IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » education » Policies & Procedures » Dean's List, Probation, Dismissal, Reinstatement, and Stopping Out

Dean's List
The Dean’s List recognizes academic achievements within a single semester. To earn this distinction, a student must be:

  • Admitted to the School of Education or in good standing in a Teacher Education program
  • Seeking an undergraduate or second bachelor’s degree
  • Have completed 12 credit hours in the fall or spring semester
  • Have a semester grade point average of 3.6 or higher

Probation, Dismissal, and Reinstatement
Failure to meet the minimum standards results in academic probation or in dismissal. A cumulative minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 and minimum grades of or in all professional education courses and related field experiences are required to remain in good standing.

The academic progress of students in the School of Education working toward admission into a School of Education program is reviewed at the close of each fall and spring semester; students will receive formal, written notice if they have been placed on probation and are, or may be, subject to dismissal. A negative service indicator is added to the student's academic record which requires that the student see an academic advisor in the School of Education prior to being able to register. Students on academic probation have two semesters to meet the minimum academic standards before they are dismissed from the school and possibly the university.

Voluntary Withdrawal While on Probation
If a student voluntarily withdraws from the School of Education while on probation, that student may enter another school at the university if the students grade point average is acceptable to that school. Some schools require an application process. The student may reenter the School of Education in good standing if, by taking academic course work in other divisions or schools of the university, grades have been earned that raise the cumulative grade point average to a minimum of 2.50, and the student has made progress toward fulfilling program requirements.

Dismissal and Reinstatement from the Teacher Education Program
Students receiving grades below a "C" or "S" in any teacher education (block) courses or whose overall or major GPA or their GPA in the block courses falls below 2.50 will be automatically dismissed from the teacher education program. Students may appeal to reenter the program within one semester of dismissal. Students should contact the Assistant Dean in the School of Education. Students dismissed from the teacher education program but who still meet the minimum IU Indianapolis requirements to remain at the university must move their files to another school within one semester of dismissal from the program.

Dismissal from the School of Education
Once dismissed from the School of Education for academic reasons, students are given a negative service indicator on their university records, which means that they may not enroll in courses on any Indiana University campus until they are admitted to another school or readmitted to the School of Education.

Stopping Out
Once admitted to the Teacher Education Program, a student in good standing who intends to stop out of the professional education courses for one or more semesters must notify Education Student Services in writing in order to be guaranteed readmission to the program. The student must petition for readmission within one year of stopping out. Upon reentering the program, the student must meet any new program requirements. Student who do not return within one year of stopping out must reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program and the university.