Academic Policies & Procedures
Scholastic Standards
Probation and Dismissal
The Probation Committee may review a student’s academic record at any time and take appropriate action. Any student who does not possess the necessary preliminary training or who lacks other qualifications may be required by the committee to enroll in such courses as the committee may designate or to take other corrective action. Upon the recommendation of the Probation Committee, and with the approval of the Dean of the Kelley School, any student whose work is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is unethical may be dismissed from the Kelley School.
A student is on general academic probation following any full-time enrollment period in which he or she fails to attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0. A student is on critical probation and may be subject to restricted enrollment or dismissal when the student’s grade point average has been below 2.0 in two full-time enrollment periods. A student will not be able to graduate if the major grade point average or the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0. The student must meet with a business academic advisor to discuss the difficulties and plan for academic improvement for the following semester.
At the discretion of the Probation Committee, students may be dismissed from the Kelley School if their cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0, if their semester GPA falls below 2.0 for more than two terms, or if the student fails to meet the terms of his or her probation contract.
The Probation Committee may consider petitions from students who have been dismissed. In such cases, petitions must be submitted in accordance with the original terms of dismissal and at least 30 days prior to the semester or summer session in which the student wishes to be readmitted.