
Educational Inquiry Methodology Courses

  • EDUC-Y 500 Computer Laboratory for Educational Statistics (0-1 cr.) This laboratory course is designed to accompany courses in educational statistics. Use of statistical software, interpretation of analysis results, and conceptual discussion of statistical concepts and principles are included in this laboratory. The management and use of large data sets may be included in some laboratory offerings. (BL /IUPUI)
  • EDUC-P 501 Statistical Method Applied to Education (3 cr.) An introduction to statistical methods needed for basic data analysis in education. Includes an introduction to distribution of variables, measures of central tendency, variability, hypothesis testing, correlation techniques, one-way analysis of variance, and simple regression analysis. Emphasis is placed on theoretical and computational skills.
  • EDUC-Y 502 Intermediate Statistics Applied to Education (3 cr.) P: Basic mathematical and algebra skills, and knowledge of research concepts as might be learned in an introductory statistics or research course. Review of descriptive statistics; correlation and regression; multiple regression; inferential statistics e.g., t- test; analysis of variance; one- and two-way factorial designs; analysis of covariance; and categorical data analysis e.g., chi-square.
  • EDUC-P 507 Assessment in Schools (3 cr.) Introductory assessment course for teachers and school administrators. Topics include principles of assessment, formal and informal classroom assessment instruments and methods, formative and summative assessment, interpretation and use of standardized test results, social and political issues in assessment, use of student data bases in schools.
  • EDUC-Y 510 Action Research I (3 cr.) An introduction to the basic philosophy and methods of action research. Students will design an action research project and write a proposal. Students will learn how to conduct action research. This course emphasizes the selection of an area of focus, collection of data, organization, analysis and interpretation of data, as well as decisions about the appropriate actions to take based on findings. (This is not a core inquiry course for Ph.D. students.)
  • EDUC-Y 515 Foundations of Educational Inquiry (3 cr.) Examination of the nature and purpose of educational inquiry with a focus on topics in social science/epistemology.
  • EDUC-Y 527 Educational Assessment and Psychological Assessment (3 cr.) P: P501 and Y520 Theoretical foundations for assessing educational and psychological constructs, with application to tests and alternative assessment procedures; methods for estimating reliability and validity; and techniques for scale construction, including attitude, personality, interest, aptitude, and performance.
  • EDUC-Y 521 Methodological Approaches to Educational Inquiry (3 cr.) Introduction to the various methodological approaches to the conduct of social science inquiry in general and educational inquiry in particular.  Focus on the epistemological implications of methodological choices.
  • EDUC-Y 525 Survey Research Methodology (3 cr.) P: Y520 or Y521 and Y502. This course introduces students to social survey research, with particular emphasis on questionnaire design.  Specifically the educational goals for the course include: (1) designing survey items that match research questions and plans for analysis, (2) understanding concepts, terminology related to questionnaire design and the fundamental steps of conducting survey research, (3) critical reading of survey research, (4) developing an awareness of current issues and important problems in questionnaire desi9tgn, and (5) developing a theoretical and epistemological framework within which to understand the ambitions, limitations, history and practice of survey research
  • EDUC-Y 527 Educational Assessment and Psychological Assessment (3 cr.) P: P501 and Y520. Theoretical foundations for assessing educational and psychological constructs, with application to tests and alternative assessment procedures; methods for estimating reliability and validity; and techniques for scale construction, including attitude, personality, interest, aptitude, and performance.
  • EDUC-Y 530 Topics in Computer Analysis of Educational Data (1-3 cr.) P: Y502 or equivalent. Use of computers in educational research. Topics include operating systems, file generation and management, screen editing, packaged statistical programs, batch and interactive operation, libraries of statistical procedures, microcomputer applications, and library-related computing research tools.
  • EDUC-Y 535 Evaluation Models and Techniques (3 cr.) P: Y520 or equivalent. An overview of evaluation as an inquiry process, including a discussion of the history of evaluation and the state of the art. Frameworks and models for planning evaluation studies are discussed and applications are demonstrated. Criteria for evaluating studies, steps for writing evaluation proposals and reports, and techniques for the collection of information are discussed. This course is similar to J660. Credit may not be earned in both courses.
  • EDUC-Y 590 Independent Study in Inquiry Methodology (1-3 cr.) P: Y520 or equivalent Individual research or study with an Inquiry faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, Y590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
  • EDUC-Y 600 Methodological Implications of Social and Psychological Theories (3 cr.) Introduction to social and psychological theories that inform current methodological theory and practice including those developed by Freud, Piaget, Levi-Strauss, Weber, and Marx.  This introduction forms the basis of an exploration of methodological concepts such as a validity and inference in terms of their social and psychological foundations.
  • EDUC-Y 603 Statistical Design of Educational Research (1-3 cr.) P: Y502 or consent of instructor. Topics covered include distribution of random variables, estimation, statistical hypotheses, and analysis of trend data. Also included is analysis of variance: groups-within treatments, simple factorial, split plot, mixed, nested, and other higher dimensional analysis.
  • EDUC-Y 604 Multivariate Analysis in Educational Research (3 cr.) P: Y502 or consent of instructor. Multivariate normal distribution, multivariate correlational analysis, covariance matrix, testing hypotheses of covariance matrices, principal components and factor analysis, canonical correlations and variables, multiple discriminant functions.
  • EDUC-Y 611 Qualitative Inquiry in Education (3 cr.) P: Y520 H510 or consent of instructor. Examination of qualitative approaches to educational inquiry e.g., case study, naturalistic inquiry, educational anthropology, educational connoisseurship, and criticism. Exploration of methods for collecting and analyzing qualitative data, criteria for field studies, and approaches to writing up field studies.
  • EDUC-Y 612 Critical Qualitative Inquiry I (3 cr.) P: Y520 or Y521. This first course in the sequence provides an introduction to critical social theory as it emerges through the context of qualitative research.  Students begin corresponding field work, including both data collection and analysis.
  • EDUC-Y 613 Critical Qualitative Inquiry II (3 cr.) P: Y612. This second course in the sequence continues the exploration of social theory and methodology by providing an opportunity for students to follow through on fieldwork and analysis started in Y612 and by examining some theory left implicit in Y512. The course will include opportunities to begin writing methodological texts (taught previously under Y750).
  • EDUC-Y 617 Psychometric Theory (3 cr.) P: Y502 and Y527. Study of psychometric theories and procedures, including derivation of reliability and validity indices, and statistical techniques for advanced test analysis; critical review of issues in educational and psychological assessment.
  • EDUC-Y 630 Narrative Theory and Inquiry (3 cr.) P: YP611 or Y612. Examines narrative theory and its connection to narrative approaches in inquiry.  Explores the use of narrative in qualitative inquiry, and practices methods of collecting and analyzing narrative data.
  • EDUC-Y 631 Discourse Theory and Analysis (3 cr.) P: YP611 or Y612.  Examines the roots of the discourse analytic field in qualitative research.  Explores current trends in discourse theory and analysis.  Examines exemplars and provides opportunities to engage in discourse analytic methods.
  • EDUC-Y 635 Methodology of Educational Evaluation (3 cr.) P: Y535 or consent of instructor. Multidisciplinary methods for organizing, collecting, and processing evaluative information; presentation of problems in evaluation methods of inquiry, and use of methods from other disciplines to alleviate these problems. Emphasis will be on the transfer of appropriate methods and techniques to evaluation problems.
  • EDUC-Y 637 Categorical Data Analysis (3 cr.) P: Two statistics courses at the graduate level (i.e., Y502 & Y604), or consent of instructor. The analysis of cross-classified categorical data. Loglinear models; regression models in which the response variable is binary, ordinal, nominal, or discrete. Logit, probit, multinomial logit models; logistic and Poisson regression. Course is equivalent to STAT-S 637.
  • EDUC-Y 639 Multilevel Modeling (3 cr.) P: Two statistics courses at the graduate level (i.e., Y502 & Y604), or consent of instructor. Introduction to the general multilevel model with an emphasis on applications. Discussion of hierarchical linear models, and generalizations to nonlinear models. How such models are conceptualized, parameters estimated and interpreted. Model fit via software. Major emphasis throughout the course will be on how to choose an appropriate model and computational techniques. Course is equivalent to STAT S639.
  • EDUC-Y 645 Covariance Structure Analysis (3 cr.) P: Two statistics courses at the graduate level (i.e., Y502 and Y604), or consent of instructor. Path analysis. Introduction to multivariate multiple regression, confirmatory factor analysis, and latent variables. Structural equation models with and without latent variables. Mean-structure and multi-group analysis. Course is equivalent to STAT-S 645.
  • EDUC-Y 650 Topical Seminar in Educational Inquiry Methodology (3 cr.) P: 6 hours of basic inquiry methodology course work. Advanced study of research and theory on selected topics in qualitative or quantitative inquiry methodology. (Bloomington/Indianapolis)
  • EDUC-Y 655 Longitudinal Data Analysis (3 cr.) P: Two statistics courses at the graduate level, or consent of instructor. Introduction to methods for longitudinal data analysis; repeated measures data. The analysis of change-models for one or more response variables, possibly censored. Association of measurements across time for both continuous and discrete responses. Course is equivalent to STAT-S 655.
  • EDUC-Y 660 Affinity Research Group (1-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Study and research support groups formed on the basis to mutual interests to generate new curriculum and research projects integrating previous coursework under the guidance of a faculty member. The work of these groups could continue over the course of several semesters to develop research papers, presentations, books , or conduct empirical research as a team. 
  • EDUC-Y 671 Knowledge, Reflection & Critique in Methodological Theory (3 cr.) P: Y611 or Y612. This course examines the concept of reflection in epistemological theories as these have historically developed from Kant to the contemporary period. Kant’s philosophy introduced reflection to the theory of knowledge through his development of transcendental logic. The contribution this made to epistemology was lost in the growth of “positive science” from its beginnings in the 19th century to the paradigmatic status it attained in sciences of all types by the early 20th century: a status it retains to this day. Less visible traditions in epistemology took Kant’s insights in many different directions: hermeneutics, critical theory, psychoanalytic theory and the cognitive and moral development theories of Piaget, Vygotsky and Kohlberg. This history will be covered in the course, along with direct applications of reflection to research methodology (taught previously under Y650).
  • EDUC-Y 672 Communicative Action Theory (3 cr.) P: Y611 or Y612. This course focuses exclusively on both volumes of Habermas’ The Theory of Communicative Action Volumes One and Two. The Theory of Communicative Action (TCA) has direct implications for all social research, both in methodological and substantive ways. Methodologically, TCA provides a core theory of reason and validity, action and meaning, and a bifurcated concept of the social (lifeworld and system) having implications for research design and data analysis. Substantively, the theory of communicative action is suggestive for formulating research questions and determining the communicative action is suggestive for formulating research questions and determining the vocabulary through which to articulate findings. It also provides a framework for ascertaining the significance of research findings. These statements are true for all types of social research, quantitative as well as qualitative, having a micro as well as a macro or combined focus. (Taught previously under Y650).
  • EDUC-Y 690 Advanced Independent Study in Inquiry Methodology (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Individual research with an Inquiry faculty member on a advanced methodology topic, arranged prior to registration. A short proposal should be submitted during the first week specifying the scope of the project, completion date, and products. Y690 is not for material taught in a regularly scheduled course. May be repeated for a total of 6 cr.
  • EDUC-Y 750 Topical Seminar in Educational Inquiry Methodology: variable title (3 cr.) P: 9 credit hours of pertinent 500- and 600-level inquiry courses. Study of selected advanced methodological topics encountered in educational research and exploration of recent developments in inquiry methods.
  • EDUC-Y 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (3-1 cr.)
  • EDUC-Y 790 Doctoral Thesis in Inquiry Methodology (1-12 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters.  The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.

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