Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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School of Education

Audrey KimPictured | Audrey Kim | Master of Arts in Teaching Special Education | Bachelor of Fine Arts, Indiana University | Bremen, Indiana (hometown)
Teaching Position | Exceptional Learners Teacher, John Young Middle School 
Award | 2023 IU South Bend School of Education Excellence in Graduate Special Education

School of Education Graduate Policies

Limited Criminal History Check

School corporations require a limited criminal history check before participating in field placements and/or student teaching. School corporations may deny a field placement or student teaching assignment based on a misdemeanor or felony conviction that is on the limited criminal history check. Schools may require a more extensive background check. Students are expected to follow all requirements of the IU Child Protection Policy when working with children and youth under the age of 18 in IU sponsored programs.

Email Communication

Electronic mail (email) is the official means of communication at IU South Bend. A failure to read official university communications sent to the official email address does not absolve one from knowing and complying with the content of the official communication. It is recommended that candidates check email messages at least once daily. The university provides a simple mechanism to forward email from the official university email address to another email address of choice. However, those who choose to have email forwarded to another email address do so at their own risk.

Issues Resolution

Issues resolution is a process followed when a candidate has a concern that cannot be resolved at a meeting with the appropriate professional in the School of Education. If a candidate has a concern about a class or instruction, advising, or a School of Education policy, the candidate should meet individually to discuss the concern in an attempt to resolve it in a satisfactory manner. If the issue/concern is not resolved by the end of the meeting, the candidate should be advised that he or she can follow a process to seek resolution at other levels. The candidate should ask for an Issues Resolution form and cover sheet from the Education Advising Office. The candidate should follow the directions on the cover sheet. All steps should be documented. Certain issues follow university policies. For example, any grade grievances follow IU South Bend procedures.


Plagiarism is a serious infraction particularly for graduate students. All procedures in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct are followed in all cases of plagiarism.

Plagiarism and academic misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Copying any other person’s work and submitting it as one’s own, whether as a written document or an oral presentation.
  • Copying or paraphrasing passages, sentences, phrases, data, statistics, isolated formulas, and visual aids from print, oral, or Internet sources without proper acknowledgment.
  • Using someone else’s ideas without giving credit to the source.
  • Submitting a professionally prepared research paper as one’s own work.
  • Submitting work that resulted from an unauthorized collaborative effort as individual work.
  • Reusing or recycling a paper or research done for credit in a previous course without the permission and approval of all the professors involved.
  • Offering material assembled or collected by others as one’s own project or collection.
  • Fabricating or creating material (statistics, text, etc.) to cite as a legitimate source.
  • Documenting a source inaccurately.


The residence requirement for the degree Master of Science in Education or Master of Arts in Teaching at IU South Bend may be met by completion of at least 67% of required credit hours on the IU South Bend campus. These credit hours may include online classes offered through the School of Education.

Semester Load

Indiana University defines full-time status for graduate students as enrollment in a minimum of 8 credit hours per semester. Half-time status is enrollment in a minimum of 4 credit hours per semester.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all work to be eligible for the degree Master of Science in Education or Master of Arts in Teaching. The School of Education at IU South Bend does not accept grades below a C (2.0) earned at IU South Bend or at any institution for credit toward a graduate degree.

Transferring Courses into Graduate Degree Programs

In programs of 34 credit hours or fewer, candidates may transfer from another accredited university a maximum of nine credit hours. In programs consisting of 35 or more credit hours, candidates may transfer from another accredited university a maximum of 12 credit hours under the following conditions: the credit is fully acceptable to the transferring institution in satisfaction of its own advanced degree requirements

  • the credit is applicable to the candidate’s program of study for an advanced degree at IU South Bend
  • the candidate received a grade of B or better for the credit
  • the candidate received the credit within 6 years prior to the transfer
  • the transfer of credit occurs at the time of admission to the program of study and becomes part of the candidate’s study plan OR the candidate received permission from an IU South Bend graduate program to take a transfer course at another accredited university and it becomes part of the Study Plan.

Retention in Graduate Degree Study

Candidates must maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. A candidate whose GPA drops below 3.0 must restore his/her GPA to 3.0 within nine credit hours. If the GPA is not restored within the required time period, the candidate will be dismissed from the program. Terms for readmission are determined by each program. Students dismissed may follow the issues resolution process if there are extenuating circumstances that may not have been considered.

A student admitted to the School of Education, but denied admission to a particular program, may not take any further work in that area of study unless the program agrees to the continued work.

Once a student is admitted to a degree program, all work must be complete within six calendar years from the date of the receipt of a grade in the first course that is to be used toward the degree.

Letters of Concern

All graduate students are expected to abide by all specific program policies. In addition to academic performance, IU South Bend’s graduate students are evaluated on the basis of their professional conduct and dispositions. Unsatisfactory professional conduct or unprofessional dispositions observed on the part of a graduate student in the School of Education in classes at IU South Bend or in field or clinical experiences, may result in that student’s dismissal from the graduate degree program. Dispositions are assessed as part of the unit assessment system. Also, a Letter of Concern serves as documentation of concerns related to professional conduct or dispositions. School of Education procedures are followed when documenting concerns about dispositions with a Letter of Concern.

Student Teaching and Practica Policies

Prior to beginning student teaching and practica, graduate candidates must:

  • Have completed all required coursework for licensure.
  • Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 if only earning a license. Students also completing master’s degree requirements must have an overall GPA of 3.0.
  • Must have a grade of C or better in all required licensure and degree coursework. All coursework required for licensure must be completed prior to beginning the student teaching experience.
  • Complete all assignments in courses with a grade of incomplete (I) and have a grade of C or better posted to replace the incomplete.
  • Submit an application for the student teaching or graduate practicum placement according to the deadlines listed below. Applications are valid for a period of 12 months. Beyond that time students will be required to submit a new application.

Semester | Placement Deadline

Fall | May 1
Spring | September 15

  • Candidates are allowed to state preferences for student teaching and practica placements, but first priority is to place according to availability of qualified classroom supervising teachers. Graduate students working on emergency permits may request to complete their student teaching experience in their own classroom. Permission to do this must be given by the school corporation and the director of student teaching and clinical practice. Other factors that influence placement decisions follow.
  • Candidates typically are placed within 20 miles of IU South Bend.
  • Candidates may not complete student teaching or practica experiences in corporations where they are school board members or are related to a school board member.
  • Candidates may student teach out of state in Michigan where we have established contractual agreements. Candidates need to request permission from the director of student teaching and clinical practice for other out of state placements.
  • Candidates are not placed in schools where their children are in attendance or where they have been students.
  • It is the candidate’s responsibility to complete forms accurately, submit them according to the deadlines above, and to meet all eligibility criteria before they can begin their student teaching or graduate practicum experience.
  • Check the Student Teaching Policies for further information.

Timeline for Master's Degree Completion

Once candidates have been admitted into a degree program, they have two years to complete their first course. Candidates then have six years to complete all degree requirements beginning when they have enrolled in their first course in the program. If candidates are admitted and do not take a course within two years, they must reapply for admission into the degree program.

Field and Clinical Experience for Graduate Students

Graduate candidates in the School of Education complete a variety of field and clinical experiences. Some of these are integrated into coursework and do not require a separate placement. Students working on licensure in elementary education, any secondary teaching license, and a license in exceptional needs mild intervention may require separate placements for certain field or clinical experiences and should work with the director of clinical and field experiences for these placements.

Required Field Experience for Elementary Education

Graduate students in elementary education are required to complete field experience, practica and/or student teaching if their program of study includes certification. Field experience requirements are specific to individual programs of study. Students should refer to their advising sheet and/or consult their advisor for current field requirements for their program of study.

Required Field Experience for Secondary Education

Graduate students in secondary education are required to complete field experience, practica and/or student teaching if their program of study includes certification. Field experience requirements are specific to individual programs of study. Students should refer to their advising sheet and/or consult their advisor for current field requirements for their program of study.

Required Field Experience for Special Education

Graduate students in special education who are working on their initial teaching license or an additional license will typically complete field experiences in specific placements. If approved, these placements may be in the classroom where they are employed. Students should refer to the advising sheet, consult their advisor, and meet with the director of clinical and field experiences for current field requirements for their program of study.

  • Mild intervention
  • Intense intervention

Required Field Experience for Counseling and Human Services

Counseling students complete practica and internships that meet CACREP accreditation standards. Students should refer to the advising sheet and/or consult with the program coordinator and their advisor for current requirements.

  • Alcohol and substance abuse
  • Clinical mental health counseling
  • School counseling


The School of Education was granted continuing accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Indiana Department of Education Division of Professional Standards through 2027. The School of Education met all CAEP standards for initial and advanced programs. The Counseling and Human Services degree program has received national accreditation by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).


Graduate programs are aligned with appropriate national and state standards. The Educational Leadership Program is aligned with standards from the National Educational Leadership Prepraration. All programs in Counseling and Human Services are aligned with standards from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.