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Undergraduate Programs


Registration Process

Registration for first-time students occurs in conjunction with orientation. Students will register themselves using One.IU in subsequent semesters. It is recommended, but not required after the first semester, to schedule a pre-registration meeting each term with your Academic Advisor for assistance with registering for classes or questions regarding current degree requirements. Students can use the Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) on One.IU to easily schedule their appointments.

The IU Columbus Office of Registrar Services may also be contacted for support through the registration process via phone at 812-348-7390 or by emailing coregr@iu.edu.

The Enrollment Contract

When you enroll (register) for a new term (semester), a space in each class is reserved for you. The university decides how many class sections to offer and what other resources to make available based on the data provided through the enrollment process. Other students may be prevented from enrolling in a preferred class section after the last available space is reserved for you.

In exchange for the university’s commitment of resources on your behalf, you assume responsibility to pay the fees assessed for those classes (or to officially withdraw from the university if you will be unable to attend) so that those class spaces may be released in time to be available to other students.

Payment arrangements must be made by the due date indicated in the Bursar calendar. If you change your mind and will not be attending the classes you reserved, you will still be responsible for payment of fees until you officially withdraw. Furthermore, if you are still on class rosters at the end of the term, you may receive grades of “F” for those courses.

The university provides well-defined instructions and a schedule for officially withdrawing from classes. Visit Student Central on One.IU for more information describing additional registration guidelines.

Registration Reminders

It is vital that students keep both local and home addresses and phone numbers up to date with the university. In some cases, local and home addresses are identical, though some students use their parents' address as their home address. Your home address is your permanent address, usually a parent's address or a home you rent or own, where mail will always reach you. This is the only address on your permanent record. You can edit this address, but not delete it. Students can update their addresses online through the Personal Information app on One.IU.

All students are issued a university e-mail address. It is the responsibility of the student to learn how to access their university e-mail and to check it frequently. Many university offices correspond with students and share announcements only through university e-mail accounts.