Health Professions Programs



General Information
Students accepted into the program must complete the Health Professions Programs (HPP) and the program admission requirements before the first day of classes. Admission to the professional program is competitive; therefore, completion of the prerequisites does not guarantee admission to the program.  NOTE:Students entering in summer 2013 must complete all requirements by the end of the prior spring term.

Criteria Used for Selection of Class  For the selection of applicants for admission, the Radiologic Science Admission Committee considers academic background, including total and science/mathematics GPA, the completion of general-education courses that are part of the associate degree curriculum, any significant volunteer or work experience in a direct patient care area, previous application for admission to the program, and the results of a personal interview.

Class Size  Each year, thirty-seven (37) new students are admitted to start the professional program at the beginning of summer session II

Specific Requirements
In addition to the HPP' admission policies and procedures found at the beginning of this section of the bulletin, the following apply to the Radiography Program.

Application Deadline  November 15 of the year before anticipated entry in the program.

Total Number of Prerequisite Credit Hours  15, to include English composition, college algebra, medical terminology, and either a two semester human biology sequence or human anatomy and human physiology.  Either sequence must include the laboratory component.

Minimum Qualifications  Meeting minimum criteria listed below will qualify applicants for continuation of the admission process. It does not guarantee admission to the program. Applicants for admission to the Associate of Science in Radiography degree may qualify for admission consideration in one of two ways:

A.  Applicants with fewer than 12 college credit hours by the end of the fall semester Completion of fewer than 12 credit hours of GPA-earning courses including the prerequisite courses.

Qualifying Criteria:

  1. High school cumulative academic GPA of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale. The high school GPA is calculated using college preparatory academic courses only. Other courses, such as band, chorus, physical education, etc., are removed from the GPA when it is calculated.
  2. High school mathematics/science GPA of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.
  3. Qualifications for regular admission to IUPUI if not already admitted.
  4. College GPA of at least 2.80 on a 4.00 scale.
  5. No less than a C in either of the prerequisite courses.

B.  Applicants with 12 or more college credit hours by the end of the fall semester   Completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours of GPA-earning courses including the prerequisite courses.

Qualifying Criteria:

  1. College GPA of at least 2.80 on a 4.00 scale for all college work completed. (Course grades from all institutions attended will be used.)
  2. No less than a C in either of the prerequisite courses.
  3. College mathematics/science GPA of at least 2.50 on a 4.00 scale.
  4. All college courses taken, including remedial courses, are considered when calculating the minimum total GPA and mathematics/science GPA.

The criteria listed above represent the minimum criteria. The required grade point averages will be applied after the fall semester of the year of application and must be maintained at the completion of each enrollment period.

High School Applicants  Check with your school to see if you can earn college credit while in high school to complete the two prerequisite courses.

GED Applicants  Those who have completed the GED certificate must qualify under section B above. In addition to the required prerequisite courses, the GED applicant must include a college science course in the minimum of 12 credits to qualify.

College Applicants  All applicants with more than 12 credit hours of GPA-earning courses must qualify under Section B regardless of high school background.

Interview  An interview is required for admission. If, however, the number of applications to the program far exceeds the number of positions available, the program admissions committee reserves the right to limit the number of applicants interviewed to two times the number of positions available in the class. Interviews are scheduled in early February.

Technical Requirements  See the Health Professions Programs’ policy.

Indiana Residents Preference Policy  See the Health Professions Programs’ policy.

Volunteer Experience  The admissions committee urges all interested applicants to spend time observing or volunteering in a radiology department. If you cannot arrange to do so at a local hospital, the radiologic and imaging sciences office can provide an observation experience in one of the hospital departments affiliated with the radiography program.

Last Updated: September 22, 2011.