Admissions and General Information
Pictured | Yasmine Hernandez | Associates of Science in Radiography | Elkhart, Indiana (hometown)
Admissions and General Information
Program Application Deadline
A maximum of 24 students are admitted each fall semester. The application opens February 1st of each year and closes on April 1st.
Required Admission Materials
Students must apply and be admitted to Indiana University South Bend. After being admitted to the University, students will need to apply to the Radiography Program by completing an application.
Admission to the Clinical/Professional Program is based upon program requirement and the admission rating system for the radiography program. Please see the IU South Bend Radiography Program website for more information.
Academic Renewal
If a student was granted academic renewal by the University, then the student should use the Student Undergraduate Program Summary GPA instead of the Indiana University Undergraduate Summary GPA for their Cumulative GPA.
Volunteer Experience
Although not a requirement, volunteer experience is recommended and is very helpful in making a career choice.
Criminal History Background Checks
A past criminal history may become a significant barrier to service learning placements, clinical practicum rotation placements, or have a negative impact on a graduate’s ability to sit for a registry or certification examination or obtain a license to practice. While a conviction of a crime does not automatically disqualify a student from participation in the educational experience, a criminal history may be grounds for denying progression depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding each individual case.
Affiliates of Indiana University agree that the background check that is conducted by the University for compliance with Policy PS-01 is sufficient unless it is specifically stated otherwise in the affiliation agreement. Policy PS-01 states that students are subject to a criminal background check, which includes a sex offender registry check, within the last five years. The background check and sex offender registry checks must be repeated at least every five years thereafter. Individual programs or units may require more frequent updates.
The School Requirement to Disclose form must be completed and submitted annually if the student is continuing in a course-related service or clinical practicum requirement in a subsequent year(s).
The successful passing of the required Indiana University background check may not be sufficient to pass future background checks for future licensure, certification, or job placement.
Students are responsible for applying for the criminal history background check and all fees associated with the check upon their application for the clinical program.
Participation in Clinical Experience
A student may be prohibited from participation in Clinical Experience coursework if they have been convicted of certain crimes. These crimes may include but are not limited to: rape, criminal deviate conduct; exploitation of an endangered child and/or adult; failure to report battery, neglect, or exploitation of an endangered child and/or adult; murder; voluntary manslaughter; and operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI).
A conviction of any of the above crimes at any time during an individual’s life may prohibit them from entering clinical rotations. In addition, if an individual was convicted of involuntary manslaughter; felony battery; a felony offense relating to a controlled substance; or theft within five (5) years before the individual’s start of clinical rotations, the individual may not be able to enter clinical rotations.
Drug Policy
All admitted clinical professional students will be required to have a drug screen prior to attending clinical experience and every year; and it may be required on demand under certain situations at the clinical site. A positive drug screen may result in removal from the clinical site and possible dismissal from the program.
Admission Standards
Students enrolled in the Preradiography or Clinical/Professional Program are subject to academic standards as established by IU South Bend. Failure to maintain these standards could lead to progression issues or dismissal from the program. The standards are explained to students during their initial orientation/advising session.
Detailed information can be found in policy R-4, Radiography Essential Abilities.
Essential Abilities
The Radiologic Sciences faculty has specified the following nonacademic criteria (essential abilities) which all applicants and enrolled students are expected to meet in order to participate in the Radiologic Sciences programs and professional practice.
Student Policies and Procedures
Please go to for all School of Health Science Policies and Radiography and Medical Imaging Policies.
ARRT Certification Eligibility
Issues addressed by the ARRT Rules of Ethics include convictions, criminal procedures, military court martials, or any matter described as a gross misdemeanor, misdemeanor, or felony act(s).
Candidates are required to report charges or convictions that have been withheld, deferred, stayed, set aside, suspended, or entered into a pre-trial diversion, or involved a plead of guilty or no contest (nolo contendere). Candidates do not need to report juvenile convictions that were processed in juvenile court, traffic citations that did not involve drugs or alcohol, or offenses that were previously reported to and formally cleared by the ARRT.
Candidates who had any license, registration, or certification denied, revoked, suspended, placed on probation, or subjected to discipline by a regulatory authority or certification board (other than ARRT) must contact the ARRT.
Additionally, candidates for certification are required to disclose any honor code violations that may have occurred while attending any institution of higher education (probation, suspension, or dismissal). If any of these situations apply or if a candidate is uncertain about a potential probable cause (drunk driving, possession of alcohol, possession or use of an illegal substance), they must contact the ARRT at (651) 687-0048 to discuss their particular case. This is to prevent the student from having completed the Associate of Science degree program only to be found ineligible to take the ARRT examination.
Clinical Placements
Admission to the university as a preradiography student, and successful completion of the general-education coursework, does not guarantee admission to the Associate of Science degree program. The number of clinical/professional students admitted each fall semester is dependent upon the number of clinical placements available at affiliated agencies.
A list of all clinical agencies can be found on the Radiography Program's website.
Withdrawal and Reinstatement
Students who leave the Radiography or Medical Imaging Program may be given a second opportunity to complete the program. Students will be considered for reinstatement by the Applied Health Science Council (AHSC) on a case-by-case basis. Being reinstated is not automatic or guaranteed. The program follows the rules and procedures of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) which may impact reinstatement.
The program faculty recommends graduating students with superior academic performance for degrees awarded with distinction.
Also each year, three awards are given to students that are graduating. The awards include the IU South Bend Outstanding Student Award for Clinical Excellence, the IU South Bend Academic Excellence Award, and the IU South Bend Most Improved Student Award.
Graduation Requirements
Satisfactory completion of 75 credit hours, to include 19 credit hours of general education courses and 56 credit hours of clinical/professional courses, must be completed in compliance with the academic and professional policies of the school and individual programs in order to graduate.