Programs by Campus


Social Science Research Methods
College of Arts and Sciences

Departmental E-mail: pmcmanus [at] indiana [dot] edu

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(Please note that when conferring University Graduate School degrees, minors, certificates, and sub-plans, The University Graduate School’s staff use those requirements contained only in The University Graduate School Bulletin.)



Ph.D. Minor in Social Science Research Methods (SSRM)


The multidisciplinary, cross-school SSRM minor draws on faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, the School of Public and Environmental Affairs and other IUB units to provide students the opportunity to pursue a broad-based and comprehensive training program in social science research methods. The minor is open to Ph.D. students at Indiana University (IUB and IUPUI campuses). The program emphasizes advanced training in qualitative and quantitative methods for the analysis of social science data. Course offerings span diverse perspectives on data collection and analysis strategies. The course of study must include at least one course outside of the major field, and all coursework for the minor is in addition to any courses required for the major field. As a result, the minor in Social Science Research Methods is especially useful to those interested in moving beyond the required methodological coursework of their disciplinary specialization to acquire a multifaceted view of approaches to social science phenomena.

 Course Requirements

Four courses for a minimum of twelve (12) hours of credit in courses approved for the Social Science Research Methods program, including at least one course outside the major field of study. A minimum of one course must be from area A (Methods of Qualitative Data Analysis) and a minimum of one course must come from area B (Methods of Quantitative Data Analysis). No more than six (6) credits can be transferred in from another institution. Courses taken to fulfill the requirements for the major field of study cannot also be counted towards the minor in Social Science Research Methods. Students must officially declare the minor during the early phase on their Ph.D. studies by consulting with the major advisor and the director of the minor. Courses outside the currently approved list may be considered for the minor in consultation with the director. The director of the minor retains formal authority for approving each minor student's course plan.


A minimum grade of B (3.0) is required in all courses that count towards the minor.


Group A (Qualitative Research Methods)  

Foundational Courses in Qualitative Research Methods (Group A)

Note: no more than one foundational course from Group A can count towards the minor

Criminal Justice:

CJUS-P 680  Seminar: Issues in Criminal Justice (3 cr.)  Topic: Qualitative Methods


EDUC-Y 611 Qualitative Inquiry in Education (3 cr.)


JOUR-J 651  Qualitative Research Methods (3 cr.)

Political Science: 

POLS-Y 579 Qualitative Methods in Political Research (3 cr.)

Public and Environmental Affairs: 

SPEA-V 710  Topics in Public Policy (3 cr.)  Topic: Qualitative Research Methods

Public Health: 

SPH-F 650 Seminar: Human Development & Family Studies (3 cr.)  Topic: Interpretive Qualitative Research Methods

Topical and Advanced Qualitative Methods (Group A)


ANTH-E 600 Seminar in Cultural and Social Anthropology (3 cr.) Topic: Ethnographic Video Methods

ANTH-L 600  Seminar in Ethnography of Communication (3 cr.)  Topic: Discourse Analysis


LING-L 700  Seminar on Current Issues (1-4 cr.)  Topic: Discourse Analysis


EDUC-Y 612 Critical Qualitative Inquiry I (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 613 Critical Qualitative Inquiry II (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 615 Introduction to Discourse Theory and Analysis (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 624 Discursive Psychology Approaches to Discourse Analysis (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 631 Discourse Theory and Analysis (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 650 Topical Seminar in Educational Inquiry (3 cr.) Topics: Mixed Methodology; Digital Tools for Qualitative Inquiry; Life Story Methodology

EDUC-P 674  Advanced Topical Seminar in Learning Sciences (3 cr.)  Topic: Issues and Applications in Qualitative Coding

EDUC-Y 750 Seminar in Inquiry Methodology (3 cr.)  Topics: Advanced Ethnographic Methods; Advanced Qualitative Research; The Meaning of Mixed Methods


GEOG-G 538 Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)

GEOG-G 539 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)

Information and Library Science:

ILS-Z 642  Content Analysis for the Web (3 cr.)    


SOC-S 652 Topics in Qualitative Methods (3 cr.)  Topics: Analyzing Textual Data; Ethnography; Historical Methods;In-Depth Interviewing


TEL–T 510 Research Methods in Message Analysis

Group B (Quantitative Research Methods)

Foundational Courses in Quantitative Research Methods (Group B)

Note: no more than one foundational course from Group B can count towards the minor, and no Group B foundational course will count towards the minor if the doctoral major includes two graduate courses in statistics or quantitative data analysis.


BUS-X 610  Statistics for Research I (3 cr.)

BUS-X 611  Statistics for Research II (3 cr.)


ECON-E 571 Econometrics I - Statistical Foundations (3 cr.)

ECON-E 572 Econometrics II – Regression and Time Series (3 cr.)


EDUC-Y 603  Statistical Design in Education Research (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 604  Multivariate Analysis in Education Research (3 cr.)


GEOG–G 588 Applied Spatial Statistics (3 cr.)

Political Science:

POLS-Y 575 Political Data Analysis I

Public Health:

SPH-Q 602  Multivariate Statistical Analysis (3 cr.)

SPH-Q 603  Categorical Data Analysis (3 cr.)


SOC-S 554  Stat Techniques in Sociology I (3 cr.)

SOC-S 650  Stat Techniques in Sociology II (3 cr.)


STAT-S 501  Statistical Methods I (3 cr.)       

STAT-S 503  Statistical Methods II (3 cr.)      

Policy and Environmental Analysis:

SPEA-V 606  Statistics for Research in Public Affairs I (3 cr.)

SPEA-V 607  Statistics for Research in Public Affairs II (3 cr.)

Psychological and Brain Sciences:

PSY-P 553  Advanced Statistics in Psychology I (3 cr.)

PSY-P 554  Advanced Statistics in Psychology II (3 cr.)

Topical and Advanced Quantitative Methods (Group B)


ECON-E 626 Game Theory (3 cr.)

ECON-E 627 Experimental Economics (3 cr.)

ECON-E 671 Econometrics 3 – Nonlinear and Simultaneous Models (3 cr.)

ECON-E 672 Macroeconometrics (3 cr.)

ECON-E 673 Microeconometrics (3 cr.)

ECON-E 724 Seminar in Economic Theory (3-6 cr.)  Topic: Bayesian Methods


EDUC-Y 525  Survey Research Methodology (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 535  Evaluation Models & Techniques (3 cr.) 

EDUC-Y 617  Psychometric Theory (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 637  Categorical Data Analysis (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 639  Multilevel Modeling (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 645  Covariance Structure Analysis (3 cr.)

EDUC-Y 655  Longitudinal Data Analysis (3 cr.)


GEOG–G 504 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography (3 cr.)

Political Science:

POLS-Y 576  Political Data Analysis II (3 cr.)  Topics: Experimental Research Design and Methods; Contextual Political Analysis

POLS-Y 577  Topics in Data Analysis (3 cr.)  Topic: Topics in Dynamic Analysis / Time Series

Psychological and Brain Sciences:

PSY-P 557 Representation of Structure in Psychological Data (3 cr.)

PSY-P 648  Choice Behavior (3 cr.)

PSY-P 654  Multivariate Analysis (3 cr.)

PSY-P 657  Topical Seminar (3 cr.)  Topic: Time Series

Public Health:

SPH-Q 601  Experimental Analysis & Design (3 cr.)

SPH-Q 612  Survival Analysis (3 cr.)


SOC-G 591 Methods of Population Analysis (3 cr.)

SOC-S 655 Experimental Methods in Sociology (3 cr.)

SOC-S 651 Topics in Quantitative Sociology (3 cr.)  Topics: Covariance Structure and Latent Growth Models; Hierarchical Linear Models; Longitudinal and Panel Data Analysis; Multivariate Data Analysis; Social Network Analysis; Survey Research Methods


STAT-S 625  Nonparametric Theory in Data Analysis (3 cr.)

STAT-S 632  Applied Linear Models II (3 cr.)

STAT-S 637  Categorical Data Analysis (3 cr.)

STAT-S 640  Multivariate Data Analysis (3 cr.)

STAT-S 645  Covariance Structure Analysis (3 cr.)

STAT-S 650  Time Series Analysis (3 cr.)

STAT-S 670  Exploratory Data Analysis (3 cr.)

STAT-S 681  Topics in Applied Statistics (3 cr.)  Topics:  Spatial Statistics; Network Analysis; Statistical Methods for Causal Inference; Multivariate Methods II; Model Comparison and Selection

STAT-S 682  Topics in Mathematical Statistics (3 cr.)  Topic: Statistical Model Selection

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