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Transfer Students

Transfer Credit Policy
Acceptance of credit from other institutions will be determined by IU Indianapolis Enrollment Services. After transfer courses have been credited through Enrollment Services, the student should meet with a School of Education academic advisor to determine which transfer courses will fulfill degree requirements for programs in education.

Students in early childhood, elementary or secondary programs must have a minimum grade of C or higher in the transfer courses that would apply toward their degree. No courses with grades below a C will be accepted. Degree Progress GPAs and GPAs from transfer courses are combined to determine overall and major GPAs for admission and graduation purposes when a student transfers in more than 27 credit hours.

Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAP) Programs

Transfer Single Articulation Pathway (TSAP) degree programs at IU Indianapolis allow students at Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University to earn an associate degree in a specified field and then transfer to IU Indianapolis with junior status to complete a bachelor's degree in the same field. Students who have completed or will complete one of the Transfer Single Articulation Pathway (TSAP) degrees at either Ivy Tech Community College or Vincennes University prior to enrolling at IU Indianapolis, may wish to apply to the corresponding degree program in the School of Education at IU Indianapolis.  TSAP agreements are in place for early childhood and elementary and some secondary pathways may be available.   Students should contact an advisor in the School of Education to determine availability.  

IU Indianapolis Teacher Education Programs are built on a coherent sequence of professional education courses and field experiences. To support program integrity and continuity, students interested in completing a program leading to initial licensure through the School of Education are encouraged to complete the entire professional education component at the IU Indianapolis campus. Requests for transfer credits for professional education courses will be reviewed on an individual basis in consultation with program faculty; feedback will be provided in a timely fashion. No more than 15 credits of professional education courses from an accredited program can be transferred to the program. Only education courses with grades of B- (2.70) or higher will be considered.