Organizations & Services
Business/SPEA Library
The Business/School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) Information Commons
- Associate Librarian and Head: Steven L. Sowell, M.L.S. (University of Maryland, 1976), M.S. (Indiana University, 2002)
- Librarian and Librarian for Business/SPEA Monographs: Michael Parrish, M.A. (Indiana University, 1962)
The Business/SPEA Information Commons is a welcoming academic environment that blends technology and digital and traditional information resources with user-focused services to support individual and collaborative learning and research. It is housed in a newly renovated facility with 40+ workstations, 16 group study rooms, and a cafe. It has been a leader in the provision of online access to information. Among the systems now available on campus and remotely to affiliated users are: ABI/Inform, Bloomberg, Business Source Premier, Factiva, Investext Plus, Lexis/Nexis Academic, Mintel Oxygen, RDS Business Reference Suite, and Thomson Research. In addition to electronic resources, there are over 200,000 volumes on the Bloomington campus to support business research and teaching.