- EDUC-L 400 Instructional Issues in Language Education (3 cr.) Permission Required. Reviews the principles and current instructional issues related to learning a first or a second language. Besides the general issues of effects of the environment, developmental stages, and basic instructional methodologies, relationships among reading education, English education, and second language education will be explored.
- EDUC-L 403 Assessment Literacy for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (3 cr.) Permission Required. Define assessment literacy for working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Topics include the assessment process, curriculum design, backwards planning, ongoing, traditional, and alternative classroom assessment, high stakes testing, language proficiency testing, and principles of designing useful, meaningful, and equitable classroom assessments for and of learning.
- EDUC-L 436 Methods and Materials for Teaching ESL (3 cr.) Permission Required. English as a Second/New Language teachers need to know how to design instruction and prepare relevant and interesting materials. This course aims to enhance participants' understanding and grasp of theoretical principles underlying the development of curricula as well as choice and development of teaching materials for ESL courses. Through readings, discussions, and projects, students will be exposed to, reflect upon, and learn about issues of needs analysis, program/course/syllabus design, and materials development. The course will specifically explore such issues as conducting a needs analysis; determining teaching goals and objectives; and evaluating, selecting, adapting, and developing teaching materials in the context of Standards for Effective Pedagogy (from CREDE—Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence).
- EDUC-L 441 Bilingual Education: Introduction (3 cr.) Permission Required. Introduction to the development of bilingual/ bicultural education in the United States and its antecedents, rationale, and theories. Comparison of existing bilingual/bicultural programs.
- EDUC-L 442 Methods for Bilingual Teaching (3 cr.) P: EDUC L441 with a minimum grade of a C. Permission Required. Methods of teaching the content areas in a bilingual setting, including techniques of linguistic analysis.
- EDUC-L 490 Research in Language Education (2 cr.) Permission Required. Research in Applied Linguistics
- EDUC-X 470 Psycholinguistics of Reading (3 cr.) P: Admission to the Teacher Education Program or by Permission. Explores the linguistic and cognitive dimensions of language. Discusses relationships among the systems of language and among the various expressions of language. Always includes topics on semantics, grammar, and dialect.
- EDUC-K 307 Methods for Teaching Students with Special Needs (3 cr.) Permission Required. This course prepares future teachers to work with students with diverse abilities in inclusive settings. Participants learn to use learning modalities, varied rates and complexity of instruction, and making use of individual interests and preferences. Additionally, differentiating and/or individualizing instruction for all learners and developing classroom management skills are emphasized.
- EDUC-K 352 Education of Students with Learning Disorders (2 cr.) P: EDUC-M 401. Educational programs for optimum growth and development of educable mentally retarded and learning disabled children. Study and observation of curriculum content, organization of special schools and classes, and teaching methods and materials.
- EDUC-K 420 Seminar 4: Assistive Technology in Special Education (3 cr.) Permission Required. Develops a basic understanding of Assistive Technology and its potential impact on the daily lives of individuals with disabilities. Explores the options available for children and youth as well as the legislation that regulates its use.
- EDUC-K 426 Seminar 5: Assessment and Instruction (3 cr.) Permission Required. This seminar teaches students how to gain knowledge of formal and informal assessment techniques, how to link assessment to curriculum and instruction, and how to effectively choose, construct, deliver, and evaluate curriculum and instruction to students with diverse learning needs.
- EDUC-K 441 Seminar 6: Transition Across the Lifespan (3 cr.) Permission Required. This course provides an in-depth discussion of issues and strategies related to transitions from pre-school through elementary, middle, and high school, and into adulthood. Relevant laws, planning, processes, strategies for interagency collaboration, and resources will be highlighted.
- EDUC-K 448 Seminar 1: Individuals and Families in School and Society (3 cr.) Permission Required. The purpose of this seminar is to learn the perspectives of individuals with disabilities and their families regarding the impact of disabilities in their daily lives. A life-span approach will be used to discuss issues related to birth and early childhood, school-age years, and adulthood. Additional topics include labeling, legal issues, person-centered planning, and academic, social/emotional, behavioral, and environmental issues.
- EDUC-K 453 Seminar 2: Classroom Management and Behavior Support (3 cr.) Permission Required. The purpose of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge and skills for (1) developing and maintaining proactive classroom environments; (2) teaching children social problem-solving and self-control skills; (3) managing and preventing school-based crisis behaviors; and (4) working with parents and other professionals.
- EDUC-K 465 Seminar 3: Collaboration and Service Delivery (3 cr.) Permission Required. The purposes of this seminar are to explore service delivery options currently available in special education and to assist students in building their collaborative skills, including effective communication and consultation skills.
- EDUC-H 340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.) Permission Required. The present educational system: its social impact and future implications viewed in historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective.
- EDUC-E 201 Multicultural Education and Global Awareness (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 with a minimum grade of C. This course examines educators' and students' responsibility(ies) in a complex and interdependent world. Students will be guided to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to live effectively in a world of limited resources, ethnic diversity, and cultural pluralism. Taught as a writing intensive course at IUPUC.
- EDUC-E 449 Trade Books and the Classroom Teacher (3 cr.) P: Sophomore Standing or permission. Emphasizes the use of trade books in language and reading in elementary classrooms.
- EDUC-F 110 Windows on Education (2-3 cr.) First year seminar to support incoming freshmen interested in teaching as a career. The course will facilitate students' efforts to navigate university life while making an informed decision regarding career choices.
- EDUC-F 200 Examining Self as a Teacher (3 cr.) Designed to help a student make a career decision, better conceptualize the kind of teacher the student wishes to become, and reconcile any preliminary concerns that may be hampering a personal examination of self as teacher. Students will design a major portion of their work.
- EDUC-F 401 Topical Exploration in Education (0-3 cr.) Explores various topics of relevance to education, both in the United States and abroad.
- EDUC-P 254 Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers (1-4 cr.)
The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching using the perspective of development from childhood through preadolescence. Special attention is devoted to the needs of the handicapped.
- EDUC-Q 200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry (1-3 cr.) Provides the elementary education major with background in the science process skills needed to complete required science courses.
- EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-6 cr.) Permission Required. Basic special education principles for graduate students with no previous course work in special education.
- EDUC-E 323 Social Studies and Science for Elementary School I (3 cr.) Permission Required. This is a hands-on, minds-on inquiry course that integrates Social and Natural Science content and pedagogy for K-2 learners. Candidates will participate in lectures, small and large group works as well as field based experiences with young learners. Assessment will be based on projects designed to demonstrate candidate growth toward the ability to plan, design, deliver, and assess thematic learning experiences. P: In order to enroll in this course, students must be admitted to the Elementary Education program at IUPUC and receive authorization from the Division.
- EDUC-E 325 Social Studies in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.) Permission Required. Emphasizes the development of objectives, teaching strategies, and evaluation procedures that facilitate the social learning of young children. Special attention given to concept learning, inquiry, decision making, and value analysis.
- EDUC-E 334 Inquiry in Math and Science (3 cr.) Permission Required.
Methods of developing mathematical and scientific thinking in the elementary classroom. Design of curriculum, appropriate teaching strategies, and formative and summative classroom assessment for grades K-6, with an emphasis on the curriculum in grades 3-6.
- EDUC-E 340 Methods of Teaching Reading I (2-3 cr.) Permission Required. Describes the methods, materials, and techniques employed in elementary school developmental reading programs.
- EDUC-E 341 Methods of Teaching Reading II (2-3 cr.) Permission Required. Describes the methods, materials, and techniques employed in diagnosis and corrective instruction in elementary school reading programs.
- EDUC-E 345 Language Arts and Mathematics for Young Children (4 cr.) Permission Required. Methods of developing language, cognition, reading and mathematical readiness; mathematical thinking through play, the arts, and directed experiences; design of curriculum and appropriate teaching strategies for young children.
- EDUC-M 300 Teaching in Pluralistic Society (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. This course is designed to introduce students to teaching as a profession. Students focus upon the "self as teacher," learning styles, cultural pluralism, and classroom teaching strategies that respond positively to the personal and ethnic diversity of the learner.
- EDUC-M 304 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. Laboratory or field experience.
- EDUC-M 305 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. Laboratory or field experience.
- EDUC-M 306 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. Laboratory or field experience. Grade: S or F.
- EDUC-M 307 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. Laboratory or field experience. Grade: S or F.
- EDUC-M 401 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. Laboratory or field experience. Off Campus.
- EDUC-M 324 Teaching About the Arts (1-3 cr.) Permission Required. Introduction to the importance of the arts in elementary school curriculum. Students are given a foundation of methods and materials in art and music that will enable them to integrate the arts into the general curriculum, supplement art lessons given by school art specialists, and encourage student discussion and understanding of art and music in the world today.
- EDUC-M 403 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-3 cr.) Permission Required. This hybrid field/lab experience is designed to provide you with knowledge, skills, and experiences that will allow you effectively and appropriately integrate technology into teaching and learning activities. During this hybrid field/lab experience, you will review current models of effective technology integration, survey available technologies in the classroom, and develop classroom lessons and activities. You will also have the opportunity to plan, implement, and evaluate a technology-integrated lesson as a part of your field experience.
- EDUC-M 420 Student Teaching Seminar (1-3 cr.) P: EDUC-M 425 This seminar will address several issues related to the process of becoming a teacher.
- EDUC-M 425 Student Teaching: Elementary (1-16 cr.) Permission Required. Full-time supervised student teaching in grades 1-6 for a minimum of 10 weeks in an elementary school accredited by the state of Indiana or an equivalent approved school out of state. The experience is directed by a qualified supervising teacher and has university-provided supervision. Grade: S or F.
- EDUC-M 470 Practicum (3-8 cr.) Permission Required. Instructional experience under the direction of an identified supervising teacher, with university-provided supervision in the endorsement or minor area, and at the level appropriate to the area, and in an accredited school within the state of Indiana unless the integral program includes experience in an approved and accredited out-of-state site. The practicum may be full- or part time, but in every instance the amount of credit granted will be commensurate with the amount of time spent in the instructional setting. Grade: S or F.