
Courses by Department

Interdepartmental and Technical Courses

Interdepartmental - SPH-X
  • SPH-X 601 Assessment and Planning in Public Health (3 cr.) Principles of community health assessment and program planning in public health, including: social and epidemiological assessment; identification and prioritization of health issues, behaviors, and behavioral determinants; administrative and policy assessment; and planning for program implementation and evaluation; and evaluation including personnel management and resource acquisition.
  • SPH-X 610 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR 1 (2–2 cr.) The course will provide students in the MPH program with skills in cultural assessment, cultural competence and interprofessional team work.  Students will develop diverse skill sets in the above areas through hands-on activities. Students will be required to apply knowledge gained to the development of cultural appropriate programs/policies and communication.
  • SPH-X 611 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR 2 (2–2 cr.) The course will continue providing graduate students enrolled in the MPH program with skills in public health leadership, organizational leadership, policy, communication and interprofessional team work. Students will develop diverse skill sets in the above areas through hands-on activities.
  • SPH-X 650 Evidence-based Approaches to Public Health (3 cr.) Introduces basic epidemiological and biostatistical principles, concepts, and procedures for the surveillance and investigation of health-related states or events. Introduces planning a research study, collecting data and analyzing data to provide evidence leading to effective interventions and preventions.
  • SPH-X 660 Population Health Determinants (3 cr.) Analyzes health disparities and health equity from a socioecological perspective. Provides training in culturally competent public health communication. Introduces concepts in leadership and intervention design and prepares students to apply systems thinking to a public health issue.
  • SPH-X 685 Public Health Policy and Politics (3 cr.) The course will provide advanced graduate students with an orientation to public health policy, politics and processes in the United States. Students will examine and critique current public health policy issues at the federal, state and local levels using several policy models and theoretical lenses. As the course is designed for the MPH practice degree, students will produce policy analyses and briefs for use in the public health policy process.
  • SPH-X 696 Professional Practice Experience in Public Health (4 cr.) This course will cover topics related to professional practice opportunities.  The primary purpose of these experiences is to provide the student with hands-on experiences in public health which can assist in developing desirable employment skills. Additionally student will produce a high-quality written product that is useful to an external agency.
Interdepartmental Graduate School - SPH-G
  • SPH-G 599 Thesis Research (0 cr.) Master's students who have enrolled in 30 or more hours of graduate course work applicable to the degree and who have completed all other requirements of the degree except the thesis of final project of performance may enroll in G599.  Requires section authorization. Before enrolling in this course, students must have registered in the required number of thesis credits for the degree. Repeatable.
  • SPH-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.) Available to graduate students who have completed all course requirements for their doctorates, have passed doctoral qualifying examinations, and have the requisite number of degree credit hours, this course provides the advanced research student with a forum for sharing ideas and problems under the supervision of a senior researcher. Before enrolling in this course, students must have registered in the required number of dissertation credits for the degree.  Repeatable five times for a maximum of six total enrollments. Repeatable five times for a maximun of six total enrollments.

Academic Bulletins