Programs by Campus


Social Science Research Methods


Associate Professor Patricia A. McManus* (Sociology)

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)

Distinguished Professor

J. Scott Long* (Sociology, Statistics)

Rudy Professors

Clem Brooks* (Sociology), Maureen A. Pirog* (Policy and Environmental Affairs)

Virginia L. Roberts Professor

Peggy Thoits*


Arthur Alderson* (Sociology), Phil F. Carspecken* (Education), Ginette Delandshere* (Education), Gregory J. Kasza* (Political Science, East Asian Languages and Cultures), Chao-Ying Joanne Peng* (Education), Barry Rubin* (Policy and Environmental Affairs); Peggy Thoits* (Sociology)

Associate Professors

Steve Benard* (Sociology), Barbara Dennis* (Education), David H. Good* (Policy and Environmental Affairs), Tim Hallett* (Sociology), Brad Heim* (Policy and Environmental Affairs), Tim Hellwig* (Political Science), Patricia A. McManus* (Sociology), Ashlyn Aiko Nelson* (Policy and Environmental Affairs), Brea Perry* (Sociology), Armando Razo* (Political Science)

Assistant Professors
Keera Allendorf* (Sociology), Weihua An* (Sociology, Statistics), Jessica Calarco* (Sociology), Chirstopher DeSante* (Political Science), Andrew Halpern-Manners* (Sociology), Haeil Jung* (Policy and Environmental Affairs), Jessica Lester* (Education), Dubravka Svetina* (Education)
Professor Emeritus

Robert Agranoff (Policy and Environmental Affairs)

Senior Scientist Emeritus

John M. Kennedy (Center for Survey Research)

Academic Bulletins

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