Policies & Procedures
Degree Requirements
GPA Requirement
A minimum cumulative and semester GPA of 2.0 is required for the B.S. degrees. In addition, a SPEA core and major/concentration GPA of 2.3 must be maintained in order to graduate. The Law and Public Policy major student must maintain a 2.7 (B-) in the core and major requirements as well as a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all course work taken at Indiana University in order to graduate.
As joint degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the B.S. in Environmental Science and the B.A. in Environmental and Sustainability Studies require a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) to graduate. All courses taken to satisfy major requirements must be completed with a C– or higher and with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) for all courses taken in the major.
For Bloomington students seeking certificates or minors from SPEA, the minimum GPA requirement is 2.0 in all applicable course work.
In Bloomington the Educational Policy minor requires a C or better in each course and a 2.0 GPA overall. The Environmental Science and Environmental and Sustainable Studies minors require a C- or better in each course.
In Indianapolis a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for the B.S. degrees. In addition, a SPEA major GPA of 2.3 must be maintained in order to graduate. For students seeking certificates from SPEA, the minimum cumulative GPA requirement is a 2.0 or higher, and for students pursuing a minor the minimum cumulative GPA is a 2.3 or higher in all applicable course work.
More information on Indianapolis grade polices can be found at http://bulletin.iupui.edu/.