Distinctions & Opportunities

Academic Opportunities

Poynter Center

The Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions seeks to foster the examination and discussion of ethical issues in our professional, public, and national life. The center's approach is informed by the spirit of the humanities, attempting to understand and evaluate our society, rather than merely to describe it. It has directed its attention to political institutions, the legal system, science and technology, medicine, the media, the military, the business corporation, organized religion, the professions, and the academy.

The center's work is conducted through a variety of efforts—sponsoring conferences and seminars; publishing monographs and other papers; bringing distinguished visitors to Bloomington and to other college and university campuses in Indiana; pursuing grant opportunities, and teaching courses for graduate students, post-doctoral students, and external audiences.

Further information is available on our website at http://poynter.indiana.edu/ or from the Poynter Center office, 618 E. Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-0261, poynter [at] indiana [dot] edu.