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Resources and Services

University Ombudsman

At IU Columbus the University Ombudsman is a neutral, impartial staff member charged with helping to solve problems and resolve disputes.  The most important function of the university ombudsman is to provide confidential and informal assistance to student, faculty, and staff who are members of the IU Columbus campus community.

The ombudsperson role has a long and honorable tradition as a means of protecting against abuse, bias and other improper treatment or unfairness. Serving as a neutral third party, the ombudsperson is neither an advocate for any individual nor the organization, but rather, an advocate for fairness who acts as a source of information and referral, and aids in answering individual’s questions, and assists in the resolution of concerns and critical situations. In considering any given instance or concern, the rights of all parties that might be involved are taken into account.

This office supplements, but does not replace, the university’s existing resources for conflict resolution.