
Indianapolis Campus

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) helps students with a desire to change the world prepare for careers that do just that. SPEA students make a difference in public policy. Leadership, management, criminal justice, public safety, the environment, and more. SPEA students learn “go anywhere” skills that can lead to jobs and careers in government, business, and nonprofit organizations. In fact, they are better prepared to move between all three.

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs may major in either management, policy studies, or civic leadership. The B.S.P.A. provides students with an overview of the issues that engage the public and nonprofit sectors such as (1) how organization and management differ among sectors, (2) the tools required to solve public problems and undertake leadership roles in the community, and (3) the policy processes that lead to effective decision-making. The B.S.P.A. prepares graduates to work in the public and nonprofit sectors. Many students also choose to continue their education in law, planning, public affairs, or environmental management.

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (B.S.C.J.) may major in either criminal justice or public safety management. The Criminal Justice Major gives students an understanding of the nature, measurement of, and explanations for crime as well as the policy decisions and operations of the criminal and juvenile justice systems. A variety of timely special topics such as homicide, terrorism, law and the death penalty are covered. Graduates are well prepared to work in the criminal justice system, as well as related public and private organizations. Examples of employment opportunities include law enforcement, courts, corrections, probation, parole, and juvenile justice. Graduates also work in the private security and investigative industry and use their criminal justice degree as their undergraduate degree of choice for preparation for law school or graduate school.

The Public Safety Management (P.S.M.) Major within the B.S.C.J. is designed to meet the leadership and management needs of the public safety community in many areas—emergency and fire services, disaster preparedness, homeland security, risk management, and other man-made or natural threats to public safety. The P.S.M. major connects these disciplines to key areas of public management including leadership, personnel management, and budget and finance. Students who have an applied background in the areas of fire and emergency services, homeland security, and disaster preparedness will find the P.S.M. major to be the perfect polishing tool for becoming a key public safety leader for tomorrow. Students without previous field experience will be able to take advantage of the public safety internship/apprenticeship program to get real world experience in the public safety arena.

Academic Bulletins

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