Master of Science in Education/School Counseling
Pictured | Ana Fernanda Aguirre | Master of Science in Education, School Counseling | Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Purdue University, 2018 | Logansport, Indiana (hometown)
Professional Experience | Educational Diagnostician, Logansport Special Services (Logansport, Indiana)
Volunteer Activity | Logansport High School Diversity Club volunteer
Master of Science in Education/School Counseling
The Master of Science in Education/School Counseling consists of 60 credit hours of graduate study.
Upon completing this program, graduates will be eligible to apply for licensure as professional school counselors in Indiana and will be prepared to work in school settings with P-12 students, parents, administrators, and other stakeholders. Students fulfill requirements in both the common counseling core of the curriculum as well as courses specific to school counseling. The program follows a cohort model wherein students are admitted and take courses with an identified group of their peers. The program can be completed in a minimum of three years of full-time study, which includes summer classes.
Admission Procedures
For further information regarding admission procedures, please see the School of Education Graduate Degrees page.
Application deadline is April 1; program starts in May. For priority consideration, the full application is due February 15. Additional consideration of applications will occur March 15.
Interview and Orientation Day is the fourth Friday of March.
For more information, contact the Education Advising office at
Degree Requirements (60 cr.)
All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.
First Year Courses (18 cr.)
- EDUC-G 500 Orientation to Counseling
- EDUC-G 522 Counseling Techniques
- EDUC-G 523 Laboratory Counseling and Guidance
- EDUC-G 562 School Counseling
- EDUC-G 575 Multicultural Counseling
- EDUC-P 514 Lifes Span Development: Birth-Death
Second Year Courses (18 cr.)
- EDUC-G 505 Individual Appraisal: Principles and Procedures
- EDUC-G 515 Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders
- EDUC-G 524 Practicum in Counseling
- EDUC-G 532 Introduction to Group Counseling
- EDUC-G 567 Marriage and Family Counseling
- EDUC-G 592 Seminar in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Third Year Courses (18 cr.)
- EDUC-G 507 Lifestyle and Career Development
- EDUC-G 517 Crisis and Trauma Counseling
- EDUC-G 542 Organization and Development of Counseling Programs
- EDUC-G 550 Internship in Counseling
Fall and spring semesters - EDUC-G 590 Research in Counseling and Guidance
Final Summer (6 cr.)
- EDUC-G 516 Understanding Child and Adolescent Behavioral Disorders
- EDUC-G 570 Human Sexuality