Undergraduate Programs
Degree Programs
BS in Intelligent Systems Engineering
Computer Engineering/Cyber-Physical Systems Concentration
Visit the ISE page for details.
- ENGR-E 210 Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems
- ENGR-E 222 Intelligent Systems I
- ENGR-E 312 Modern Computer Architecture OR ENGR-E 321 Advanced Cyber-Physical Systems
- ENGR-E 315 Digital Design with FPGAs
- MATH-M 301 Linear Algebra and Applications OR MATH-M 303 Linear Algebra for Undergraduates
- OR any math or science course by approval
- MATH-M 343 Introduction to Differential Equations with Applications I
Select five courses from the following:
- ENGR-E 311 Circuits and Digital Systems
- ENGR-E 312 Modern Computer Architecture OR ENGR-E 321 Advanced Cyber-Physical Systems (if not used in above requirement)
- ENGR-E 313 Engineering Compilers
- ENGR-E 314 Embedded Systems
- ENGR-E 317 High Performance Computing
- ENGR-E 318 Engineering Networks
- ENGR-E 319 Engineering Operating Systems
- ENGR-E 327 Automated Fabrication Machines
- ENGR-E 399 Topics in Intelligent Systems Engineering (approved topic)
- ENGR-E 345 Wearable Sensors
- ENGR-E 416 Engineering Cloud Computing
- ENGR-E 434 Big Data Applications
- ENGR-E 435 Image Processing
Select two additional courses from the following:
- Any ISE course not already used in major or concentration
- Any math or science course by approval