
Management & Entrepreneurship

  • BUS–J 304 Strategic Management: Honors (3 cr.) P: A100, A201, A202, G202, K201, L201, X104, X204, X201, X220, ECON-E 201, ECON-E 370, ENG-W 131, MATH-M 118, MATH-M 119 (all with grades of C or better) and admission to the Business Honors Program. C: F304, I304, M304, and P304; students are administratively enrolled. Part of Honors I-Core. Strategic Management is concerned with the roles and tasks of firms’ top managers (i.e., strategic decision makers). This course is designed to provide an appreciation for the total firm perspective and the means by which firms create and sustain competitive advantage in today’s increasingly challenging and complex business environment (domestic and global). Strategic management of a firm involves diagnosing the firm’s current situation and developing realistic solutions to the strategic and organizational problems that confront top managers. A desired outcome of this course is an enhanced appreciation for the complexities of managing a formal organization. The primary objective of the course is to help develop analytical skills for identifying key strategic issues and formulating appropriate strategies given a firm’s situation. The course will provide exposure to the theories, concepts, and techniques of strategic management through the text, readings, illustrative cases, and video vignettes.
  • BUS–J 306 Strategic Management and Leadership (3 cr.) P: Junior standing. Only for non-business majors. Concerned with the roles and tasks of a firm’s top managers. This course is designed to provide an appreciation for the total firm perspective, the role of the general manager, and the means by which firms create and sustain competitive advantage. Strategic management of a firm involves diagnosing the firm’s current competitive situation and effectively responding to complex, real-world organizational problems. This course focuses on multiple organizational contexts, spanning a range from the entrepreneurial firm to the large, established organization. Students may not receive credit for both Z302 and J306.
  • BUS–J 370 Integrated Business Core—Strategic Management Component (3 cr.) P: A100, A201, A202, G202, K201, L201, X104, X204, X201, X220, ECON-E 201, ECON-E 370, ENG-W 131, MATH-M 118, MATH-M 119 (all with grades of C or better). C: F370, I370, J370, and M370. Students must apply online ( to take I-Core and, after getting permission, enroll using BUS-BE 370. Cross-functional survey of business management. The strategy component is concerned with the roles and tasks of firm’s top managers (i.e., strategic decision makers). Designed to provide an appreciation for the total firm perspective and the means by which firms create and sustain competitive advantage in today’s increasingly challenging and complex business environment (domestic and global). Strategic management of the firm involves diagnosing the firm’s current situation and developing realistic solutions to the strategic and organizational problems that confront top managers. A desired outcome of this course is an enhanced appreciation for the complexities of managing a formal organization. The primary objective is to help develop analytical skills for identifying key strategic issues and formulating appropriate strategies given a firm’s situation. The course will provide exposure to the theories, concepts, and techniques of strategic management through the text, readings, illustrative cases, and video vignettes. Includes a cross-functional case done in teams.
  • BUS–J 411 Analysis of Business Decisions* (1.5 cr.) P: I-Core. This course adds to the knowledge and skills gained in the strategy portion of I-Core (J370). It explores various strategic modes, concepts, and frameworks essential in analyzing complex, business problems. Students will learn how to use external and internal analyses as inputs into the strategic formulation and implementation processes. *For purposes of scheduling, J411 and J420 will be treated as a single course. Students enroll in this pair of courses using BUS-BE 411.  Although one course will be offered in the first 8 weeks of the semester and the second course in the last 8 weeks of the semester, the student cohorts will be identical and the rooms, days of the week, and times will also be identical. Consulting Workshop students who are in the Business Honors Program and have taken J304 will be exempt from taking J411 and will be assigned a separate section of J420 for Consulting Workshop students.
  • BUS–J 420 Advanced Case Analysis and Effective Consulting Presentations* (1.5 cr.) P: I-Core. This course is dedicated to arming top students with state-of-the-art problem solving skills, intensive teamwork techniques, and powerful consulting-style presentation tools. A number of frameworks will be introduced, including a focus on hypothesis-driven analysis and the pyramid principle of presentations. This course will involve several inter-class case competitions.
  • BUS–J 490 Independent Study in Policy (1–3 cr.) P: Consent of department chairperson and instructor. Supervised study and research in student’s special field of interest. The student will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. Comprehensive written report required.
  • BUS–W 490 Independent Study in Business Administration (1–3 cr.) P: Consent of the department chairperson and of the instructor. Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. The student will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. Comprehensive written report required.
  • BUS–X 100 Introduction to Business (3 cr.) Business administration from the standpoint of the manager of a business firm operating in the contemporary economic, political, and social environment. No credit for juniors or seniors in the Kelley School.
  • BUS–X 220 Career Perspectives (2 cr.) X220 is an I-Core prerequisite that is required of all business majors. Introduces students to the process of career planning and development through self-assessment, exploration of business options, and early planning and goal setting. Provides weekly individualized feedback to students on oral and written communication skills and on the substance of career-related projects. The course is highly interactive, incorporating many guests per semester including alums and other corporate mentors and speakers, faculty, and senior students.
  • BUS–X 333 Managing Business Functions (3 cr.) Open to juniors in the Liberal Arts and Management Program only. Offering a variety of real-world and simulated projects that wrestle with the complex opportunities and problems facing business managers in a variety of settings, this course emphasizes the development of strategic focus and decision-making skills under conditions of ambiguity, change, and uncertainty.
  • BUS–X 403 Management Consulting (1.5 cr.) P: 3.5 GPA or better (or faculty sponsorship), junior standing, I-Core, and admitted to the Consulting Workshop. Note that this course is an exclusive class for Consulting Workshop students. This course is devoted to understanding the inner workings of the consulting industry. Our primary learning objectives are to better understand the consulting industry as a whole, form differences therein, and lifestyle considerations. The course involves research on the industry and visits to several consulting firms to learn more about their cultures and begin networking.
  • BUS–X 404 Effective Case Interviewing and Interpersonal Interaction (1.5 cr.) P: 3.5 GPA or better (or faculty sponsorship), junior standing, I-Core, and admitted to the Consulting Workshop. Note that this course is an exclusive class for Consulting Workshop students. This class meets during first eight weeks only. This course is focused on learning effective case analysis techniques and tools for successful interpersonal interaction (both in interviewing situations and during consulting engagements). Our primary learning objectives are to better understand case interviewing (how cases work and tips for success) and interpersonal interactions (systematic study of the nature of personal and business interactions and proven tools for influencing others). The course will be delivered through a series of weekly discussions, meetings with consulting firms, and case interview practice.
  • BUS–X 420 Business Career Planning and Placement (2 cr.) P: Junior standing. X420 is a required course for all business majors. Assists students in obtaining positions consistent with career goals. Covers career planning, career options, organized employment campaigns, interviewing techniques, alternate job search strategies, employment communications, networking, on-the-job success skills, and career management. Involves in-depth work with resumes, electronic mail, and other communication tools. Includes sessions with corporate managers describing work issues and training programs. Juniors or seniors of any major may enroll in X420.
  • BUS–Z 302 Managing & Behavior in Organizations (3 cr.) P: Junior standing. Z302 is a required course for all business majors. Integration of behavior and organizational theories. Application of concepts and theories toward improving individual, group, and organizational performance. Builds from a behavioral foundation toward an understanding of managerial processes.
  • BUS–Z 304 Honors: Managing & Behavior in Organizations (3 cr.) P: Junior Standing and admission to the Business Honors Program or Hutton Honors College. Z304 substitutes for Z302, a required course for all business majors. The main purpose of Z304 is to provide students with the tools necessary to manage people in a wide variety of contexts. The course will enable students to identify and appropriately respond to the most common managerial challenges. Our primary objective is to facilitate the development of management-related knowledge and skills that will be immediately applicable in positions students are likely to hold early in their careers.
  • BUS–Z 340 Introduction to Human Resources (3 cr.) P: Sophomore standing and admission to the Kelley School of Business. Covers the nature of human resource development and utilization in American society and organizations; government programs and policies, labor force statistics, organizational personnel department, personnel planning, forecasting, selection, training, development, and integration of government and organizational human resource programs.
  • BUS–Z 404 Effective Negotiations (3 cr.) P: Z302 or Z304. Provides exposure to the concepts of negotiations in both the national and international environments, including negotiation strategies and tactics, influence, third-party intervention, audience effects, nonverbal communication, and ethical and cultural aspects. Case studies, simulations, and guest speakers are used throughout the course.
  • BUS–Z 447 Leadership, Teamwork, and Diversity (3 cr.) P: Z302 or Z304. In this course, students develop a “tool kit” of leadership behaviors to use in a variety of situations when those working with and/or for them need to be motivated toward a common good, particularly when that work involves the use of teams made up of diverse individuals.
  • BUS–Z 490 Independent Student in Personnel Management and Organizational Behavior (1–3 cr.) P: Consent of department chairperson and of the instructor. Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. The student will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. Comprehensive written report required.
  • BUS–Z 494 Herman B Wells Seminar in Leadership (3 cr.) Open to seniors in the Business Honors Program. Topics may include leadership, globalization, and e-commerce. (Formerly W494 or Z493.)
  • BUS–W 212 Exploring Entrepreneurship (3 cr.) This course provides a survey of the basic concepts of starting a business. The course covers the personal origins for motivation for entrepreneurship and the skills, knowledge, and abilities of the entrepreneur. The course includes guests who have successfully started their own businesses and who speak with students about their experiences. The course concludes with students assessing their own potential and developing an idea for a new business.
  • BUS–W 232 Venture Ideas (1.5 cr.) P: Admission to the Kelley School of Business and sophomore standing. This is an experiential course that explores the student’s creativity and skills to generate business ideas and concepts. Once ideas are developed, the class works on strengthening the ideas and concepts and developing these into prospects for start-ups. Finally, a venture screening filter is introduced and the field is narrowed to high potential businesses. An Idea Competition may be held within this course.
  • BUS–W 233 Venture Models (1.5 cr.) P: W232. A venture model is the story of a new business. This course explores various business models for new ventures and covers entry modes and franchise systems. Ideas developed, strengthened, and filtered from Venture Ideas are used to design model businesses and alternative modes of entry are examined. A Best Business Model competition may be held within this course.
  • BUS–W 300 Small Business Management (3 cr.) P: A200 or A201 or A202. This course provides an exploration into the fundamentals of effective small business management. It will cover diverse activities such as management, marketing, finance, and operations. Topics such as growth, advertising, financial analysis, budgeting, purchasing, inventory management, and financial control are also covered. The course will explore some of the special issues facing small business owners and managers: technology, crime, risk management, family business, ethics, and the global marketplace.
  • BUS–W 313 New Venture Planning (3 cr.) P: W232 and W233. P or C: I-Core. This course focuses on the research, planning, and strategies that are key parts in the process of creating a new venture. The outcome for this class should be a complete business plan ready for outside review. Plans may be entered in the Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (JCEI) business plan competition.
  • BUS–W 406 Venture Growth Management (3 cr.) P: W313 and (Z302 or Z304). This course focuses on business issues that arise after start-up through the rapid growth phase. Topics include growth strategies as well as the organizational and leadership concerns of a growing firm.
  • BUS–W 409 Practicum in Entrepreneurship (3 cr.) P: W313, W406, and permission of the instructor. This course is designed for students to examine and understand the successful development of a new venture.  A seminar approach is utilized in order for students to initiate, develop, and present a comprehensive "Business Plan" thorough enough to successfully obtain seed capital from Indiana Entrepreneurs, Venture Capitalists, or Angel Investors.  This course is required for the E-lab.
  • BUS–W 420 Corporate Venturing (3 cr.) P: I-Core, W406. This course takes the corporate perspective on entrepreneurship and examines the issues and challenges of starting a venture within an existing organization.
International Business
  • BUS–D 301 International Business Environment (3 cr.) P: Sophomore standing. The national and international environmental aspects of international business. Examines the cultural, political, economic, systemic, legal-regulatory, trade, and financial environments and how they affect the international business activities of firms in the United States and in selected other countries.
  • BUS–D 302 International Business: Operations of International Enterprises (3 cr.) P: D301. Focuses on the administration of international aspects of business organizations through an examination of their policy formulation, forms of foreign operations, methods of organization and control, and functional adjustments.
  • BUS–D 490 Independent Study in International Business (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of department chairperson and of instructor. Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. The student will propose the investigation desired and, in conjunction with the instructor, develop the scope of work to be completed. Comprehensive written report required.
  • BUS–D 496 Foreign Study in Business (2-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Work in, or visits to, business firms; discussions with business executives and government officials. Prior background reading, orientation work, and approval of project required. Two credit hours for each three weeks of foreign residence.

Academic Bulletins

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