Graduate Courses
O'Neill Online Courses
- SPCN-F 526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course emphasizes a thorough understanding of the language and key concepts of nonprofit financial management. A working knowledge of the basic analytical tools used in financial decision making for nonprofit organizations will be examined through the use of computer software.
- SPCN-F 542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.) An introduction to the fundamentals of accounting in business, nonprofit, and public sectors. Intended only for students without previous accounting courses. Primary emphasis is on municipal entity fund accounting, including the development and use of financial statements.
- SPCN-F 560 Public Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.) The fiscal role of government in a mixed economy, sources of public revenue and credit; administrative, political, and institutional aspects of the budget and the budgetary process; problems and trends in inter-governmental fiscal relations.
- SPCN-F 609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.) Examines basic objectives and political and economic aspects of tax administration. Examination of the interrelationships of tax policy, tax laws, and tax administration. Reviews major economic issues raised by types of taxes and user charges. Also examines the fundamentals of tax legislation with emphasis on state and local administration.
- SPCN-F 610 Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.) Advanced study of management aspects of budgetary process. Special cases are analyzed and budget problem-solving exercises are utilized.
- SPCN-F 667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.) This seminar examines options open to governments, especially state and local, and why they resort to debt finance. Issues raised by the alternatives are examined in detail. Topics include public authority debt, revenue bonds, methods of placement, lease-purchase finance, and maturity choice. Management of idle cash balances also considered.
- SPCN-I 516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.) This course focuses on the application of information systems concepts and tools to challenges and opportunities in the public sector. Topics covered will include current trends in information systems; managerial use of information systems; hardware, software, and telecommunications; systems development processes and practices; and strategic and policy issues in IS.
- SPCN-L 563 Planning and Community Development (3 cr.) Seminar designed to familiarize students with planning ramifications of policy issues faced by governments. The focal topics selected for study will vary. Emphasis placed on identification and analysis of substantive issues, methods employed for resolution, and application of planning techniques for achieving goals
- SPCN-M 561 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) Analysis of the structure, operations, and design of public personnel systems, including government agencies and public enterprise. Relationships between public policy and personnel concepts, values, and operations considered.
- SPCN-M 602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) Concepts, cases and problem-solving associated with the structure and process of strategic management in the public sector, broadly defined to include governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
- SPCN-M 654 Public Program Management and Contracting (3 cr.) An examination of theories, concepts, and processes concerning multi-actor program implementation and alternative forms of service delivery. Focus will be on the problems and challenges public managers face in designing and managing contractual relationships, networks, and other complex implementation structures.
- SPCN-N 521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.) The theory, size, scope, and functions of the nonprofit and voluntary sector are covered from multiple disciplinary perspectives including historical, political, economic, and social.
- SPCN-N 522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of the human resource management areas necessary for the productive functioning of nonprofit organizations theories of motivation applicable to the management of staff and volunteers, and personnel topics of recruitment, selection, board-staff relations, compensation, training, and development are covered.
- SPCN-N 525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.) An examination of nonprofit organizations and their role in society. Management issues and public policy affecting these organizations are discussed. Primary emphasis is upon U.S. organizations, but attention is given to the global nature of the sector.
- SPCN-N 534 NGO Management for International Development (3 cr.) Coursework prepares students for employment in international development. It covers a range of theoretical material and practical skills, answering questions like: What role do NGOs play in developing countries? How do we define and measure NGO success or failure? How do NGOs fundraise, plan, evaluate and collaborate on programs?
- SPCN-N 557 Proposal Development and Grant Administration (3 cr.) This course provides the opportunity for each student to develop a complete proposal--through participation in the entire grant application process. The integration of case studies, visual media, printed materials, and class discussions provide students with practical knowledge for writing successful proposals.
- SPCN-N 558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.) Important aspects of the fund raising process in nonprofit organizations are covered, including: techniques and strategies for assessing potential sources of support; effective use of human resources; process management; theory to underlay practice; analysis of current practice; practice standards; and discussion of ethical problems.
- SPCN-P 507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.) Focus on analytical models and their use in solving problems and making decisions in the public sector. Discussion of standard approaches to modeling and estimation of parameters.
- SPCN-P 541 Benefit Cost Analysis (3 cr.) A course applying benefit-cost analysis to public and environmental policies. The first part of the course develops the foundation of benefit-cost analysis. The second part of the course consists of case studies applying benefit-cost analysis to actual policy decisions.
- SPCN-P 562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.) Examination of how the programs of public agencies are proposed, established, operated, and evaluated. Discussion of the role and conduct of research in the program evaluation process. In addition, techniques of effective evaluation and analysis are discussed.
- SPCN-V 502 Public Management (3 cr.) Analysis of concepts, methods and procedures involved in managing public organizations. Problems of organization, planning, decision-making, performance evaluation, and the management of human resources are considered. Cases are drawn from a variety of public services found at federal, state and local levels of government.
- SPCN-V 506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.) Noncalculus survey of concepts in probability, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Applications of contingency table analysis and analysis of variance, regression, and other statistical techniques. Computer processing of data emphasized.
- SPCN-V 512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.) An examination of the role of public affairs professionals in policy processes. Focuses on relationships with political actors in various policy areas.
- SPCN-V 517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.) This course focuses on applications of the principles and concepts of intermediate microeconomic theory and managerial economics to public-sector management decisions and policy analysis. The course utilizes case studies with the goal of giving students opportunities to recognize the economic dimensions inherent in the public policy problems and to develop an analytical problem-solving orientation.
- SPCN-V 532 Social Equity and Justice in Public Affairs (1.5 cr.) This course will explore concepts of social equity and justice as a value and a tool, as well as a measure of policy effectiveness. Topics focus on the role of public policy and institutions (e.g., legislatures, courts, and agencies) in addressing issues like structural racism and inequality.
- SPCN-V 535 Managing and Leading in Public Affairs (3 cr.) The course allows students to develop skills and competencies to become effective managers and leaders in organizations pursuing the public interest. It draws from the organization theory and organizational behavior, leadership, and public and nonprofit management literatures for insight into the critical role of management and leadership in governance.
- SPCN-V 536 Rights and Responsibilities: How Law Shapes Public Affairs (1.5 cr.) Explanation of law in society and its influence on public-sector operations. Examination of central legal principles shaping American governance including the rule of law, supremacy and preemption, due process and equal protection, statutory interpretation, and judicial review of administrative agency action, among others.
- SPCN-V 537 Designing and Managing Complex Projects (1.5 cr.) This course covers foundational to advanced concepts and specific skills development in critical project management areas, including supervising project scope, time, cost, human resources and communication. This team-based course will include an academic foundation with an emphasis on the use of real-world skills.
- SPCN-V 538 Comparative & International Policy Process (3 cr.) This course for public affairs professionals interested in working internationally begins by comparing the policy process in a variety of nations with a focus on how economic, political, institutional, and cultural context shapes policymaking. The second section of the course examines the role of international law and institutions.
- SPCN-V 540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.) Explanation of law in society and its influence on public-sector operations. Examination of some of the central substantive areas of the study of law, including regulatory processes, administrative adjudication, the Administrative Procedures Act, ombudsmen, and citizen rights, among others.
- SPCN-V 548 Evidence-Based Decision Making (1.5 cr.) This course is designed to teach students about and provide them with practice with gathering information and evidence, and presenting the evidence compellingly and ethically in a way that informs decision-making.
- SPCN-V 550 Topics in Public Affairs (1-4 cr.) Selected research and discussion topics organized on a semester-by-semester basis, usually with significant student input in the course design.
- SPCN-V 551 SPEA Connect Week (3 cr.) SPEA Connect Week is a voluntary, on-campus course that allows you to meet and build lasting relationships with your fellow online classmates and professors. All students formally admitted to the MPA program are eligible to enroll.
- SPCN-V 585 Practicum in Public Affairs (1-6 cr.) Students hold work assignments with public agencies.
- SPCN-V 600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
Interdisciplinary course designed to give students exposure to the realities of the policy process through detailed analyses of case studies and projects. Course integrates science, technology, policy, and management. Topic may vary from semester to semester.