Policies & Procedures
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Each student is responsible for knowing their rights and responsibilities as a member of the academic community as outlined in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. In accordance with federal law, student records are confidential and are available to other persons only under specific conditions, as outlined in university regulations. Among the student’s obligations is that each student is responsible for knowing and meeting the requirements for their academic programs. Faculty and staff are available to guide and assist students, but the responsibility rests with the student. SPEA students who engage in academic or personal misconduct are subject to SPEA’s judicial process and disciplinary actions.
SPEA Indianapolis fully supports the rights and responsibilities of students as defined in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The code spells out expectations for faculty and students, and provides the framework for SPEA’s judicial process. SPEA students are expected to meet their responsibilities for academic and personal conduct. Failure to meet these responsibilities will subject the student to the school’s judicial process and disciplinary actions.