Undergraduate Programs
Degree Programs
BS in Intelligent Systems Engineering
Bioengineering Concentration
Visit the ISE page for details.
- BIOL-L 112 Foundations of Biology: Biological Mechanisms
- BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology OR other approved science course with approval of DUGS
- BIOL-L 312 Cell Biology OR other approved science course with approval of DUGS
- CHEM-C 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I
- ENGR-E 210 Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems OR ENGR-E 222 Intelligent Systems
- MATH-M 343 Introduction to Differential Equations with Applications I
Select 6 courses from the following:
- BIOT-T 310 Biotechnology Lecture
- BIOT-T 315 Biotechnology Laboratory
- CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I Lectures
- ENGR-E 304 Introduction to Bioengineering
- ENGR-E 399 Topics in Intelligent Systems Engineering (approved topic)
- ENGR-E 340 Introduction to Computational Bioengineering
- ENGR-E 345 Wearable Sensors
- ENGR-E 435 Image Processing
- ENGR-E 441 Simulating Cancer as an Intelligent System
- ENGR-E 443 Computation Modeling Methods for Virtual Tissues
- ENGR-E 448 Computational Multicellular Systems Biology
- ENGR-E 470 Advanced Bioengineering
- ENGR-E 471 Microfluidic Devices and Systems
- ENGR-E 472 Biomedical Devices and Sensors
Select 2 courses from the following:
- Any ISE course not already used in major or concentration
- Any science or math course with approval of DUGS