Academic Policies & Procedures

Master's Thesis Students

Human and Animal Subjects Approval

Indiana University requires that all research using human subjects be approved before the research begins. This requirement ensures protection of the rights and welfare of persons used in research. It also satisfies a number of federal, state, and institutional regulations. If a research project involves human subjects, no data may be collected until documentation of clearance for the use of human subjects has been obtained. No thesis or dissertation will be accepted for which such clearance has not been obtained. Forms and procedures for this purpose are available online at

If human subjects are to be used in research, an approved clearance form for the use of human subjects must be obtained and a copy must be submitted to the School of Public Health - Bloomington records office, SPH 123, before the student may begin data collection.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: My research project is qualitative, and will not involve use of human or animal subjects. Do I need to submit a copy of an approved human subjects form?
Answer: No.

Question: My research project will involve a collection of data from human or animal subjects. How do I obtain approval for my project?
Answer: Visit and follow the directions to obtain approval for your use of human subjects. When you have a signed Human Subjects Approval Form, please submit a copy of that form to the School of Public Health - Bloomington records office in SPH Room 123.

Academic Bulletins