Academic Policies & Procedures
Graduate (All Students)
Exceptions to Academic Policies and Requirements
An exception to an academic requirement or policy may be approved by the executive associate dean for a School of Public Health - Bloomington graduate student. Exceptions are only considered under very unusual circumstances, which are not under the student's control.
A Course Substitution Request Form to request approval to substitute a different course for a required course is available online at . The student's academic advisor must complete and sign the form, which is submitted to the School of Public Health - Bloomington graduate recorder in SPH 123.
A request for an exception or waiver for a non-course requirement or academic policy must come in the form of a memo addressed to the executive associate dean. The memo must be sent by the student's academic advisor. This memo should be sent by email or campus mail to the School of Public Health - Bloomington graduate recorder in SPH 123.
The chair of a doctoral student's advisory committee may request course substitutions for up to nine credits of courses required on the student's course prescription form. The Course Substitution Request Form may be used for this purpose. If the number of requested, credits to be substituted exceeds nine credits, the full advisory committee must provide approval signatures on a form requesting substituted credits in excess of nine. The form for this purpose is entitled, Amendment to Doctoral Course Prescription Request Form. This form is also online at .
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: If I have already completed a course which is equivalent to a required course, can I substitute that course for the required course?
Answer: Yes, as long as your academic advisor agrees that the course to be substituted satisfies the requirement. In such a case, complete the online substitution form and have your advisor sign it. Then deliver it the School of Public Health - Bloomington graduate recorder in SPH 123.
Question: If I have secured a position at another institution, can exceptions to timelines and deadlines be considered?
Answer: The student's academic advisor should send an email message to the graduate recorder. The message should explain the situation and specifically request the exception. It should be noted that exceptions will only be considered if the circumstances interfering with adherence to the policy are beyond the student's control.
Question: I have everything ready for my graduate student meeting (course prescription/proposal/defense). I do not understand why I have to wait a few weeks to have my meeting. Can I have it sooner?
Answer: No. The advance notice is required for several reasons. Students must become aware of the required lead-time for each kind of meeting and request meetings accordingly.