Courses by Department
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical medicine and rehabilitation involves the treatment of several patient groups. Outpatient treatment largely centers on treating persons with a variety of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. It encompasses occupational medicine, sports medicine, and the treatment of various injuries, as well as some neurologic or neuromuscular disorders. Common diagnoses include radiculopathy, back and neck pain, sprains, and strains. Inpatient treatment centers on the rehabilitation of persons with spinal cord injury, stroke, brain injury, and multiple trauma. Emphasis is on good neuromusculoskeletal physical examination, functional outcomes, and exercise.
Electives in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Several electives are offered within the department to both third- and fourth-year medical students. Specific information on each elective is available in the Senior Elective Program Course Listing, which is updated and published in February of each year. These electives are offered in the Medical Center facilities and in approved programs in clinics and hospitals in the state.