Policies & Procedures
Degree Conferral
Degree conferral for M.S. and Ed.S. occurs four times a year: May, June, August, and December. Ed.D degrees are awarded monthly. For Bloomington degrees, an online Application for Graduation form must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies several months prior to the degree conferral date as follows:
- March 15 for graduation and Commencement in the following December
- October 15 for graduation and Commencement in the following May, June, and August
Failure to apply for graduation by the deadline may result in your name not appearing in the Commencement program and could result in your graduation being deferred to the next available date. The online application to graduate is at: http://site.educ.indiana.edu/CurrentStudents/ApplyforGraduation/tabid/5124/Default.aspx.
The Ph.D. degree is conferred by the University Graduate School. Applications are available in the University Graduate School office, Kirkwood Hall 111, or on their Web site at: http://www.graduate.indiana.edu/preparing-theses-and-dissertations.php.
For the master's degree conferred on the Indianapolis campus, applications can be obtained at the School of Education Student Services Office, Education/Social Work 3131 or online at http://education.iupui/soe/forms/applications.aspx.
There are two Commencement ceremonies per year in Bloomington. They are held in December and May. There is one Commencement ceremony in Indianapolis in May. All graduate students are encouraged to participate in the Commencement ceremonies. Students graduating during the summer will be listed in the previous May Commencement program and are eligible to participate in the ceremony. Procedures for participating in Commencement may be obtained online at http://www.commencement.iu.edu/bloomington/index.shtml.
On the Bloomington campus, information will be mailed by the IU Alumni Association to those who applied to graduate. On the Indianapolis campus, contact the Education Student Services office, Education/Social Work 3131.