Schools, Departments & Programs
Approved Distribution Course Lists
Please note that several classes include material that spans more than one category. A given class can count only toward one requirement, but students who would like to count a course toward a different category than the one listed here may request an exception through the History academic advisor. This applies particularly to W125, W330, H239, H333, H233, W201, H252, H231, A207, E333, G101, B391, and D303.
Pre-1750 History
- HIST-A 207 Introduction to Native American History
- HIST-B 204 Medieval Heroes
- HIST-B 208 Pagans and Christians in the Middle Ages
- HIST-B 301 Issues in Medieval European History
- HIST-B 302 Issues in Early Modern European History
- HIST-B 321 European Jews in the Age of Discovery
- HIST-B 348 Byzantine History
- HIST-B 351 Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- HIST-B 352 Western Europe in the High and Later Middle Ages
- HIST-B 353 The Renaissance
- HIST-B 354 The Reformation
- HIST-B 377 History of Germany since 1648 I
- HIST-C 200 Issues in Ancient History
- HIST-C 205 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
- HIST-C 215 Sparta at War
- HIST-C 300 Issues in Classical and Byzantine History
- HIST-C 305 Issues in Near Eastern History
- HIST-C 376 Greek History: Bronze Age to the Persian Wars
- HIST-C 377 Greek History: The Persian Wars to the Legacy of Alexander
- HIST-C 388 Roman History
- HIST-C 390 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- HIST-C 400 Issues in Ancient History
- HIST-D 102 Icon and Axe: Russia from Earliest Times to 1861
- HIST-D 306 Muscovy and Imperial Russia, 1500-1801
- HIST-D 321 Hungarian History and Civilization to 1711
- HIST-E 331 African History from Ancient Times to Empires and City States
- HIST-E 338 History of Muslim West Africa
- HIST-G 357 Premodern Japan
- HIST-G 358 Early Modern Japan
- HIST-G 380 Early China
- HIST-G 382 China: The Age of Glory
- HIST-G 383 China: The Later Empires
- HIST-H 103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon
- HIST-H 205 Ancient Civilization
- HIST-H 206 Medieval Civilization
- HIST-H 211 Latin American Culture and Civilization I
- HIST-H 213 The Black Death
- HIST-H 227 African Civilizations
- HIST-H 237 Traditional East Asian Civilizations
- HIST-H 238 Introduction to South Asian History and Civilization
- HIST-H 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion
Post-1750 U.S. or European History
- HIST-A 100 Issues in United States History
- HIST-A 200 Issues in United States History
- HIST-A 205 Asian American History
- HIST-A 222 Law in America
- HIST-A 225 Elvis, Dylan, and Post-War America
- HIST-A 230 American Pleasure: Leisure and Enjoyment in Modern U.S. History
- HIST-A 235 History of American Empire
- HIST-A 240 The History of Birth: Get Me Out!
- HIST-A 245 Indians and American Popular Culture
- HIST-A 261 Modern American Women's History
- HIST-A 265 Gender and Sexuality in American History
- HIST-A 300 Issues in United States History
- HIST-A 302 Revolutionary America
- HIST-A 307 American Cultural History
- HIST-A 309 The South before the Civil War
- HIST-A 313 Origins of Modern America
- HIST-A 317 Modern America and Social and Intellectual History
- HIST-A 325 American Constitutional History I
- HIST-A 347 American Urban History
- HIST-A 348 Civil War and Reconstruction
- HIST-A 352 History of Latinos in the United States
- HIST-A 355 African American History I
- HIST-A 356 African American History II
- HIST-A 363 Hoosier Nation: Indiana in American History
- HIST-A 369 Issues in Early United States History
- HIST-A 379 Issues in Modern United States History
- HIST-A 380 The Vietnam War
- HIST-A 382 The Sixties
- HIST-A 383 Rock, Hip Hop, and Revolution: Popular Music in the Making of Modern America, 1940 to the Present
- HIST-A 384 Antebellum America
- HIST-A 385 America's Pacific
- HIST-A 386 History of the American Home
- HIST-A 387 American Dreams: Elvis to Springsteen
- HIST-A 393 American Sexual Histories: Salem Witch Craze to the Age of Viagra
- HIST-A 394 Wenches, Witches, and Welfare Queens: Images of Black Women in U.S. History
- HIST-A 395 Sex, Lies, and Diaries: Untold Southern Stories
- HIST-A 400 Issues in United States History
- HIST-B 100 Issues in Western European History
- HIST-B 200 Issues in Western European History
- HIST-B 260 Women, Men, and Society in Modern Europe
- HIST-B 226 The Mafia and Other Italian Mysteries
- HIST-B 270 Inside Nazi Germany
- HIST-B 300 Issues in Western European History
- HIST-B 303 Issues in Modern European History
- HIST-B 315 European Anti-Semitism from the Enlightenment to the Holocaust
- HIST-B 322 Jews in the Modern World
- HIST-B 323 History of the Holocaust
- HIST-B 324 Zionism and the State of Israel
- HIST-B 356 French Revolution and Napoleon
- HIST-B 357 Modern France
- HIST-B 359 Europe from Napoleon to the First World War I
- HIST-B 360 Europe from Napoleon to the First World War II
- HIST-B 361 Europe in the Twentieth Century I
- HIST-B 362 Europe in the Twentieth Century II
- HIST-B 366 Paris and Berlin in the 1920s: A Cultural History
- HIST-B 368 Modern Italy
- HIST-B 374 The Cultures of Modern Europe
- HIST-B 378 History of Germany since 1648 II
- HIST-B 386 British Sexual Histories: From Regency Scandals to Sexual Revolution
- HIST-B 400 Issues in Western European History
- HIST-D 100 Issues in Russian and East European History
- HIST-D 103 Icon and Axe: Russia from 1861 to Present
- HIST-D 200 Issues in Russian/ East European History
- HIST-D 201 Democratic Revolutions since 1980
- HIST-D 300 Issues in Russian/ East European History
- HIST-D 302 The Gorbachev Revolution and the Collapse of the Soviet Empire
- HIST-D 303 Heroes and Villains in Russian History
- HIST-D 304 Jews of Eastern Europe
- HIST-D 308 Empire of the Tsars
- HIST-D 309 Russia in World War II: Battles and People
- HIST-D 310 Russian Revolutions and the Soviet Regime
- HIST-D 320 Modern Ukraine
- HIST-D 322 Hungarian History and Civilization 1711-1918
- HIST-D 325 Path to Emancipation: Nationalism in the Balkans, 1804-1923
- HIST-D 327 Nation-Making and Imperial Decline in East Central Europe, 1780-1918
- HIST-D 329 Eastern Europe in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
- HIST-D 330 Eastern Europe in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
- HIST-H 104 Europe: Napoleon to the Present
- HIST-H 105 American History I
- HIST-H 106 American History II
- HIST-H 210 Britain's Road to Modernity
- HIST-H 220 American Military History
- HIST-H 239 Blood and Guts! An Introduction to the History of Western Medicine from Antiquity to the Present
- HIST-H 252 Introduction to Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to the Present
- HIST-H 259 American Jewish History
- HIST-H 231 The Family in History
Post-1750 non-U.S./European or World History
- HIST-B 391 Themes in World History
- HIST-C 210 The Making of the Modern Middle East
- HIST-E 100 Issues in African History
- HIST-E 200 Issues in African History
- HIST-E 300 Issues in African History
- HIST-E 332 African History from Colonial Rule to Independence
- HIST-E 333 Conflict in Southern Africa
- HIST-E 334 History of Western Africa
- HIST-E 336 History of East Africa
- HIST-E 340 African History and Popular Culture
- HIST-F 100 Issues in Latin American History
- HIST-F 200 Issues in Latin American History
- HIST-F 300 Issues in Latin American History
- HIST-F 336 Modern Central American History
- HIST-F 340 Modern Argentina
- HIST-F 345 History of Cuba and Puerto Rico
- HIST-F 346 Modern Mexico
- HIST-F 348 Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Reality
- HIST-G 101 East Asia in World History
- HIST-G 200 Issues in Asian History
- HIST-G 300 Issues in Asian History
- HIST-G 350 Modern South Asia: Eighteenth to Twentieth Century
- HIST-G 369 Modern Japan
- HIST-G 372 Modern Korea
- HIST-G 385 Modern China
- HIST-G 387 Contemporary China
- HIST-H 101 The World in the Twentieth Century I
- HIST-H 102 The World in the Twentieth Century II
- HIST-H 207 Modern East Asian Civilization
- HIST-H 208 American-East Asian Relations
- HIST-H 212 Latin American Culture and Civilization II
- HIST-H 233 Sports in History
- HIST-H 333 Epidemics in History
- HIST-W 100 Issues in World History
- HIST-W 125 Cities and History
- HIST-W 200 Issues in World History
- HIST-W 201 Slavery and Unfreedom in World History
- HIST-W 203 World War I: Global War
- HIST-W 300 Issues in World History
- HIST-W 325 World War II: The Peoples
- HIST-W 330 Money and History