IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Graduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Master of Science in Music Therapy


Music Therapy Learning Outcomes

M.S. in Music Therapy

The learning outcomes and competencies for the M.S. in Music Therapy are derived from the National Association for Schools of Music standards and guidelines and the advanced competencies outlined by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).

Upon program completion, students will be able to:

Music Therapy Theory (NASM XIV.F.1.a.1 and AMTA Competencies I.1.A)

  • Differentiate and apply music therapy theories of clinical practice, supervision, education, and corresponding implications for research.
  • Use current theoretical, clinical and research literature from music therapy and related fields to identify emerging models and to predict/propose future models and trends for music therapy.
  • Articulate and defend a personal philosophy, approach, and/or theory to music therapy.

Advanced Competencies in Clinical Practice (NASM XIV.F.1.a.2 and AMTA advanced competencies .I.B.2.0 and .4.0)

  • Apply and evaluate the music therapy evidence base in clinical practice.
  • Develop essential skills and techniques needed for effective, support clinical supervision.
  • Create and assess theoretically grounded music therapy clinical interventions across clinical areas and theoretical orientations.

Research Competencies AMTA Advanced Competencies 1.A (NASM XIV.F.1.b.1 and AMTA Advanced Competencies I.D)

  • Identify gaps in the clinical and research evidence to develop meaningful research hypotheses or research questions.
  • Synthesize the music therapy and related literature to create a conceptual framework explaining the relationship between a music-based intervention and relevant outcomes.
  • Create a research proposal matching questions/hypotheses, conceptual framework, and corresponding research design and analytic plan.
  • Conduct research according to ethical principles for protection of human participants.


Updated:  March 2024