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  • AST-A 100 The Solar System (3 cr.) Survey of the solar system, including the Earth, sun, moon, eclipses, planets and their satellites, comets, laws of planetary motion, etc. Discussion of the origin of the solar system, life on earth, and the possibilities of extraterrestrial life. Also astronomical instruments and celestial coordinates.
  • AST-A 105 Stars and Galaxies (3 cr.) Survey of the universe beyond the solar system, including stars, pulsars, black holes, principles of spectroscopy and the H-R diagram, nebulae, the Milky Way, other galaxies, quasars, expanding universe, cosmology, and extraterrestrial life. 
  • BIOL-K 101 Concepts of Biology I (5 cr.) An introductory course emphasizing the principles of cellular biology; molecular biology; genetics; and plant anatomy, diversity, development, and physiology. PUL=3
  • BIOL-K 103 Concepts of Biology II (5 cr.) P: BIOL K101 with a minimum grade of C-. An introductory biology course emphasizing phylogeny, structure, physiology, development, diversity, evolution and behavior in animals. 
  • BIOL-K 295 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS (1-3 cr.) Permission Required. Independent Studies Course.  Special work, such as directed readings, laboratory or fieldwork, or presentation of material not available in the formal courses in the department.
  • BIOL-K 322 Genetics and Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL K103 and CHEM C106 (all with a minimum grade of C-). The course covers the principles of classical and molecular genetics including Mendelian inheritance, linkage, nucleic acids, gene expression, recombinant DNA, genomics, immunogenetics, and regulation.
  • BIOL-K 323 Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P: or C: BIOL K322 with a minimum grade of C- if taken as a prerequisite. Applied principles of genetics and molecular biology using organisms of increasing complexity from viruses to fruit fly. Laboratory experiments include linkage analyses, deletion mapping, isolation of human chromosomes, mutagenesis, DNA extraction, restriction enzyme analysis, and PCR.
  • BIOL-K 324 Cell Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL K103 and CHEM C106 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Examination of the structure and activity of eukaryotic cells and subcellular structures. Emphasis is on regulation of and interactions among subcellular events, such as protein targeting, transmembrane signaling, cell movement, and cell cycle.
  • BIOL-K 325 Cell Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P: or C: BIOL K324 with a minimum grade of C- if taken as a prerequisite. Experiments on the molecular and biochemical basis of organization and function of eukaryotic cells.
  • BIOL-K 341 PRINC OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION (3 cr.) P: BIOL K103 with a minimum grade of C-. A study of the interactions of organisms with one another and with their nonbiotic environments in light of evolution.
  • BIOL-K 342 PRINC OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTN LAB (2 cr.) P: or C: BIOL K341 with a minimum grade of C- if taken as a prerequisite. Application of ecology and evolution principles in laboratory and field experiments as well as demonstration of techniques of general ecology.
  • BIOL-K 356 Microbiology (3 cr.) P: BIOL K103 and CHEM C341 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Introduction to microorganisms: cytology, nutrition, physiology, and genetics. Importance of microorganisms in applied fields including infectious disease. 
  • BIOL-K 357 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.) P: or C: BIOL K356 with a minimum grade of C- if taken as a prerequisite. Laboratory experiments and demonstrations to yield proficiency in aseptic cultivation and utilization of microorganisms; experimental investigations of biological principles in relation to microorganisms.
  • BIOL-K 384 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (3 cr.) P: BIOL K322 or BIOL K324 or equivalent and CHEM C341 or equivalent. Chemistry of biologically important molecules including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Special emphasis on chemistry of intermediary metabolism.
  • BIOL-K 395 ADVANCED TOPICS IN BIOLOGY (1-3 cr.) Lectures on contemporary issues in biology. This course may also include reading assignments and special projects.  
  • BIOL-K 411 Global Change Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL K103 or GEOL G109 and 1 course in Chemistry (all with a minimum grade of C-) or permission. Examination of changes in earth’s environment over history. In-depth study of effects of environmental change, including global warming, on the ecology of various organisms.
  • BIOL-K 490 Capstone (1 cr.) Permission Required.

    Faculty-directed or approved independent library research on an area of public, scientific interest or a community service activity in local industry, government, schools, or other public science-related groups or organizations. 

  • BIOL-K 493 Independent Research (1-3 cr.) Permission Required. Independent Studies Course.  A course designed to give undergraduate students majoring in biology an opportunity to do research in fields in which they have a special interest. 
  • BIOL-K 494 Senior Research Thesis (1 cr.) Permission Required. Independent Studies Course.  A formally written report describing the results or accomplishments of BIOL-K 493.
  • BIOL-N 100 Contemporary Biology (3 cr.) Selected principles of biology with emphasis on issues and problems extending into everyday affairs of the student. 
  • BIOL-N 108 Plants, Animals and the Environment (3 cr.) This course is designed to provide students and future K-8 teachers with a background in the general biology concepts of plants, animals and the environment, which are the backbone of the State of Indiana science standards. 
  • BIOL-N 217 Human Physiology (5 cr.) R: BIOL N261 and one semester of Chemistry. Equiv. IU PHSL-P 215.  Lectures and laboratory work related to cellular, musculoskeletal, neural, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, and reproductive function in humans. 
  • BIOL-N 251 Introduction to Microbiology (3 cr.) P: One semester General Chemistry or one semester Life Science. This course includes a laboratory component. The isolation, growth, structure, functioning, heredity, identification, classification, and ecology of microorganisms; their role in nature and significance to humans. 
  • BIOL-N 261 Human Anatomy (5 cr.) Equiv. IU ANAT-A 215.  Lecture and laboratory studies of the histology and gross morphology of the human form, utilizing a cell-tissue-organ system-body approach. 
  • CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) Essential principles of chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, stoichiometry, solutions, and acids and bases. For students who are not planning careers in the sciences and for those with no previous course work in chemistry. Note: most degree programs that include CHEM-C 101 require the concurrent laboratory, CHEM-C 121. 
  • CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: One Year of High School Chemistry, CHEM C101, or CHEM C110 (all with a minimum grade of D-). Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 125. A placement examination may be required for admission to this course. See "Chemistry Placement Examination" above. Principles of inorganic and physical chemistry emphasizing physical and chemical properties, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, and states of matter. 
  • CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM C105 with a minimum grade of D-. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 126. Topics include condensed phases, solution chemistry, thermodynamics, equilibrium, and kinetics. 
  • CHEM-C 121 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P: or C: CHEM C101 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite. Introduction to the techniques and reasoning of experimental chemistry. Emphasis is given to study of physical and chemical properties of inorganic compounds. 
  • CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.) P: or C: CHEM C105 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite.

    Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in CHEM-C 105.

  • CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.) P: CHEM C105 and CHEM C125 (all with a minimum grade of D-). P or C: CHEM C106 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite.

    Lecture, laboratory.  Continuation of CHEM-C 125. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in CHEM-C 105 and CHEM-C 106. 

  • CHEM-C 252 Biopolymers (3 cr.) P: Some high school chemistry, Chem-C 101, Chem-C 105, or Chem-C 110.

    This course is designed to give you the student an introduction into a unique class of polymers; biopolymers. Unlike traditional polymers (polyethylene, polystyrene, etc.), biopolymers are produced by living organisms in nature. This course will focus on the practical industrial applications of these polymers with an emphasis on structure/property relationships.

  • CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: CHEM C106 with a minimum grade of D-. Comprehensive study of organic compounds. Valence bond theory, stereochemistry, and physical properties of organic compounds are discussed in detail. Introduction to reaction mechanisms and to spectroscopic identification. Synthesis and reactions of selected compounds are also discussed. 
  • CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM C341 with a minimum grade of D-. The chemistry of aromatic compounds and other major functional groups are discussed in detail. Multistep synthetic procedures and reaction mechanisms are emphasized. Introduction to biological chemistry. 
  • CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P: or C: CHEM C341 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite. Fundamental laboratory techniques of organic chemistry, introduction to spectroscopic methods of compound identification, and general synthetic methods.
  • CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.) P: or C: CHEM C342 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite. Preparation, isolation, and identification of organic compounds, spectroscopic methods of compound identification, qualitative organic analysis, multistep synthesis. 
  • CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) Essential principles of chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, stoichiometry, solutions, and acids and bases. For students who are not planning careers in the sciences and for those with no previous course work in chemistry. Note: most degree programs that include CHEM-C 101 require the concurrent laboratory, CHEM-C 121. 
Computer Science
  • CSCI-N 207 Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets (3 cr.) Summary of basic computing topics, problem solving techniques, and their application to computing. Introduction to programming concepts with a focus on language-independent principles, such as algorithm design, debugging strategies, essential control structures, and basic data structure concepts. Lecture and laboratory. 
General Science
  • SCI-I 120 Windows on Science (1 cr.)

    Designed for new and prospective science majors, the course covers an integrative overview of science, examining science and society, the scientific method and community of scientists, undergraduate research, professional ethics, an exploration of science-based careers, and strategies for success as a science major.

  • GEOL-G 107 Environmental Geology (3 cr.) An introduction to geology through discussion of geological topics that show the influence of geology on modern society. Topics include mineral and energy resources, water resources, geologic hazards and problems, geology and health, and land use. 
  • GEOL-G 109 Fundamentals of Earth History (3 cr.) Basic principles of earth history: geologic time, basic rock types, reconstructing past environments. Physical development of the earth: its interior, mountain formation, plate tectonics. Origin and development of life: evolution, the fossil record. With laboratory G119, equivalent to IUB GEOL G104, IUB GEOL G112, and PU GEOS 112. 
  • GEOL-G 110 Physical Geology (3 cr.) Introduction to processes within and at the surface of the earth. Description, classification, and origin of minerals and rocks. The rock cycle. Internal processes: volcanism, earthquakes, crustal deformation, mountain building, and plate tectonics. External processes: weathering, mass wasting, streams, glaciers, ground water, deserts, and coasts. With laboratory G120, equivalent to IU GEOL G103, IU GEOL G111, and PU GEOS 111.
  • GEOL-G 115 Introduction to Oceanography (3 cr.) Nonmathematical introduction to the geology, biology, and physical characteristics of the ocean. Includes waves, tides, and currents of the world ocean, the adaptations and distribution of marine animals, pollution of the marine ecosystem, and an introduction to the global ocean/atmosphere system. 
  • GEOL-G 117 Environmental Geology Laboratory (1 cr.) P: or C: GEOL G107 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite. Laboratory exercises in environmental aspects of the geosciences. To accompany GEOL-G 107.
  • GEOL-G 119 Fundamentals of Earth History Laboratory (1 cr.) P: or C: GEOL G109 with a minimum grade of D- if taken as a prerequisite. Laboratory studies of rocks, fossils, and stratigraphic principles to reconstruct past environments and interpret Earth history. To accompany GEOL-G 109.
  • GEOL-G 120 Physical Geology Laboratory (1 cr.) C: GEOL G110. Laboratory studies of minerals and rocks, landscapes, and earth structures. 
  • MATH 11000 FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRA (4 cr.) P: ALEKS math assessment 025 or higher OR MATH 00100 with minimum grade of C- Intended primarily for liberal arts and business majors. Integers, rational and real numbers, exponents, decimals, polynomials, equations, word problems, factoring, roots and radicals, logarithms, quadratic equations, graphing, linear equations in more than one variable, and inequalities. This course satisfies the prerequisites needed for MATH-M 118, MATH-M 119, MATH 13000, MATH 13600, and STAT 30100.
  • MATH 11100 Algebra (4 cr.) P: MATH 11000 with a minimum grade of C or by placement. Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, polynomials, exponents, and logarithmic functions. Covers material in the second year of high school algebra. This course satisfies the prerequisites needed for MATH M118, MATH M119, MATH 13000, MATH 13600, MATH 15300, and STAT 30100. 
  • MATH 13000 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000 or MATH 11100 (all with a minimum grade of C-) or by placement. Numeration systems, mathematical reasoning, integers, rationals, reals, properties of number systems, decimal and fractional notations, and problem solving. 
  • MATH 13200 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III (3 cr.) P: MATH 13000 with a minimum grade of C. Rationals, reals, geometric relationships, properties of geometric figures, one-, two-, and three-dimensional measurement, and problem solving. 
  • MATH 15300 College Algebra (3 cr.) P: MATH 11100 with a minimum grade of C or by placement. Two-semester version of 15900. Not open to students with credit in 15900. 15300 covers college-level algebra and, together with 15400, provides preparation for 16500, 22100, and 23100. 
  • MATH 15400 Trigonometry (3 cr.) P: MATH 15300 with a minimum grade of C. Two-semester version of MATH 15900. Not open to students with credit in MATH 15900. MATH 15400 covers college-level trigonometry and, together with MATH 15300, provides preparation for MATH 16500, MATH 22100, and MATH 23100.
  • MATH 16500 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 cr.) P: MATH 15400 or MATH 15900 (all with minimum grade of C) or by placement. Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications. 
  • MATH 16600 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr.) P: MATH 16500 with minimum grade of C-. Inverse functions: exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions.  Techniques of integration, applications of integration, differential equations and infinite series.
  • MATH 17100 Multidimensional Mathematics (3 cr.) P: MATH 15400 or MATH 15900 (all with minimum grade of C) or by placement. An introduction to mathematics in more than two dimensions. Graphing of curves, surfaces and functions in three dimensions. Two and three dimensional vector spaces with vector operations. Solving systems of linear equations using matrices. Basic matrix operations and determinants.
  • MATH 26100 Multivariate Calculus (4 cr.) P: MATH 16500, MATH 16600, and MATH 17100 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Spatial analytic geometry, vectors, space curves, partial differentiation, applications, multiple integration, line integrals, Green's theorem, Stokes' theorem, and the Divergence theorem.
  • MATH 26600 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (3 cr.) P: MATH 16500, MATH 16600, and MATH 17100 (all with a minimum grade of C-). R: MATH 26100. First order equations, second and nth order linear equations, series solutions, solution by Laplace transform, systems of linear equations. 
  • MATH 35100 ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA (3 cr.) P: MATH 16600 and MATH 17100 (all with minimum grade of C-). Systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner product spaces, eigenvalues, and applications.
  • MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000 or MATH 11100 (all with a minimum grade of C-) or by placement. Set theory, permutations, combinations, simple probability, conditional probability and independence, Bayes' theorem, Bernoulli trials, expected value and standard deviation, normal distributions, matrix algebra, linear programming, and Markov chains.
  • MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000 or MATH 11100 (all with a minimum grade of C-) or by placement. Average rate of change, difference quotient, derivatives and their applications, integrals and their applications.
  • MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000 or MATH 11100 (all with a minimum grade of C-) or by placement. Set theory, permutations, combinations, simple probability, conditional probability and independence, Bayes' theorem, Bernoulli trials, expected value and standard deviation, normal distributions, matrix algebra, linear programming, and Markov chains.
  • PHYS 15200 Mechanics (4 cr.) P: MATH 16600 (with a minimum grade of C-) OR C: MATH 16600 (with a minimum grade of C-). Statics, uniform and accelerated motion; Newton's laws; circular motion; energy, momentum, and conservation principles; dynamics of rotation; gravitation and planetary motion; properties of matter; and simple harmonic and wave motion. For more information, visit our Web page at webphysics.iupui.edu/introphysics.
  • PHYS 21800 General Physics (4 cr.) P: MATH 15400, MATH 15900, or equivalent (all with a minimum grade of C-). Mechanics, conservation laws, gravitation; simple harmonic motion and waves; kinetic theory, heat, and thermodynamics for students in technology fields.
  • PHYS 21900 General Physics (4 cr.) P: PHYS 21800 or PHYS P201 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Electricity, light, and modern physics. 
  • PHYS 25100 Heat, Electricity, and Optics (5 cr.) P: PHYS 15200 or P201 and MATH 26100 (all with minimum grade of C-). C: MATH 26100. Heat, kinetic theory, elementary thermodynamics, and heat transfer. Electrostatics, electrical currents and devices. Magnetism and electromagnetic radiation. Optics. For more information, visit the Web site at webphysics.iupui.edu/introphysics. 
  • PSY-B 103 Orientation to a Major in Psychology (1 cr.) This course will help students establish goals for their academic experience in three areas: career, relationships, and personal life. They will be introduced to psychological resources on campus, the faculty, and student organizations. They also will make a curriculum plan to meet their learning objectives. 
  • PSY-B 110 Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.) Equiv. to IU PSY-P 155 and PU PSY 12000. This foundational course introduces students to psychology as a systematic and scientific way to think about the biological and social aspects of behavior and mental processes. Topics include Research Methods, Behavioral Neuroscience, Sensation/Perception, Learning, Memory, Cognition and Language, Motivation/Emotion, Personality, Social, Stress and Health, Psychological Disorders and Treatment, and Life-span Development.
  • PSY-B 203 Ethics and Diversity in Psychology (3-3 cr.) R: 3 credits of Social Sciences. This course introduces students to values and professional issues in psychology, with an emphasis on ethics and diversity. Students will learn to recognize the importance of ethical behavior in all aspects of science and practice of psychology and that sociocultural factors and personal biases may shape research and practice. 
  • PSY-B 252 Topics in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Topics in psychology and interdisciplinary applications. May be repeated, provided different topics are studied, for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
  • PSY-B 292 Readings and Research in Psychology (1-3 cr.) Permission Required. Independent readings and research on psychology problems. For freshmen and sophomores only.
  • PSY-B 303 Career Planning for Psychology Majors (1 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 199. Students will explore careers, practice job search skills, and learn about graduate and professional school application processes. Students will utilize resources across campus and in psychology, map an academic and co-curricular plan, and develop an understanding of how knowledge gained from the discipline of psychology can be integrated into their career. 
  • PSY-B 305 Statistics (3 cr.) P: PSY B104, PSY B105, or PSY B110, and MATH 15300, MATH 16500, MATH M118, or MATH M119 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to IU PSY K300, PSY K310, and PU PSY 201.  Introduction to basic statistical concepts; descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Introduction to data analytic software. 
  • PSY-B 307 Tests and Measurement (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology and MATH 11100, MATH 15300, or MATH M118 (all with minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to IU PSY P336 and PU PSY 202. Overview of statistical foundations of psychological measurement (e.g., test development, norms, reliability, validity). Survey of commonly used assessment instruments (e.g., intelligence/aptitude, personality, academic achievement tests) and applications of psychological testing in different settings (e.g., clinical, industrial/ organizational, school, forensic/legal settings). Recommended for students considering graduate training in clinical, industrial/organizational, school, or related areas of psychology. 
  • PSY-B 310 Life Span Development (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to PU PSY 230. Emphasizes the life span perspective of physical and motor, intellectual and cognitive, language, social and personality, and sexual development. Commonalities across the life span, as well as differences among the various segments of the life span, are examined. Theory, research, and practical applications are stressed equally. 
  • PSY-B 311 Research Methods in Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY B305 with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 211, and PU-PSY 203. Introductory laboratory in experimental methods and statistical treatment of data in several areas of psychology; introduction to experimental report writing. 
  • PSY-B 315 Critical Thinking in Psychology (3 cr.) This course introduces students to the process of critical thinking that is defined as a process to investigate problems, gather reliable information, logical problem solving and the ability to analyze and synthesize various forms of information and to develop logical conclusions. This course introduces scientific methodology as a process that can be applied in daily living. The course provides experience in fact finding, thinking from alternative perspectives, and various problem solving strategies. Students will practice developing rational arguments while considering claims by alternative points of view. Students will experience and gain skills in posing academic questions and how to respectfully present counterpoints. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits, provided different topics are studied.
  • PSY-B 320 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: PSY B105 or PSY B110 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to IU PSY P326 and PU PSY 220. Review of necessary background in neurophysiology and neuroanatomy followed by the relationship of physiology to sensory processes, motivation, and learning. Emphasis on research with animals.
  • PSY-B 321 Clinical Writing (1 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Prepares students to be competent and accurate in clinical documentation in the behavioral health profession. This course includes learning clinical abbreviations, documentation requirements by Medicaid/Medicare, and insurance companies. The course will review clinical documentation from intake to discharge. 
  • PSY-B 325 Professional Ethics (1 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Overviews ethical codes and standards for professional practice in behavioral health. Students will explore practices and dilemmas. 
  • PSY-B 328 Working With Families (2 cr.) P: PSY B110 with a minimum grade of C-. Provides a knowledge and skill base for professional practice with families. The course reviews issues regarding confidentiality and mandatory reporting, assessment, and coordination with other social service agencies. 
  • PSY-B 334 Perception (3 cr.) P: PSY B105 or PSY B110 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to IU PSY P329 and PU PSY 310. Consideration of the concepts and research in perception. Relation of sense organ systems to human behavior. Some attention to social and cultural factors. 
  • PSY-B 340 Cognition (3 cr.) P: PSY B105 or PSY B110 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to IU PSY P335 and PU PSY 200. A survey of information processing theories from historical antecedents through current theories. Research methodology and theory will be emphasized throughout the discussion of issues such as perception, attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. 
  • PSY-B 344 Learning (3 cr.) P: PSY B105 or PSY B110 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to IU PSY P325 and PU PSY 314. History, theory, and research involving human and animal learning and cognitive processes.
  • PSY-B 355 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (3 cr.) P: PSY-B 110 Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a field that focuses on improving problem behavior in humans. The principles of ABA are rooted in behaviorism and were developed from the experimental analysis of behavior conducted by B.F. Skinner. This course is an introduction to the concepts, methods, and applications of ABA.
  • PSY-B 356 Motivation (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY P327 and PU PSY 333. Study of motivational processes in human and animal behavior, how needs and incentives influence behavior, and how motives change and develop.
  • PSY-B 358 Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY P323 and PU PSY 372. This course surveys various aspects of behavior in work situations using the scientist-practitioner perspective. Traditional areas covered from personnel psychology include selection, training, and performance appraisal; areas surveyed from organizational psychology include leadership, motivation, and job satisfaction.
  • PSY-B 360 Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 316 and PU-PSY 235. Development of behavior in infancy, childhood, and adolescence, including sensory and motor development and processes such as learning, motivation, and socialization.
  • PSY-B 361 Early Social Cognitive Development (3 cr.) P: PSY-B 110 Social development during the first five years of life with a special focus on how perceptual, emotional, cognitive, and linguistic factors are combined with the social experience provided by significant others in the young child's world.
  • PSY-B 365 Health Psychology (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. This course will familiarize students with the study of physical health within the field of psychology. Topics include the relationship between stress and health, health promotion, health behaviors, chronic illness, and the patient-physician relationship. Research methods in health psychology as well as major theories underlying the field will be examined and evaluated. Psychological variables related to physical health will be examined within the framework of these theories. Practical application of constructs will be emphasized through activities and writing assignments.
  • PSY-B 370 Social Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY B110 with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY P320 and PU PSY 240. Study of the individual in social situations including socialization, social perception, social motivation, attitudes, social roles, and small group behavior.
  • PSY-B 374 Group Dynamics Theory and Research (3 cr.) P: PSY B370 with a minimum grade of C-. An intensive survey of research and theory on the behavior of small groups and the research methods by which groups are studied.
  • PSY-B 375 Psychology and Law (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. This course provides an overview of the U.S. legal system from a behavioral science perspective. Topics include: careers in psychology and law; theories of crime; police investigations and interrogations; eyewitness accuracy; jury decision-making; sentencing; assessing legal competence; insanity and dangerousness; and the psychology of victims.
  • PSY-B 376 The Psychology of Women (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY P460 and PU PSY 239. A survey of topics in psychology as related to the biological, social, and psychological development of women in modern society.
  • PSY-B 380 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY P324 and PU PSY 350. Various forms of mental disorders with emphasis on cause, development, treatment, prevention, and interpretation.
  • PSY-B 386 Introduction to Counseling (3 cr.) P: PSY B310 and PSY B380 (all with a minimum grade of C-). This course will help students acquire a repertoire of basic counseling interview skills and strategies and expose students to specific helping techniques. This will be an activity-based course and students will enhance the general-education goals of listening and problem solving. 
  • PSY-B 388 Human Sexuality (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. This course provides a scientific approach to the study of human sexuality. The course will go over important topics in the field, develop and enhance critical thinking skills, and facilitate self-exploration and personal growth. 
  • PSY-B 390 Psychology of the Movies (3 cr.) P: PSY B110 with a minimum grade of C-. This course introduces students to critical thinking and analysis of psychological concepts and theories as they are portrayed in movies. Topics include the interplay of personalities, social dynamics, stereotypes, prejudice, social policy and social justice. The course presents strategies and models to complete analysis of various psychological aspects of movies including the psychological effects of special effects, cinematography, sound, and other media art forms. May be repeated for up to 6 credits total.
  • PSY-B 391 Introduction to Autism (3 cr.) P: PSY B110 A comprehensive and critical overview of autism, from its discovery to the evolution of its characterization in current day. The course takes a multilevel, developmental systems perspective of autism via examinations of its biological, behavioral, and cognitive features and how they interact throughout development to give rise to individual differences.
  • PSY-B 394 Drugs and Behavior (3 cr.) P: PSY B105 or PSY B110 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Equiv. to PU PSY 428. An introduction to psychopharmacology, the study of drugs that affect behavior, cognitive functioning, and emotions, with an emphasis on drugs of abuse. The course will explore how drugs alter brain function and the consequent effects, as well as the long-term consequences of drug exposure. 
  • PSY-B 395 Issues in Substance Abuse Counseling (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Focuses on building knowledge and skills in substance abuse counseling. This course explores the issues and challenges for clients and counselors.
  • PSY-B 396 Alcohol, Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse (3 cr.) P: PSY B110 with a minimum grade of C-. Provides introduction to the use, misuse, and dependent use of alcohol and other mood-altering drugs. Topics include basic principles of drug action, the behavioral and pharmacological effects of drugs, and the factors that influence use, abuse, and addiction. Addiction assessment, treatment, and treatment outcome also will be covered. 
  • PSY-B 422 Professional Practice (1-3 cr.) P: PSY B310 and PSY B380 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Permission Required. Can include a professional internship in the community, peer advising in the psychology advising office, or teaching internship in the department. Faculty mentor must approve and oversee activity. Academic work will be required to earn credit.
  • PSY-B 424 Theories of Personality (3 cr.) P: 3 credits of Psychology with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY P319 and PU PSY 420. Methods and results of the scientific study of personality, including the development, structure, and functioning of the normal personality.
  • PSY-B 425 Capstone Laboratory in Personality (3 cr.) P: PSY B311 with a minimum grade of C-. Permission Required. Demonstrations and experiments in personality research.
  • PSY-B 452 Seminar in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: PSY B105 or PSY B110 (all with a minimum grade of C-). Topics in psychology and interdisciplinary applications. May be repeated, provided different topics are studied, for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • PSY-B 471 Capstone Laboratory in Social Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY B311 with a minimum grade of C-. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 421. Observational, correlational, and experimental studies in social psychology.
  • PSY-B 492 Readings and Research in Psychology (1-3 cr.) Permission Required. Equiv. to IU PSY P495 and PU PSY 390 and 391.  Independent readings and research on psychological problems.
  • PSY-B 497 Capstone Individual Research (3 cr.) P: PSY B311 with a minimum grade of C-. Permission Required. Independent research projects. This course requires the student to develop a research question, design a research study, and complete a research paper. Additionally, students are required to present their research at an approved conference. This activity has been approved to fulfill capstone course requirements.
  • STAT 30100 Elementary Statistical Methods I (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000 or MATH 11100 (all with a minimum grade of C) or by placement. Not open to students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Fall, spring, summer. Introduction to statistical methods with applications to diverse fields. Emphasis on understanding and interpreting standard techniques. Data analysis for one and several variables, design of samples and experiments, basic probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and significance tests for means and proportions, and correlation and regression. Software is used throughout. 
  • STAT 35000 Introduction to Statistics (3 cr.) P: MATH 16600 with a C- or higher. A data-oriented introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods of applied statistics. STAT 35000 is intended primarily for majors in the mathematical sciences: mathematics, actuarial sciences, mathematics education. The objective is to acquaint the students with the essential ideas and methods of statistical analysis for data in simple settings.