IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Graduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Master of Design

Master of Design Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Master of Design, students will demonstrate the following:


  1. Frame of Mind
  • Students will be able to engage with ambiguity and uncertainty in a creative problem-solving process.
  • Students will demonstrate creative confidence throughout a creative problem- solving process.
  • Students will demonstrate keen sensitivity and empathy toward people and contexts, in which problems are situated.
  • Students will demonstrate a positive approach to change and opportunity


  1. Knowledge Application, Integration and Generation
  • Students will demonstrate theoretical understanding of design thinking and be able to utilize their knowledge of design thinking in problem-solving process.
  • Students will be able to integrate appropriate disciplinary knowledge and skills throughout a creative problem-solving process.
  • Students will recognize values of tacit knowledge and leverage them for problem- solving process.
  • Students will advance their disciplinary knowledge and skills through the application of knowledge in diverse problem settings.


  1. Creative Problem Solving Process and Process Skills
  • Students will be able to apply abductive reasoning to creative problem-solving process.
  • Students will be able to lead a context-based problem-solving process with a proactive and adaptable approach.
  • Students will be able to recognize and apply appropriate methods to frame problems, generate ideas, and evaluate solutions.
  • Students will be able to perform a reflective practice.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate effective oral, written, and visual communication skills for facilitating collaborative decision-making.


  1. Leadership for Collaborative Innovation
  • Students will recognize values of cultural and disciplinary diversity for collaborative innovation and be able to facilitate team processes.
  • Students will develop facilitative leadership to empower stakeholders in implementing solutions.


  1. Personal and Social Responsibilities
  • Students will demonstrate ethical reasoning and action.
  • Student will develop foundations and skills for lifelong learning anchored through active involvement with diverse communities and complex challenges.