER-V 210 Foundations of Graphic Desig

  • HER-V 211 Typography I  (3 credits)

  • HER V 251 Typography II  (3 credits, with V-211 prerequisite)

  Elective Courses:            

Three credits are required.  Choose one of the following courses:
  • HER-K 201 Introduction to Photographic Processes (3 credits)

  • HER-A 205  Introduction to Illustration I  (3 credits)
  • HER-V 200 Design, Media and Culture (3 credits)

Six credits are required.  Choose two of the following courses:

  • HER-K 201 Introduction to Photographic Processes  (3 credits)

  • HER-A 205 Introduction to Illustration I (3 credits)

  • HER-V 200 Design, Media and Culture (3 credits)

  • HER-G 203 Silkscreen Printing (3 credits)

  • HER-G 206 Bookbinding (3 credits)

  • HER-K 211 Introduction to Electronic Media (3 credits)

  • HER-Y 202 Designing for Hybrid Spaces (3 credits)

Only courses completed with a grade of C (2.0) or higher will count toward the minor.

 Residency requirement: A minimum of 6 credits must be in courses taken at Herron School of Art and Design.


Last update: April 2023