Academic Policies & Procedures

Doctoral Students

Dissertation Proposal

A student's research committee must formally approve the student's research project before it begins. To earn official approval, the student must present a research proposal at a public proposal meeting, open to faculty and students in the university community. Dissertation proposal materials are submitted to the chair of the candidate's research committee within a sufficient time frame in advance of the proposal meeting to permit a thorough review. Materials include an introduction to the study, a review of literature, and a description of research procedures to be used.

If the proposed research involves human subjects, animals, biohazards, or radiation, approval from the appropriate institutional review board (IRB) must be obtained prior to the beginning of data collection. Information on the use of human subjects in research may be found at:

The dissertation proposal meeting may take place before or after IRB clearance has been obtained.

Complete the following steps to arrange the meeting:

  1. The student and the research committee agree on a date and time for the student's proposal meeting.
  2. Ten (10) business days in advance of the proposed meeting date, the student completes and submits the Application to Schedule a Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Meeting Form. This form may be found online at  The completed form must be submitted to the graduate recorder in the School of Public Health - IU Bloomington Records Office.  Confirmation of the meeting date, time, and location will be communicated to the student and the committee members via email by the graduate recorder.

During the first portion of the meeting, the student formally presents the research proposal in an open forum. Committee members and visitors have the opportunity to ask questions. Visitors leave after the formal presentation. How the remaining time is used is determined by the student's research committee.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: How do I make sure I am on the right track with the research project I choose?
Answer: Present your research proposal at a formal thesis proposal meeting. At this meeting, your committee will help you finalize your plans before you move forward.

Academic Bulletins